Layman System

Chapter 2277: Secret love

"What did you say about Zhou Yuyu's appointment with me?" Zhong Shiqi said to Zhou Dong. Although he tried to hide his excitement, he still let Zhou Dong see it.

Zhou Dong said in his heart, this kid, since seeing Zhou Yuyu, has been out of his mind, and he seems to have been on a stimulant. Is it possible that Zhou Yuyu's charm is really that great?

But Zhou Dong still said: "Maybe it's a little interesting to you, I want to learn more."

The reason Zhong Shiqi just asked this was to find a psychological comfort. He was really impressed by Zhou Yuyu's beauty, but when one person liked another, he often felt inferior. On the one hand, Zhong Shiqi hopes that he will be valued by Zhou Yuyu, and on the other hand, he dare not express it openly because of the importance of his feelings.

Zhou Dong naturally saw it, so he gave Zhong Shiqi an ambiguous answer.

At this time, Zhou Yuyu's attitude may not be that important. After all, feelings are all pursued. As long as Zhong Shiqi relaxes his mind and attacks boldly, there are still plenty of opportunities.

What's more, Zhou Yuyu also asked Zhong Shiqi to come out. What this meant was self-evident.

Zhou Dong has always felt guilty for Zhou Yuyu. Zhou Dong felt that he had used Zhou Yuyu, and Zhou Yuyu could not return to a new track, so Zhou Dong actually wanted to match Zhou Yuyu and Zhong Shiqi.

One is a woman who is owed in his heart, and the other is a good brother in his own studio. If these two people get what they want, he will be happy.

Perhaps this is now one of the few warmths under the shadow of the Big Bird organization.

Zhou Dong has a system, and he rarely feels the fatigue and powerlessness of reality. Everything in the past seems to be in his hands. This time the big bird organization made him feel a trace of victory and defeat in his head. He suddenly understood His father-in-law is willing to retreat from a high position, probably the only unknown in this life is the most interesting.

I hope that big bird organization can bring him a little surprise.

Zhou Yuyu had been waiting in the restaurant for a long time. She felt that the act of making a woman wait for so long was really not a gentleman, but she also thought that Zhong Shiqi, who was working under Zhou Dong's hands, might really not have much time to deal with this dinner.

After being so entangled, Zhou Yuyu felt relieved, and waited for Zhong Shiqi to come over.

Zhou Yuyu’s restaurant is a Western-style restaurant with a very elegant style. The table set at a corner near the window has some warm light on the tableware and bouquets in the evening, giving it some medieval romance. The surrounding design fits the customer's privacy very well. They are all isolated with a unique design, which is not rigid and alienated.

Fortunately, Zhong Shiqi did not let Zhou Yuyu wait too long. Although there was a special time for the Big Bird organization, he and Zhou Dong hurriedly came over.

Zhou Dong is a little self-aware, and feels that if he and Zhou Yuyu are sitting at the same table, the two of them will inevitably be unfamiliar and can't talk, so I went to the waiter and ordered them at a distant place. At the table, I ordered food, looked at the two slowly, waiting for myself to order food by the way.

But to Zhou Dong's expectation, the two men actually quarreled.

This woman, Zhou Yuyu, is different from Li Li. Li Li used to be a people's policeman. She does not procrastinate in her work. She is very simple and tidy. She seldom makes some coy gestures. She speaks one way to the other and is very refreshing.

But judging from the relationship between Zhou Dong and Zhou Yuyu these days, although Zhou Yuyu's personal ability is very strong, but it is the psychology of the youngest daughter. If you really care about a person, she loves acting like a baby. Although she is very sensible in her heart, she still does things. Another set.

For many men, they don’t feel annoying. They actually like their own women very much. As long as they don’t be stupid, what's the point of being innocent and acting like a baby?

Zhou Dong felt that Zhong Shiqi was like this, but Zhong Shiqi's uprightness still annoyed Zhou Yuyu.

Zhou Dong's ears are very good. Even in such a restaurant, he can hear what Zhou Yuyu and Zhong Shiqi are saying.

The cause of the incident was that Zhou Yuyu asked Zhong Shiqi why he came so late. Zhong Shiqi is a straight male mentality. According to ordinary men, he would apologize first to make the other party feel sincere.

In fact, when a woman asks these questions, she doesn't expect the man to answer herself, but seeks a sense of existence and a sense of security that is valued.

However, Zhong Shiqi did not play the cards according to common sense. He directly complained to Zhou Yuyu: "I am really not late. We agreed at six o'clock! It was you who came early, and I was so busy."

Zhou Yuyu naturally became angry when she heard it, and got up to leave with her bag.

Zhou Dong, who was watching the show over there, really sweated for these two people. Zhong Shiqi's emotional intelligence is also true, but Zhou Dong can also tell that Zhou Yuyu is not really angry.

It is estimated that these two people are indifferent to love.

Zhong Shiqi saw Zhou Yuyu getting up to leave, and then he reacted and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yuyu, don't be angry, it's my problem, don't go."

While he was talking, he wanted to stop Zhou Yuyu at the same time. However, he was somewhat educated. He knew that he could not pull the girl without authorization. This was a dilemma. Zhou Yuyu had been waiting for Zhong Shiqi to come and pull himself, and he could sit down. Continue to act like a baby, who knows if Zhong Shiqi can still dare.

It's really weird and interesting, Zhou Yuyu thought.

"Okay, you are just talking about what you have." Zhou Yuyu said, making a serious gesture and suppressing the smile on his red lips.

Zhong Shiqi didn't realize that he would still have a chance. He secretly glanced at Zhou Yuyu, who was about to leave, and saw Zhou Yuyu standing under the window. Twilight took her across a layer of gold, dressed in a moon-white dress.

Zhou Yuyu stretched out an arm and looked up at him. Gu Pan's brilliant eyes were full of Zhong Shiqi's own shadow.

Zhong Shiqi is now full of wishful thinking and daydreaming. Finally, he took Zhou Yuyu's arm and squatted and said: "Yuyu, I am wrong... I don't know what's wrong... It's wrong to make you unhappy..."

Zhou Yuyu laughed at this, but still said, "Although you are good at speaking, I still can't forgive you."

"Why, Yuyu?" Zhong Shiqi had successfully pulled Zhou Yuyu back to his seat, and watched Zhou Yuyu smirk foolishly, without knowing that he was being spied on by two people.

One is Zhou Dong and the other is Song Juyu.

The former is pleased with him, the latter is hateful.

Zhou Dong naturally found out there too. He had just realized Zhou Yuyu’s sincere feelings for Zhong Shiqi, and when he secretly blessed the two of them, he saw Song Juyu walking over with someone and shouting in a quiet restaurant without quality. Said: "Zhou Yuyu, you are really a bitch, you hook up with everyone!"

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