Layman System

Chapter 968: Calorie supplement

Mother Li started to laugh and shook her head when she heard this, and couldn't figure out her daughter. What was she talking about? There is always a strange smell.

But after all, it's my own daughter, so I wouldn't say anything about it. I made this breakfast quickly. I guess they are already hungry.

Li's mother began to speed up the action of her own hands, and it is really not to say that this 1+ is fast, and soon I have already made all of today’s breakfast, and then I saw that Li Li’s place is basically almost the same, He was talking.

"Okay, okay, we are basically doing almost the same for the two of us, let's go get it right, and let them both have dinner after we set the table."

Li Li immediately lit up when she heard what her mother said, and started to walk towards the dining table with her head carrying things.

After a while, all the tables on the tables were occupied by various breakfasts. Father Li was almost ready at this time, and then slowly walked over to the dining table. In the end, he really saw a large table of good dishes.

Then I saw my old woman and daughter there, and quickly spoke to them with compliments.

"I said the two of you are really amazing. I actually made so many delicious foods so early in the morning. It seems that our family's habit is really good!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Zhou Dong had already dumped the trash and started walking back. Then he opened the door and found that three people were there, and then a large table full of vegetables came into his eyes. .

I didn't expect them to move so fast. They filled the table before a while. This was really surprising. I went down and got ready to eat.

So he started talking to the three of them in a particularly surprised manner.

"I said that the eating speed at our house is really too fast. My brother just went out to a trash, and we are ready to eat as soon as we get back. This is really amazing."

Li Li, you heard Zhou Dong came back, turned to wash your hair and started to smile at her and answer.

"What's the matter? I was different when you went out just now. Did you tell me everything? When you come back, we'll be ready to eat. What's so strange about this. Put the trash can there to wash your hands and eat. "

Zhou Dong now nodded his head quickly, put the trash can there, and walked over immediately after washing his hands. At this time, all three of them were sitting on the table, quietly waiting for Zhou Dong!

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that the three of them were waiting for him here, he said directly to them.

"I said that Mom and Dad are too polite for you to do this. You don't have to wait for me to eat!" l

Li Li shook her head when she heard this.

"What are you talking about? We didn't wait for you. We just sat on the table and we weren't waiting to eat. If you're OK, come over and eat."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly after listening to it, then nodded his head and started to sit there. Soon the family of four began to eat there especially big mouthfuls.

Don't say so. I drank so much wine last night and had such a good breakfast this morning. It was really comfortable, and my whole body was full of calories.

Zhou Dong was already full soon, and he sat in a chair looking at his daughter-in-law with a contented expression, and began to speak silently with his mouth open.

"Don't even talk about my daughter-in-law, these things you make are really delicious. If I can't eat it, I feel a little bit itch in my heart."

Li Li's words are really beautiful to herself, so she looked at Zhou Dong and said.

"I said that not only did you take the initiative in your actions today, but also your mouth seemed to be smeared with honey. What happened? Why did you suddenly look like this?"

Zhou Dong continued to answer with a smile.

"Oh, in fact, there is nothing else. It just feels that you are having a hard time every day, so I want to praise and praise you well, and help you share something?"

Listening to his son-in-law's love for his daughter, Father Li laughed directly, and began to nod and say in agreement!

"I just said that your kid has potential. It's really good. It's so happy to hear you say that you want to share things with my daughter. Our two old things are really happy! Well done, continue in the future!"

Li's mother was still very kind, smiling and continuing to eat there, and did not do anything more.

This sentence is really to Li Li's face that has become ruddy. I have never heard Zhou Dong say it there.

Unexpectedly today, Zhou Dong's consciousness soared from zero to its peak. This is indeed like a transformation.

Zhou Dong looked at you and was also very satisfied with what he just said, knowing that his heart must have begun to be happy now, proud.

Then I still need to add another fire to make him happier, and he is happy there all day.

So Zhou Dong opened his mouth and continued talking!

"Looking at the way you look, you know that you are very satisfied with my answer. I have not only made a very big improvement in this aspect, but also have a very big improvement in action. I am still ready to start. A gym, if you are all right then you can go to work out."

Li Li smiled and nodded her head. Actually, she knew about this. Zhou Dong had told herself about these things before. I'm afraid he should have forgotten it.

Zhou Dong saw that Li Li's expression did not change much after hearing what he said, so he started to say.

"No, no, after you have listened, I said that I will open a gym for you. There is no big change in your expression. Have you guessed it or something? There is indeed something wrong with your expression. ."

After Li Li heard this sentence, it seemed that Jay Chou had forgotten that he had said this sentence to himself before, so he smiled and shook his head and explained it there.

"I said, eldest brother, don’t pretend to be silly here. Don’t you really remember? You told me before that you were going to open a gym. When that time comes, buy some more equipment and keep it at home. I can still Exercise at home."

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