Layman System

Chapter 937: Man thing

Father Li looked at Zhou Dong like this, he must have already had a general answer in his heart, knowing that Zhou Dong must have encountered a particularly hard stubble this time.

If that's the case, I wouldn't say so many injuries. It seems that the opposite person is really capable, and there are really not many people who can hurt Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong also began to slowly talk to his father-in-law here. I said everything after the first five to ten!

"This matter is also to blame on me, let me take it carelessly, that guy is really capable, he can actually hurt me like this, but that guy has been admitted to the public security bureau by me. The waiting will be Use Dharma on its rope."

Father Li slowly clicked after listening. His head was similar to what he thought. If it really wasn't like that, Zhou Dong did have some carelessness this time!

But things have already happened, and I can't say any more cool words here, I can only say some nice things that care about him.

"Oh, look at you, why are you not so careful? You are worrying every day, so you can't be honest, others are so arrogant, you don't know what they are. , In the end, they must be arrogant. Otherwise, why did he provoke you? You have to use your brain more in the future. Think about these things well, and it is too dangerous for you to do it like this. Up."

Zhou Dong deeply understood the teachings of his father-in-law, and he fully understood that his current mood must be particularly distressed. He watched himself go out well, and then came back.

Mother Li saw that the two of them didn't know what they were talking about. Anyway, their expressions were very serious, so she walked over and asked her old man suspiciously.

"I said, what did you say to our son-in-law this morning? How can you make them look like this? Can you say a few words? People are so tired every day when they come back. You can't say a few words. Huh?"

When Father Li and Zhou Dong heard Mother Li’s voice, they turned their heads there, then laughed instantly when looking at their mother-in-law, and then spoke.

"No, no, mom, you are completely misunderstood. Dad just told me some good experiences, and I need to take it seriously in the future and didn't say anything else."

Father Li also started to nod his head with this Yoko there, it was indeed like this, and then he quickly defended himself.

"I said that you old lady can really misunderstand people. I just told our son-in-law about some of the things between our men. Look at you, and I will eat our son-in-law next time. It’s the same, you don’t know that a son-in-law is half a son now. How am I willing to say her, you old lady."

After listening to what the old man said, Li's mother began to look at Zhou Dong, and suddenly realized that Zhou Dong's body was so much bandaged.

As a result, his expression immediately became serious, and Zhou Dong opened his mouth to ask, watching with worry.

"I said how did you get it? How did you get hurt? What did you do?"

Father Li, when you heard that Zhou Dong was about to tell the truth with his wife, Zhou Dong was not good enough. As long as his mother-in-law told the truth, Li Li would know soon.

He and Li Li didn't say what they were going to do, so they said they must not let him know, so they opened their mouths and said.

"No, no mother. You are really worried about me. I don't have much to worry about. I drank too much when I was on a business trip yesterday, and then I accidentally fell to the ground. Fortunately, it doesn't matter."

Father Li immediately understood when he heard this, it turned out that this kid didn't want them to know, so let's help her keep it secret, after all, some privacy of others still needs to be respected.

He closed his mouth there, and stood silently listening to Zhou Dong, continuing to say what he wanted to say.

Mother Li's expression was still very solemn when she heard that, she was worried there, but she was uncomfortable and continued to answer.

"I'm just talking about you, you can't help but drink when you go out every day. You see if you throw yourself like this, do you think we can see if it hurts? Even if there is not much of it, the bleeding It just hurts so much. You can't be like this in the future. Be careful."

Zhou Dong answered quickly!

"Okay, OK, mother, don’t worry, I will be careful when I go out. I did have some carelessness yesterday, and I blamed me for drinking too much. Don’t worry, if I go out again this time, I will definitely not After drinking so much wine, we must be careful not to worry the family."

Mother Li was quite satisfied with Zhou Dong's answer, she nodded her head there, and spoke slowly!

"Okay, okay, since you have already said that, I would say that you are a bit too much. Anyway, you must pay attention to safety when you go out alone. Don't let us big guys worry about it. Go and wash it soon. I'll have dinner."

Zhou Dong nodded obediently there, and then turned around silently. When he was about to go to the bathroom, suddenly his father-in-law caught up with him, and then took his hand and said to him.

"I said your kid still knows how to keep it secret. If it wasn't for you just robbed me suddenly, or I would just tell you about you. Fortunately, you are right to act like this. I was just like before, and I wouldn’t go home and talk to their wives if anything happened outside."

Zhou Dong also said that he could understand it, because if you tell them this will make them more worried. As long as you are more careful outside, there is no need for them to make these things. A woman should not know too much.

Zhou Dong laughed there, then nodded his head to answer.

"It's really like this, or else they're worried. We went out to do things and we were not stable. I just don't want them to know. If this is to let Li Li know that I was injured because of this incident, then he This time I will definitely disagree with me going out. That would delay a lot of things, right? Dad?"

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