Layman System

Chapter 2243: Leave with anger

Looking at the scene in front of him, even if Zhong Shiqi casts his admiration on Zhou Dong's five bodies, Luo Yufei can't be beaten in a few words.

Now Luo Yufei not only has to pay the 60,000 yuan bill, but he may even owe Zhou Dong 130,000 yuan. Even if Zhong Shiqi feels that Zhou Dong is not involved in MLM.

I brainwashed it in a set, and took the Luo Yufei in front of him for a while, even if he hinted at Zhou Dong: "Hahaha, Brother Zhou, I really admire this action."

Of course, Zhou Dong also heard the hint in his words, even when he said: "Hahaha, if this action is not done without you, I would naturally not be able to accomplish this, so this matter still depends on your help."

When Luo Yufei watched the conversation between the two people, he became confused, because he could not understand what the two people were talking about. When the two of Zhou Dong saw the doubt on Luo Yufei's face, he laughed.

They didn't expect that there was such a stupid person who was slaughtered and didn't know how things happened, and they couldn't even hear them being laughed at in person.

After the meal, everyone left the restaurant. At this moment, Wang Chanchan stood up and said to everyone: "Now that we finally have time, let's go sing k and relax."

Hearing this, Eric came out first and said: "I agree, I'm exhausted all this time."

Wang Xinxin also stood up and said, "I also agree. It's rare to have time to relax now. How can I not go."

Zhong Shiqi also pulled Zhou Dong and said, "I agree with him, then let's go now." During this period of high-intensity training every day, everyone has long been exhausted, not to mention everyone in this competition. It was just improvised together and needed to be run in.

The training and the break-in period have caused everyone to be exhausted. Now it is rare to have time to play and relax. How can we not go?

However, they had forgotten that there was also an old *** from the Tiangong organization here, and saw that he walked out and said to Wang Chanchan, "No, I disagree with this matter, you are not allowed to go!"

When everyone heard this, even their faces were lost. After all, the Red Dragon had spoken, so it must be impossible to go, and Dang even planned to go back to rest their bodies after a long time.

However, at this moment, Wang Chanchan stood up and confronted Honglong with an angry expression: "Why can't you? It's our time to rest, why not allow us to go?"

I saw Hong Long’s face became serious, and he looked at Wang Chanchan and said: “It depends on you to compete, it depends on you not to waste too much time here, but on the basis that you have time to sing k, why not too much Train for a while to give yourself more confidence in the game."

Everyone bowed their heads as soon as the words were outstanding, and they all knew that Red Dragon was right, but they were exhausted during this time.

They also took advantage of this time to relax. They saw Wang Chanchan looking at the red dragon with an anger, a pair of bright eyes full of anger, and said: "Then you know that our high-intensity training during this period of time treats us How tired are you? Do you know how much we all cherish this rare rest time?"

Upon seeing this, the red dragon said, "Training is what you should do. Whatever you do, you will be tired. If you are afraid of being tired, what will you do?"

When Wang Chanchan saw this, even though he looked at the red dragon with an angry expression, but layers of mist had already appeared in his eyes, he would cry at any time, and said to the red dragon: "I'm asking you the last time, how are you? Let us go?"

Hong Long was a little bit unbearable when he saw it. After all, it was his own daughter, but as the boss of the Tiangong organization, he had already understood that everything was task-oriented, but his tone was calmed down and said to Wang Chanchan:

"I said, if you go back to train, then I won't stop anything, but if you want to indulge in singing K, then I will definitely not agree."

I saw a tear drop from Wang Chanchan’s eyes, looking at the father in front of me, who I hadn’t seen several times a year, and now it’s hard to meet him. I have to treat myself with such a posture, even when he is facing him. He roared, "I hate you!" Then he ran out in the dark night.

At this moment, Zhou Dong walked up to Hong Long and said, "Why are you so angry? Anyway, she is your daughter."

I saw Hong Long sighed and said, "Hey, it's because she is my daughter, that's why I am like this. Isn't it okay to have time to train?"

I saw Zhou Dong shook his head and said: "They have been very tired during this period of high-intensity training. In addition, this team is pieced together. Everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. Taking this opportunity to relax is also correct."

Who knows Hong Longdang even said: "Then we shouldn't relax, and we should hurry up and get in touch with each other."

Looking at the stubborn red dragon in front of him, Zhou Dongdang had a headache, and then said to him: "But you have to understand, your father, who hasn't seen each other for several years, treats your own daughter as soon as he appears. , She can't accept it more or less."

When the red dragon saw this, he replied: "I can't accept it. It's not the reason for them to sing K."

"..." Why doesn't Zhou Dong make sense when looking at the one in front of him? Helplessly said: "We didn't go to KTV to drink, just sing and sing and drink a drink to relax, right? Combination of work and rest will make everyone progress.

When the red dragon saw this, he said: "After training for so long, suddenly playing will make them relax a bit, which is not good for them to compete."

I saw Zhou Dong slowly shook his head and said, "But if you keep pressing them like this, you will keep their spirits in a tight state, which is even worse for them."

At this time, Honglong also looked around and found that everyone’s face was full of exhaustion. When even feeling that he was doing something wrong, he turned his head very neatly and asked Dong Zhou: "I am Didn't it make a mistake?"

Zhou Dong shook his head and said with a gratified smile on his face: "You have done nothing wrong, but the way is wrong. As a father, you still have to communicate more with your daughter. After all, your daughter has to be pampered."

When Hong Long heard this, even if he turned and looked in the direction where Wang Chanchan ran away, he planned to chase her back and make no mistake, but there was still a little bit of her where he looked.

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