Layman System

Chapter 2281: quarrel

Zhou Dong sat in the room alone and waited for Red Dragon to come back. He believed that the scandal had already come out. Red Dragon should hurry back in a short time.

Because his task is probably already completed, it would be unreasonable if he doesn't rush back.

Unless he has some urgent tasks to complete, but even if there are urgent tasks to complete, Red Dragon will definitely come back. After all, his daughter is still here, and he will take a good look before he leaves. Take a look at his daughter.

He and Wang Chanchan have not seen each other for a long time, so how could he be willing to leave his daughter right away.

No matter what, he would come back and take a look. As long as he came back and took a look, he would definitely be able to catch it. As long as he caught him, that matter would fall into place.

Zhou Dong really didn't think wrong. When he waited late at night, he really waited for the red dragon to come back. When he saw the red dragon, he asked the questions in his heart. This matter really existed in his heart for a long time. Because the biggest question in her heart is this matter.

He had already wanted to acquire the Song Group, but he didn't expect such a big event to happen.

Now that the Song Group has such a big scandal, what use is it to acquire him? It is not good for me at all.

After thinking about this, I told Honglong it was fine, because those things hadn't been resolved yet.

Neither he nor Hong Long could complete the task, so he didn't worry at all, but he didn't expect Zhong Shiqi to complete his task as soon as Zhou Yuyu got the red dragon, and didn't say anything to himself.

Then how should the two of them discuss matters between them, Hong Long didn't know what else he had planned, and went straight to complete his tasks, wouldn't it be a delay in his own affairs?

He originally thought that he himself and Hong Long could find a compromise between them.

Anyway, there is no rush to deal with the Song Group. The Song Group will later specify that there is no backer. Anyway, he will only be the backer of the Zhou Family. Now the Zhou Family doesn't help them anymore. What can they do with the Song Group for a while.

But Hong Long was too anxious, and he didn't give himself time at all, and he didn't give himself time to explain. He was a little angry now, and he waited for a while before Hong Long came back.

"Did you do the Song Group's affairs? You must have done the Song Group's scandal.

You have already told me what your task is, then you must do this thing. No one but you can do this kind of thing. "

"I really did this thing. What's wrong? Is there anything you haven't done yet? You didn't tell me before.

And now my task is the most important thing. I haven't completed my task for so long, so I became anxious. I just did the thing without discussing it with you in advance. Could it be that something happened? "

"Don't you know that I want to acquire the Song Group? How can I accomplish my task if you just broke the Song Group?

I have been acquiring the Song Group. I think you must be aware of this matter.

And I told you so many things. How could you not think of it? If I want to buy him, he must make his reputation better and better. But now his reputation is like this, what use is it for me to buy him? "

"I really thought you would talk about the Song Group, but this is my task, and I can't help it.

I have helped you so many things, and that piece of land has been given to you. I always have to complete my tasks. If I can’t accomplish my tasks because of your affairs, then what else do I have in my career as Tiangong? use? "

"But why don't you ask my opinion before you do something? The two of us can still discuss it.

You don’t have the time to discuss with the two of us at all, and you don’t give me time to react. You did this directly, what do you want me to do? Now I am ready there, but nothing is needed anymore. On it. "

"But you don't want to think that I have helped you so much. If we discuss it again between the two of us, then I won't be able to complete my task.

And my task is like this, if I discuss with you how to complete my task, you will definitely not let me break it. "

"But you just discussed with me before, what can you do, what can you do if you say hello to me, you give me time to react.

I have been preparing for this matter for so long, and it has also wasted so much of my energy. Now that I can’t do anything, isn’t it all in vain? "

"I really have no way to discuss this matter with you, because this is originally my task, and when I should do it is when I do it.

If I can discuss with you all the time, then the task I am doing is not a secret, and I can explain everything to you clearly, because the task I am doing is a secret, so I cannot tell you. "

When the two people were arguing, their vigilance fell. They didn't find anyone outside the door, and the people standing outside the door were two sisters, Wang Xinxin and Wang Chanchan.

The two people heard what was the reason for their quarrel, and both of them felt that what Red Dragon had done was wrong.

Because after all, they are all friends. Before doing things, discuss what you can do. Anyway, it won’t be too long. Anyway, this matter is already a foregone conclusion. .

Anyway, they wouldn't delay much, they thought it was Red Dragon's business, so they started to help Zhou Dong talk.

"You are really wrong about this matter. What can you do after discussing it with him?

What can be done to give him a reaction time? He has said that he has been preparing for a long time.

When you did this suddenly, didn't you disrupt all his plans? Didn't this make everything he did before halfway? "

Hong Long did not expect that there was someone behind him, nor did he expect his daughter and his sisters to help Zhou Dong speak.

He felt that he had done nothing wrong in this matter, because he had already told Zhou Dong what his task was like in advance. He had already helped Zhou Dong so much and his task had to be completed.

So there is no way to discuss this matter with him, and there is no way to say hello to him.

He must seize the time to finish all the tasks. He was a little angry when he heard these two people talking for Zhou Dong, so he turned around and left.

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