Layman System

Chapter 2267: Hero saves beauty

Originally Zhong Shiqi didn't intend to get involved in this matter, but the two people kept fighting with each other and Zhong Shiqi had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Although things are a bit risky now, there shouldn't be any big problems. As long as this thing succeeds, Zhou Dong won't have to worry about it.

They just did what they said, and after that, they found a robber, who was also their own, and they could be guaranteed not to hurt them.

"Could it be that I will find a way to look at Zhou Yujue's route later, and then you will just take someone there and wait there," Zhou Dong said.

Zhou Dong was also a little guilty when he said this. After all, this matter is not too bright. If it is stabbed out at that time, it may embarrass everyone on the court.

But now Zhou Dong can't think of another way, let's do this first.

"Okay, then I will arrange for someone, and when the time comes, you leave us a clue." Zhong Shiqi said.

Zhong Shiqi said he didn't want to come here, but when he really arrived at the scene, Zhong Shiqi began to make plans for this matter called a professional.

After finally finding Zhou Yujue's route, several people became waiting there. The robber arranged by Zhou Dong at the beginning quickly escaped, and things started to go very smoothly.

But it seemed that Zhou Yujue was also very calm. It didn't take long for the robber arranged by Zhou Dong to be retreated and beaten away.

But at this moment, some other people suddenly jumped out around him. Zhou Dong was still feeling strange, and he realized that the purpose of these people seemed impure.

Zhong Shiqi glanced at Zhou Dong who was not far away, and still felt a little puzzled. It was obvious that this time the person was Zhong Shiqi. How could he suddenly jump out so many people if he was alone? Could it be that Zhou Dong hired someone again?

Zhou Dong waved his hand to show that he didn't know.

Zhou Dong was an uncomfortable one, and he almost came forward to ask these people what they were doing, but fortunately, Zhou Xuan thought of Zhou Yujue by the side. If he appeared at this time, I am afraid it would be again. One thing.

Zhong Shiqi also probably knew what was going on on the court, and asked those people, "What are you doing?"

Those people didn't pay attention to Zhong Shiqi, they all had knives in their hands, as if they were bound to win Zhong Shiqi and Zhou Yujue, it seemed that the one who came was not good.

Just now Zhong Shiqi had rescued Zhou Yujue, but at this time, I didn't know what these people were. Zhou Yujue also said: "I don't think these people are simply knotted. I'm sorry, I'm tired of you, so hurry up."

Zhong Shiqi shook his head. Although today's things were a bit unexpected, Zhong Shiqi watched Zhou Yujue being besieged here by these people alone, but Zhong Shiqi had never been able to do this kind of thing by himself.

"It doesn't matter, let me deal with these people." Zhong Shiqi attacked these people after speaking.

Originally Zhong Shiqi's ability was not weak, but these people were better than the crowd, and Zhong Shiqi who appeared suddenly, was still in shock, did not slow down, and for a time Zhong Shiqi was caught off guard by these people.

Zhong Shiqi was about to be knocked to the ground by those people. At this moment, Zhou Yujue suddenly shot and stood in front of Zhong Shiqi.

Zhou Dong sat on the sidelines and watched when, if the two were lost, Zhou Dong would not be caught when the money was paid.

But today's incident is really too strange, why are there such two people suddenly appearing?

"What the **** is going on?" Zhou Dong frowned and thought.

Needless to think about it, these people were definitely not arranged by Zhou Dong and the others, but why did they suddenly appear here by such a coincidence, and the most important thing is who these people came from.

What Zhou Dong didn't expect was that Zhou Yujue's stretched out hand was also very good and came together with Zhong Shiqi, and it didn't take long to beat those people back.

After those people left, Zhong Shiqi and Zhou Yujue were relieved.

Zhong Shiqi asked inadvertently: "I don't know where these people come from, they stretched out so well."

I patted Hui Zhong Shiqi on his body and found that Zhou Yujue's expression was a little stiff.

Zhong Shiqi thought at this time that Zhou Yujue had already discovered those little actions that he and Zhou Dong did. When he first explained it, he heard Zhou Yujue say: "I don’t know if it happened to be a robbery. I’m sorry to hurt you. Really, thank you. you."

It wasn't just the incident that pushed those people, most of them were Zhou Yujue. Originally, Zhou Dong and the others wanted to stage a hero to save the beauty, but they didn't expect to become a heroine.

Zhou Yujue stretched out his hand and shook hands with Zhong Shiqi and said, "Thank you for some things. If you weren't halfway there just now, I might have been attacked by those people. Let's leave me a contact information. If you have a chance in the future I will repay you."

I don't know why after Zhong Shiqi shook hands with Zhou Yujue, he always felt that he was getting an electric shock, and he left Zhou Yujue's contact information uncontrollably.

Blushing again, he nodded and said, "It's okay, it's not a big deal. You can come to me if you need my help in the future, and my phone can be turned on at any time."

Zhou Yujue smiled and said, "Okay, it's the same for me, just as we will make friends later, come and find me if you have any difficulties."

"Okay, when do you have time, or I'll treat you to a meal." After talking all the time, I was afraid of Zhou Yujue's misunderstanding and quickly followed up: "Don't get me wrong, it's like this. I just met someone New friend, so I want to treat you to dinner. Today’s incident is also very fate."

Zhong Shiqi has completely forgotten these robbers today, and half of them are Zhong Shiqi, who found them alone.

"Okay, then I will call you when I have time, thank you so much."

Zhou Yujue left after nodding, and Zhong Shiqi didn't react half a day after Zhou Yujue left.

Zhou Dong watched from the side, and finally Zhou Yujue left. Zhou Dong had doubts about the matter just now, but he didn't ask.

The most important thing now is why those robbers appeared on the way.

Originally, Zhou Dong thought that after sending Zhou Yujue away, Zhong Shiqi would come to find himself, but he didn't expect to look in Zhong Shiqi's direction, Zhong Shiqi was staring there.

Until Zhou Dong came over and patted Zhong Shiqi: "What are you doing?"

Zhong Shiqi still didn't react, Zhou Dong was a little speechless. Although Zhou Dong knew that Zhou Yujue was beautiful, he wouldn't have taken Zhong Shiqi's whole soul away so quickly.

Zhong Shiqi still didn't react.

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