Layman System

Chapter 864: great power

The two immediately lifted their legs and walked towards An Moqi. An Moqi also saw two people walking by at this time, so she immediately walked over excitedly.

Said to him with a gloating face,

"I said you two are really capable of inking. If you're scared, don't you come here? You are still grinding here, you are ready to get ready, if you are ready, go quickly, I have just explained It's over, it's a bit heavy."

Zhou Dong looked at An Moqi's gloating look, knowing that he must have said something to the security guards, so he quickly turned his head to Zhang Shuang and continued to remind.

"For a while, please remember what I said. Do you have to be careful not to know the truth? You can't just go to the great cause casually. You must go all out for everything."

Zhang Shuang fully understood what Zhou Dong meant by saying this, and was afraid that he would be hurt, but he also had to reassure him that he would not be hurt, so he immediately said there.

"OK, don't worry, brother, I will definitely not get hurt. I still know a lot about these things."

Zhou Dong was relieved as he listened, then turned his head and started to hit An Moqi back!

"Okay, you have already said so, so I won't be doing anything here. Just now I told him not to hurt these security guards. If there are no people watching the company, we will be in trouble. The two of us will push back and see who is great."

An Moqi felt that she was 100% able to win this time, so Lechai immediately stepped back there.

Zhou Dong was really excited to see An Moqi for the first time. It seemed that this was the first time he had prepared a particularly sure shadow to squeeze, but he still believed in Zhang Shuang. After all, he didn’t have this ability. Don't dare to enter this ring.

So he smiled and followed An Moqi's back and walked over there.

An Moqi watched that she and Zhou Dong were almost standing here, and began to shout loudly to the group of security guards who had just called over.

"Okay, let's start, don't chirp here, the wind outside is also quite strong."

When Zhang Shuang heard this voice, he first looked at Zhou Dong and wondered if Zhou Dong would let himself start.

Zhou Dong immediately understood Zhang Shuang's eyes, and nodded firmly at him.

Zhang Shuangyi immediately felt relieved when he received the news, then resolutely turned his head and looked at the group of security guards fiercely.

The group of security guards also got the order of their immediate boss, so they could only rush forward. No matter how fierce the opposite person is, then they need to rush to beat him.

The group of security guards, like a group of wolves, ran directly in front of Zhang Shuang. Zhang Shuang watched as all ten of them ran over at the same time. Now his brain was desperately searching for which attack method he wanted to use. .

As soon as the four people saw Zhang Chuang there, they didn't move, thinking that they were going to make a move, so the movements under their feet began to slow down a bit, thinking about what tricks he had. At least I need to be careful here.

Zhou Dong watched Zhang Chuang stay there, and those immediately understood, knowing that this guy must be waiting for a driver, so they were relieved that they would not let An Moqi beat him this time.

Suddenly, An Moqi slowed down when she saw her group of security guards, thinking that something had happened and immediately shouted.

"I said what are you doing? Why are you afraid to move me quickly? What I told you just now, you forgot to hurry up."

As soon as the security guard received the news, he immediately rekindled his inner fears, and then quickly ran away wherever he went.

Then there was a crackling fight. In the end, Zhang Shuang stood there without any smile on his face, and looked directly at the security guards lying on the ground.

An Moqi was particularly disappointed in an instant. She didn't know what was going on, why all of the security guards she had sought fell all of a sudden.

Is this guy named Zhang Shuang really as powerful as Zhou Dong said? This shouldn't be it at all. He doesn't have any power just because of his thin appearance.

Faced with the large size of these ten models carefully selected by me, it is impossible to fall down all at once.

What is going on here? So An Moqi turned some dissatisfaction, looked at Zhou Dong and asked directly.

"What the **** is going on here? Do you have a place to bomb? How come this guy threw all the ten people I looked for on the ground at once, you are really so powerful Why? Why don't I believe it?"

Zhou Dong slowly turned his head, and began to look at An Moqi, smiled triumphantly, and explained.

"I said I told you, this guy is very powerful, and you can't judge people by their appearance! No matter what, there is absolutely no weak person around me. So you must be careful, don't look at what you find Ten big guys, you just come five more, I don’t feel much."

An Moqi walked over to the ten security guards unconvinced, and then stood fiercely in front of the security guards at that time and began to curse loudly at them.

"I'm asking if you can do it. You can't beat you even by yourself. What do I want you to do? I'll eat my salary here for nothing. You will practice more for me in the future, and practice hard every day. The muscles in your body have all become bigger for me."

Zhang Shuang saw this woman named An Moqi approaching, and he should also report his battle to Zhou Dong.

He started to turn his head and walked directly toward Zhou Dong, then walked to Zhou Dong and slowly praised his foot, watching what Zhou Dong said to him.

"Big brother, I just died, and they all fell down on the five cents interest. How can it be? Didn't you disappoint me? Isn't my ability superficial?"

Zhou Dong had indeed seen Zhang Shuang’s ability, it was indeed the way he said, without exerting all the strength, just now looking at him in that way is a relaxed face, without any serious expression at all. treat.

It's like playing a game there, without any pressure. It's really a little bit of strength!

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