Layman System

Chapter 2258: Jealous

I saw Zhou Dong walked out side by side with Zhou Yuyu, "Miss Zhou, we will get together next time." When he arrived outside the door, Zhou Dong said to Zhou Yuyu.

"Well, good Mr. Zhou is very happy to chat with you tonight, looking forward to our next meeting, goodbye." Zhou Yuyu also replied with a smile.

But what Zhou Dong didn’t know was that this scene was completely seen by Li Li who had just come out. As soon as she came out, she saw Zhou Dong and a beautiful-looking and well-taught woman talking about something. After speaking, the two turned to each other and left.

When even an anger rises in my heart, the one with an angry face is walking towards Zhou Dong, and Zhou Dong, who is about to go back after saying hello here, has already seen Li Li walking towards him. Seeing that the look on her face seemed to be raging, her eyes seemed to gush out fire because of anger.

"What's wrong, my wife who bullied you tell me, I will help you teach him." Zhou Dong walked up to Li Li when he saw this.

Unexpectedly, Li Li looked at the pretending stupid person in front of him with an angry face and said: "Don't pretend to be stupid here. Did you tell me or I point it out?"

When Zhou Dong heard this, even if he was puzzled, what should he say? How did she feel like she was angry, did she do something wrong? Zhou Dong looked at Li Li blankly and said, "What's the matter, wife, did I do something wrong? Or something happened?"

When Li Li saw the incident, Zhou Dong, who was still pretending to be stupid in front of her, said to him, "Who was that woman just now?"

When Zhou Dong heard that she knew she had misunderstood herself, thinking that she and Zhou Yuyu had a leg, Dangyan explained: "She and I are just friends. Don't think too much about my wife. There is definitely a clear relationship between me and her. For nothing, there is no other non-discriminatory relationship."

Li Li looked at Zhou Dong with a look of disbelief on her face and said, "It's just a friend? Then I asked how you saw you two laughing and joking?"

When Zhou Dong saw this, even if he felt helpless, he couldn't cleanse himself after jumping into the Yellow River. He had no choice but to say, "My wife, I really don't have that kind of relationship with her. You have to believe me, let's talk about this. It is also very troublesome to explain things."

When Li Li saw this, the mist appeared in both eyes, as if she was about to cry anytime. She looked at Zhou Dong and said, "I love you so much and treat you wholeheartedly. Now you are connected to I think it is troublesome to explain, have you been deformed a long time ago? Did you have a leg with that woman?"

Zhou Dong felt a headache when he saw it. After all, he and Song Juyu were too complicated to explain it for a while, but looking at the person in front of him who was about to cry, his heart was extremely mental. He stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

He whispered to her softly: "My wife, you have to believe me, I only love you, and I will only be with you in this life."

Li Li felt the warmth in her arms and listened to the softly sweet words in her ears, and the anger in her heart was relieved a little. She pushed away Zhou Dong and looked at him with a bad face and said, "I hope You can give me a perfect explanation for this, or you will be dead."

When Zhou Dong saw this, he said to her, "The woman who was with me just now is called Zhou Yuyu. I also accidentally ran into it on the street."

Immediately before Zhou Dong's words were finished, Li Li on the side was getting angry, looking at Zhou Dong with an angry expression, and said, "You actually lied to me. Didn't you just say that you are just friends? Is a woman you casually looking for on the street a friend?"

After that, I went up to punch and kick Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong also felt the pain of his body, knowing that Li Li must be very sad. If the matter is not explained clearly this time, I am afraid it will cause her a lot. The hurt, Dang Even came forward and hugged her tightly.

Said to her: "You should be stable first, don't be angry, don't be impatient, listen carefully to my explanation, is it good?"

I saw Li Li in his arms, took a deep breath, calmed down the emotions in her heart, then looked at Zhou Dong and said, "Go ahead, explain it to me."

I saw Zhou Dong with helpless face and Li Li with angry face under the dark night lights and in the streets without people. Zhou Dong said to Li Li, "Although she is me on the road I met, but I knew her, but she didn't know me."

"Huh? You know her, why doesn't she know you?" Li Li asked the doubts in her heart when she saw this, and then Zhou Dong explained: "Because she is the fiancée of my rival company boss Song Juyu, so I have only understood, but she doesn’t know who I am."

"Huh? Then why did you take her to drink?" The more Li Li listened, the more confused she became, and she kept asking her doubts.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he explained: "According to my judgment, she should have quarreled with Song Juyu, so she was so sad that she walked to the side of the road alone."

"She and Song Juyu quarreled with you, what's the matter? You haven't said why you went to drink with her?" Li Lidang was about to get angry.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he said quickly: "She was emotionally hurt by the quarrel, so I took her to drink to comfort her."

When Li Li didn't listen, he became even more angry when he heard it, and said to Zhou Dong, "What is your business for her quarrel with her fiance? Is it your turn to comfort you?"

Zhou Dong said helplessly, "Yes, yes, but I can't help it, otherwise I wouldn't do it."

Li Li immediately asked, "Huh? Why can't you do it?"

Zhou Dong explained: "The Song Group where Song Juyu belongs is the rival of my company, but the reason why the Song Group has Song Juyu’s fiancée today depends on it, so I will start from here to get them There is a gap."

After listening to Li Li, even if it is a little difficult to accept, after all, let her man and other women frequently contact, and she still has to comfort other women at night. As long as a woman can’t accept it, but it is such an important thing for the company, she has to Warn Dong Zhou: "I'm telling you, you'd better not mess around, and report to me when you stay with her, understand?"

"Then wife, do you agree?" Zhou Dong asked cautiously when he saw this, and Li Li nodded without saying anything.

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