Layman System

Chapter 2293: Severe finger to save

Wang Xinxin glanced at the people who followed, waved quickly and drove them out. Everyone took a look and then left.

Wang Xinxin was in a bad mood, and everyone did not dare to offend her or anything, but everyone was worried about the situation inside.

But the reason why Wang Xinxin let everyone out was because she left Wang Chanchan to talk to her.

When Wang Chanchan saw that everyone had gone out, he started talking with Wang Xinxin. The way they spoke was also very special, but because Wang Xinxin was worried that she would not tell the truth to herself.

However, Wang Chanchan didn't have the thoughts she had said. Wang Chanchan directly talked to her about Honglong.

After hearing that, Wang Xinxin was immediately shocked. She didn't expect Hong Long to lose a finger for Wang Chanchan, but because Wang Chanchan was Hong Long's daughter, she was not surprised.

When thinking about this, she felt that she should have said all of this, and Wang Xinxin felt that she had to clarify many things with Zhou Dong.

However, she had to ask Wang Chanchan about the matter first, otherwise she couldn't tell Zhou Dong the rest.

Wang Chanchan looked at the people around him and asked, "You have to tell me everything so that I can help you! I let them all go out, just want you to explain everything to me clearly. "

She patted Wang Chanchan on the shoulder and motioned her to tell the story, but at this moment, if the red dragon was there, she would definitely scold Wang Xinxin.

Let her not be nosy, but he is not by their side at the moment, is he? She should ask clearly the things she should ask clearly.

And Wang Chanchan just stared at the person in front of her in a daze and said to her: "The scene just now was terrible, I don't want to say, if it wasn't for his broken finger just now, I might not be able to get out."

That **** scene reminded her that she was mentally uncomfortable now, but even how uncomfortable the memory was, she was forced to keep thinking about it.

This incident has already cast a deep shadow on her mind. She said to the people around her: "Can you stop asking? I won't continue to talk about it when you ask, it's terrible."

She didn't continue talking about how to wipe out the shadow, she was forcing Wang Chanchan to tell the truth.

And it was the kind that she said personally, she said to her: "Do you not even believe me now?"

Believe her, she feels a bit ironic when anyone tells her to believe the word now.

And Zhou Dong at the door had been waiting for the two of them to finish talking inside, but he didn't seem to have any hope for Wang Xinxin.

But he also hoped that she could ask what Wang Chanchan's mouth was, so that it would save him the trouble.

Because women and women talk more closely after all, he said that he gave all his hopes to Wang Xinxin at the moment.

He hoped that Wang Xinxin could ask for some useful information for herself, but she did not ask anything for a long time.

What he heard at the door was also a little anxious, wishing that the person who went in to ask questions was her.

But he didn't go in because he heard the sobbing inside. If he went in at this moment, I'm afraid Wang Chanchan would be scared out of it.

He just waited at the door to see when they could come out.

The voice inside gradually disappeared. He thought the two of them would come out soon, but he waited for a long time without seeing the person inside.

Just when he was about to give up, the insider came out, and she had asked the result, that is, Wang Chanchan's mood is not very good now, because she was frightened by her previous things, and now she has something wrong with her words.

Zhou Dong said that he was clear. What he wanted to ask was the result, nothing else. He heard a lot at the door, but he just didn't hear any important information he wanted to know.

However, from some of Wang Xinxin's words, he could tell that Wang Chanchan was rescued by the red dragon.

But why did Hong Long save her? That's what he asked.

"Because he is Wang Chanchan's father, he saved her. It took me a lot of effort to ask this." When she just finished saying this, she saw Wang Xinxin no longer talking.

She was shocked enough to hear that Honglong had lost one of her fingers and rescued the person.

But at this moment, when he saw the red dragon just coming down from the stairs, he was already speechless.

In his impression, the red dragon should not be that kind of person, but the red dragon at the moment did that kind of thing.

However, when Hong Long came down from the stairs, he aimed at Wang Xinxin and told her to shut up and stop talking about it, let alone she didn’t want to hear about it. No matter what the outcome of the incident, Wang Chanchan was rescued. Just good.

When he saw him coming down, Wang Xinxin hurriedly dared not speak any more.

When he came downstairs, he told them a few: "This matter has been turned over now, don’t you understand it? Don’t mention this matter again. Otherwise, Wang Chanchan will remember it. It's hard to avoid headaches."

Red Dragon naturally hopes that the things that make her headache and painful will not continue to happen, but others may not necessarily think so.

That's why Honglong hurried over to remind them that even if this matter was turned over, no one should mention this matter in the past.

However, it seems that he was watching Wang Xinxin and was still trying to explain the matter to Zhou Dong.

He continued to Zhou Dong: "What else do you want to ask about this matter? You can ask me directly. Don't embarrass a girl. She is already suffering enough, so don't sprinkle it on her wound. Is salt okay?"

Are they the ones who sprinkled salt on her wounds?

They just hope that Wang Chanchan can come out of this incident!

Otherwise, why should they continue to ask questions so thoroughly, it is not a good topic for them!

They were all worried about the Red Dragon, so they wanted to ask about this. Who knew they didn't care about it.

Not to mention the showdown with them!

Zhou Dong understood that what he said to be clear to him was just a perfunctory remark.

Asking Wang Xinxin to shut up himself, seeing the appearance that Honglong himself doesn't care, Wang Xinxin thinks they are telling him what to worry about!

She felt that her worries were unnecessary, but at the moment Zhou Dong said that she still had a task on her hands, but just wanted to keep the people around her from bothering them.

When Wang Xinxin saw that Zhou Dong was no longer asking, she didn't want to continue to take care of it. After all, it was Honglong's business that had anything to do with her. He especially didn't want others to take care of such nosy matters.

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