Layman System

Chapter 852: learn from mistakes

Soon Zhou Dong said a lot of things to Xiaodong, and then Xiaodong also wrote down everything on that note.

When Xiaodong saw it, he remembered that it was almost the same, so he hurriedly put it in front of his elder brother, and started talking!

"Brother, look at me like this, can it be done next? Is there anything else I need to add? If so, I will write more details."

Zhou Dong really took it, and Xiao Dong took a serious look at that note. After watching it for a while, I feel that there should be nothing left out.

He immediately nodded his head, and then felt that it should be almost done, and said to Xiaodong.

"Okay, okay, since it's almost the same, let it be like this. We can't think of any other better solutions. Let's do this for now."

As soon as Xiaodong heard his elder brother agreed, he immediately laughed, then nodded his head and began to carefully tidy up the notebook.

Zhou Dong watched Xiaodong go through such a thing, and he did things more seriously than before. This is a good phenomenon! It seems that people need to experience a lot of things, but they can't be careless.

You can also fully find a lot of experience from these things, and this is the most critical place.

If you keep failing and haven't found any experience from it, then there is indeed some nonsense. I am totally sorry for the failure of these few times!

Therefore, it is also very important to find out the experience, don't be afraid of failure or something.

Zhou Dong slowly raised his hand, picked up the small wine glass in front of him, and took a sip. Xiaodong who started to praise said.

"In the future, Xiaodong will need to do things like this. No matter what, we need to be serious and complete. At that time, whether it is failure or success, we can draw a lot of experience from it. These experiences Is the most precious, understand?"

Xiao Dong immediately lit up when he heard Zhou Dong's words. His head was indeed like this. After the past few days, he also understood a lot of truths. These experiences are completely equivalent to an invaluable treasure.

And just watching there is no effect at all, only if you participate in it together, that will become more obvious.

Then some good experience will be drawn from this in the future, and even if there are any mistakes, there will be no more errors.

This is what a true leader needs to do. Zhou Dong looked at Xiaodong and understood what he meant, then smiled and nodded and started talking.

"Okay, okay, quickly finish drinking this little wine, and then I will go to the company again to see how the new product is selling today. I haven't heard from this, they might think I disappeared again. ."

Xiaodong heard that his elder brother said he was going to the company to take a look, so he quickly stood up and spoke to his elder brother.

"Big brother, you have to go to the company to take a look, or I will arrange someone to take you there in a while. If you go out as a person, we really don’t worry about it. Let’s let a person accompany you. It's also more assured."

Zhou Dong thought for a while and it was indeed okay, and then suddenly he thought of the kid Zhang Shuang. This kid was particularly brave when he fought just now, and he has seen it himself.

So after the battle, I found that this kid was gone all at once, and those who still missed some more, and I don't know what to do.

Then immediately asked Xiaodong.

"I said, Xiaodong, where is this cool? Why didn't you see him suddenly? I was so angry when I was fighting there just now, and now there is no one."

Xiaodong laughed as soon as he heard it, guessing that his elder brother would ask Zhang Shuang, and then he said immediately.

"My eldest brother Zhang Shuang came to the storeroom with me just now, and seeing this scene was also particularly angry, so he rushed out to chase the group of people, and I didn't stop it."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard that this kid was quite spineless, he went outside. This was a waste of energy, so he should call it back quickly, so Zhou Dong said.

"I said to call her back soon. This is a waste of energy to go out. It has no effect at all. Let him come back and tell me something, and then send him to the company. This kid is with me. I have a kind of Inexplicable sense of security!"

Xiaodong laughed as soon as he heard it, nodded and took out his mobile phone, and then called Zhang Shuang directly to ask where he was.

At this time, Zhang Shuang was still there, looking angrily, who on earth gave up the wine! But after looking for it stupidly for a long time, I couldn't find who it was.

Suddenly the phone rang, and I quickly took it out. I thought something was going on in the bar, so I quickly told me to go back. It turned out that Xiaodong really called it, so I immediately picked it up.

"Hey, what's wrong with Brother Xiaodong? Why is something wrong with that bar again?"

As soon as Xiaodong heard it, he smiled and shook his head, and then spoke.

"Nothing. There is nothing at all in the bar. Just now, my eldest brother came to the warehouse and said that you didn't see you after you finished the work. Maybe you want to see you. Then you come back quickly. Don't look for it. Find it, someone designated it to come prepared."

Zhang Shuang immediately let out a sigh of relief as soon as he heard it. It turned out to be such a thing. Forget it, let's listen to Brother Xiaodong. Go back and see what is going on with Zhou Dong.

So Xiaodong Zhang Shuang answered.

"Okay, Brother Xiaodong I will go back in a while. After searching for a long time, there is indeed no one. It seems that the consulting guy has already made a plan and all escape routes have been fixed."

After talking, Xiao Dong gave a hum, then hung up the phone, and then watched Zhou Dong speak slowly to Zhou Dong.

"Big Brother, don't look at Zhang Shuang who is stupid, but I did have a lot of energy when I saw him just now. This kid needs more practice. It must be a good material!"

In fact, Zhou Dong thought about it the same way, because at first sight this kid was an unusual head, and that figure was definitely the kind that could rival ten people by one person.

Then began to agree with Xiaodong's approach, and said there.

"Don't say it is really like this. When I first saw him, I really felt that he was a little unusual. Don't waste such a good talent, kid."

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