Layman System

Chapter 842: The hard to serve

There are really not many people who can satisfy An Moqi. Sometimes he will dislike him when he does things, and that is not satisfied!

That's why An Moqi is really a hard-to-serve master. It doesn't pleasing to see what she does!

The little boy has the ability to play Ping An Moqi, it is really extraordinary!

I have a chance, and I am still learning from this little boy to see how he can master An Moqi so accurately!

But now is not a good time to think about these things, now my only purpose is to think about it quickly, how to settle the people who are going to come?

Are you going to prepare some small surprises for them? Let them know that their strength must be untouchable.

Zhou Dong looked at Xiaodong, wondering if he had anything else to say to him? If there is any, he should talk about it quickly and let him prepare more.

Although I have almost prepared everything I did, I still need to rethink. Then take a look at where else the preparation is not particularly accurate.

But Zhou Dong thought about it for a long time and didn't think of anything. It's like this anyway. I should hurry out and wait. It is estimated that the group of people will be there soon.

Zhou Dong slowly stood up. As soon as Xiaodong saw it, he quickly stood up with his elder brother, and even stood there directly.

Zhou Dong walked out slowly. Seeing that the gang of boys had put everything in the hall.

Then they stood on both sides separately, walked over slowly, and then sat there.

Xiaodong quickly followed up and stood at the forefront of the people on both sides.

Zhou Dong found that Xiaodong was standing there suddenly, some of which were too rusty, so he quickly said to him.

"I said, why are you standing there? Come over and sit with me for a while, and then reserve two seats for Dalong and Xiaohu."

Xiaodong nodded when he heard it, and sat there, and then ordered the two younger brothers. Go and get two more chairs.

The two chairs have been placed there neatly. As soon as the two chairs were placed, Dalong brought his brother Xiaohu and walked over.

Xiaodong saw that the two brothers had already arrived, so he quickly stood up and stepped forward to greet him.

As soon as Xiaodong walked over, he started talking to Dalong and Xiaohu.

"I said the two of you can be counted as coming. Just now, my eldest brother said he was thinking about it for a long time when I asked you to come. Maybe it was because I was afraid of something? Be careful when talking later.

When Dalong and Xiaohu arrived at Xiaodong, they nodded immediately for their own good, and then began to ask the doubts in their hearts!

"I said what's the situation? Why did my eldest brother make such a big pomp? Is there anything going to happen today?"

Xiaodong heard the two brothers asking himself like this, so he quickly answered.

"Yeah, you don't know yet. Recently, the bar has encountered a small situation. Today, the person from the other party may come to our bar to find someone. So Big Brother has to let all of us wait here."

As soon as Dalong and Xiaohu heard what happened, they immediately looked incredulous and questioned Xiaodong there.

"I said you are a lie, is this true? How could it be possible? Others don't know about our strength, so how dare to provoke us?"

After listening to Xiaodong, he thought about his previous thoughts like this, but because of his own thoughts, he happened to happen.

So this is also hard to imagine. Then he said with his mouth curled up there.

"Who knows this thing is accurate, oh, I don't know what the situation is. At the beginning, my thoughts were exactly the same as yours. I don't think anyone dares to provoke us. But who knows that it's a man and there is no way. , Can only deal with it."

Dalong nodded and replied after hearing it!

"Okay, OK, then I'll go over and ask my eldest brother what is going on? How come such a character suddenly popped out and rushed directly to us. This is too shameless. Let’s keep it in mind."

Xiaodong also feels like this when he hears this, the person opposite is so arrogant, he actually caught up with his own territory to provoke him.

I can't figure out what's going on now, so I didn't go to explain so much with Dalong and Xiaohu, waiting for my eldest brother to talk to them.

Where did I go to explain the wrong place, so that the two of them have some doubts, what else do I have to clarify? It's still troublesome, so everything is waiting for the big brother's arrangement.

I don't know what's going on here, anyway, I only know that as long as Big Brother Tian orders, everything will be fine.

Zhou Dong saw that Dalong and Xiaohu had walked in front of him, then he patted the chair next to him and spoke to them both.

"Come on, come over and do it, come over and I will tell you what the situation is."

The two brothers nodded quickly, and began to sit in the chairs, looking at Zhou Dong's curiously. I really want to know what's going on in my heart, why such a thing suddenly happened?

Zhou Dong saw that the two brothers looked expectant, so he began to talk about it.

"I don't know what the situation is. I know that a bar was opened next to us a while ago. It seems that I came to see us. Yesterday I asked someone to close their business. I guess we will come back early today. ."

Dalong nodded when he heard this, and then asked silently.

"So Big Brother is such a thing, then do we know what the other person is like? If we are preparing to export, we better prepare for it."

Dalong still knows a lot about Zhou Dong, so he rushed into the subject directly. After hearing this, Zou Dong nodded and slowly continued to explain.

"I just inquired about it. Anyway, the person opposite me is not from us, but from another city. I don't know why he suddenly came to us to fight against me!"

Dalong nodded his head and felt relieved. Since it is another city, his strength here must be inferior to his own.

Then immediately patted his chest and said there.

"Okay, that big brother turned out to be like this, then we don't need to get used to him, don't give him face."

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