Layman System

Chapter 896: Successful response

Li Li looked expectant there, and really wanted to know what way he would play this play with herself! Usually Zhou Dong will give some surprises from time to time, and today it feels no exception!

I would definitely give myself some small surprises. Zhou Dong laughed immediately when he saw Li Li's appearance, and he felt that she was really looking forward to it, so let him show it by himself.

Started to touch my face there, then let my spirits rise a bit, and said.

"I said it's so good that you bought this dress, my daughter-in-law. What's the matter with you? I can't buy such a good dress by myself."

In fact, to be honest, I don't know how to say anything else when I do things. Anyway, I just praise my wife's high level.

Of course, there must be nothing wrong with these happy words. Sure enough, Li Li smiled directly there.

My heart accepted these words very happily. He began to slowly lift his Erlang legs there. When Zhou Dong saw that his daughter-in-law was still having a big belly, circling her legs there, he quickly took his mouth down and spoke to him.

"I said my aunt, can you not put this leg up, you don't know that you are pregnant now, don't do these difficult movements, wait for you to have a baby, do whatever you like Where are you going?"

Li Li pouted a small mouth and put her legs down obediently. After all, this was for her own good, and she still needed to know.

Zhou Dong saw that Li Li was so obedient, and then continued to praise him there.

"Daughter-in-law, I haven't finished talking. I really want to buy this dress. If I ask me to buy it, I won't pick it up. It will be expensive, and the fabric is completely different from yours. So you are really amazing."

Li Li became more and more arrogant, raised her head there, and said with a smile.

"I said that you are really happy to make this little mouth for me. It will still be pretty good. You are very satisfied with me, and I am done with this force. Oh, okay, nothing Just go to bed, will you get up early tomorrow?"

Zhou Dong nodded after hearing it. It was indeed necessary to be together a little earlier tomorrow, because when he said in the morning, few people would go on the road and would not see his actions. This action is absolutely confidential and cannot be disclosed.

Zhou Dong lay on the bed obediently, then looked at you, where you were still packing your clothes, so he said with concern.

"I said you don't need to clean up your daughter-in-law, hurry up and put it somewhere, I can clean up tomorrow morning. You are not idle every day, you are really tired!"

Li Li bit her head while listening, and slowly moved over to say.

"I think it's better to forget it, it's too itchy to put it here, you don't know that I am willing to move, and I stop when I move. I should pack all these things quickly."

Not to mention that Li Li really has this problem, as long as he looks at things that are not pleasing to the eye, he must be satisfied in his heart, so Zhou Dong is also quite helpless and can only lie there and watch him do it. Up.

Soon Li Li had already packed all the clothes, and then lay down beside Zhou Dong very well, speaking slowly for her.

"Don't tell me. You leave suddenly, making me feel a little uncomfortable. Every night I will be at home waiting for you to come back. Suddenly I can't wait for you for a few days, so there is something in my heart. Comfortable!"

Zhou Dong slowly turned his head over, then looked at his daughter-in-law with special affection and smiled at him.

"Oh, what's the matter? I am not coming back. When I come back, I will buy you some good things. Then I will go to that city to take a look. I will bring you some of their special products, OK? You must be obedient at home, but don't you know it in a daze?"

Li Li slowly lay on Zhou Dong's body, and answered with anxious expression there.

"Yeah, okay, don’t worry, I suddenly don’t know what’s wrong. I always feel that you have made me feel a little uncomfortable this time. Hey, it may be the reason why I haven’t had a good rest recently. , There are always some chaotic pictures in my mind."

Zhou Dong immediately looked at his daughter-in-law questioningly after hearing it, and then talked with particular concern there.

"You don’t have to think about so many difficulties in your head every day. Don’t worry about what I do. I will guarantee you. You’ll be waiting for my good news at home, waiting for me to make a lot of money, and bring You and your baby are traveling."

Li Li listened to this sentence, since I don't have anything to do here, then nod my head to be like it, maybe because I have really thought about it, and at this point in time I really shouldn't think about so many things.

Zhou Dong saw that his daughter-in-law was almost well, so hurry up and go to bed, or else there will be no good spirits tomorrow!

If you go, you think you haven't slept well, and then your little brother will worry about himself again. There are some things you don’t want to participate in by yourself, that would be troublesome, after all, you still have to do your own things.

Zhou Dong began to slowly stretch out his hand, put his arm around Li Li, and said to him!

"I'm done, my dear. You don't have to talk here, go to rest, and you will be in the city tomorrow. You have to get up earlier, and you will leave me alone tomorrow."

Li Li nodded and began to slowly lie down, and soon closed her eyes. Zhou Dong was also very tired.

It didn't take long for the snoring to wake up. In fact, Li Li hadn't fallen asleep at this time. She kept her eyes closed and couldn't bear to disturb Zhou Dong to sleep.

As soon as I heard the snoring sound, I started to do it slowly, looking at Zhou Dong's face in the gloomy night.

The man who thinks about himself is really very tired, running around for life every day.

Then I stayed at home every day. Although I said I was pregnant, I always stayed at home to make myself feel uncomfortable and couldn't help him share some things.

Looking at Li Li's heart, she felt very guilty, and the corners of her eyes began to moisten slowly, the kind of distressed moistness!

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