Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 969: : The cheapest in history

The next day, three shots. When Nan Ming pushed open the door, Zhao Xiao fat was already waiting at his door.

When Nanming was abroad, he would arrange Nanming's security tightly.

Especially recently, it is said that a lot of refugees have flowed in. Maybe there will be terrorists hiding in it, making Zhao Xiaofei even more afraid to take it lightly. At night, he and Yang Ji were on duty outside the gate of Nanming.

However, at this moment Zhao Fengzheng bowed his head a little on the mobile phone, and also made a smirk from time to time.

Seeing his actions, it's not like chatting, but playing games.

Will Zhao Xiao fat be addicted to mobile games?

Nan Ming blinked dumbly and asked, "Fat, what are you playing?"

"Ah, Mr. Nan! Are you up?" Zhao Xiaofei saw Nan Ming startled and subconsciously pushed the phone back.

"Take it for me." Nanming was even more curious, it didn't look like Zhao Xiao fat's style.

"Uh ..." Zhao Gaofeng scratched his head and embarrassedly handed the phone over, and said, "It was a game that Cong Cong gave me just now, so the bear must die."

"Uh ..." Nan Ming sweated when he heard the name.

"Mr. Nan, this guy is really too cheap!" Zhao Gaofeng said of this game, it was funny and gritted, "I really want to kill him!"

Nan Ming took the mobile phone, looked at it, and saw on the screen that a fur bear was wriggling around warily, and he kept screaming: "Single dogs, beauties are mine, see me left and right Hug! Have the courage to hit me! "

Seeing that insignificant image, Nan Ming knew that the style of painting must be the same artist from the "100 Ways of Death of Teddy Bear" t-shirt. Nan Ming knew that two people would draw in the first period of Lazy God, but at present I don't know who it is yet.

"Mr. Nan, you don't know!" Zhao Xiaofei said. "This guy is too cheap. I will collect a few more items to unlock the nail rake and kill this guy!"

Nanming took it and tried it. I was a bit interested. The graphics and details of this game were very good. Each level has a rich plot. Mao Xiong is a rich man who mocks and pretends against the players. He There are also tools such as bodyguards, secretaries, and luxury cars that allow him to escape all the way, safe and harmless. You must unlock various props, kill his bodyguards and secretaries, and destroy the luxury car before he can be dragged out of the car. Fan.

And in the process, he would play all kinds of ridicule and ridicule. After finally pressing this guy on the ground for a round of violent, Nanming just felt that his whole body was refreshing, his eyes lifted, and Nima ’s energy rose. It's up!

And the game world is quite open, there are a lot of props available, so Nanming has a feeling of playing 2d version of gta5 on mobile phones.

Of course, the main body of the entire game is basically about how to harm this cheap guy. It is very compact and easy to use.

However, after this group of guys were beaten again, at the last minute, the guy even ran away. Nan Ming nodded and wanted to catch up, and he saw a dialog box popping up: "Do you pay to unlock the next chapter?"

Then there are a series of options:

"$ 3.9 unlocks the next chapter, and there are currently 372,472 unlocked."

"$ 39.9 unlocks all chapters (a total of 12 chapters), and there are currently 49,283 people unlocked."

"A $ 39.9 purchase of the props gift pack contains 40 rare item packs to open rare items and hidden levels. 24,879 people have purchased them."

There is also a shopping mall purchase link below: "Do you want to enter the mall and buy the theme t-shirt that can be broken and the bear must die?"

There is also a paragraph below: "The bear must die studio production"

"So many people bought it?" Nan Ming was shocked.

And do these **** sell t-shirts online?

Although carefully calculated, because the amount of payment is low, the money is actually not much, far less than the bears they sell a day must die T-shirts, but considering the speed of information transmission and fermentation, I am afraid that bears must die today. The spread of stalks will reach its peak, and now this application should be released not long before it will spread more widely ...

Not to mention, this game is actually fun.

"I have unlocked several levels and can't stop at all." Zhao Fengfeng said.

If even Zhao, who has strong self-control, felt that Nanming could not stop this matter.

Moreover, the income of an app is not only paid, but also a lot of other income. When Nanming just played, he found that there are many props in it, which can actually collect advertising fees. For example, pesticides can be completely changed. Become a certain brand, spray him to death, this is all advertising costs!

To be honest, Nan Ming didn't want to stop anymore. He found a place to sit down, held the mobile phone to play, and unlocked several levels.

For example, if there is a level, the t-shirt that Nan Ming saw "National football can smell bad, the bear must die." Nan Ming wants to manipulate a team to make various stupid mistakes, keep losing, and then cultivate into the world's most stinky international player. Break through the bear's bodyguard together and drown him in the sky.

The fur bear was so awesome with the stinking animation. Nanming saw that he was surrounded by the stinking feet of the national football team. The whole person was relieved. He couldn't help but click a bit and unlocked the next level. This level is called " The stock market can collapse, and the bear must die! "This level is a little game-like. Nanming wants to use various insidious tricks to make the stock market fall. Every time it falls, the arrow will poke the bear, and he will yell.

Rarely, some of the stock market's bad faith letters in this chapter came in handy, all kinds of just right, it can be seen that the person who designed this level is definitely a professional economic person.

There is another chapter, which makes Nanming cry and laugh ~ ~ It is to break through the siege, steal the mech soldiers, and step on the bear in the armored car.

Among them is a stupid guard, obviously Zhao Xiaofei's person. In addition, the process of stunning the mech magic soldier and entering the mech magic soldier is completely realistic, and there is a very realistic video, which is expected to make many people scream.

Playing all the way down, almost every chapter has a different gameplay, and it is very easy to get started. In the process, you are constantly tempted to save money, and occasionally there are various difficulty increases. You need to use all the clues provided before, even many Professional knowledge, if it is really difficult, you can only buy separate paid items ...

Playing all the way down, Nanming spent over a hundred dollars without knowing it.

At this time, there is no need to think about it. Nanming knows that this game must be made by the lazy gods. Other people can never make such a good game overnight.

In fact, people who are lazy are not likely. After all, there are too many materials, models and stickers for such a game. Chen Haocong must have found a way to find Xiaobai as a strong man, tell her the level design, and design by her. generate.

Moreover, there must be a strong enough business person behind it. Many of the consumer psychology and business expertise are not understood by the current lazy people.

There is a specialty in surgery, and most of the lazy gods are engineers, and they really don't know much about business.

When Nanming completed another chapter and clicked on the next chapter, it was found that the chapter had been completed. As a result, the base bear was not killed, but the words "Please look forward to the new expansion film" popped up. At that time, Nanming could not help but was born with a vomit: "Look, this cheap!"

This fur bear is a bit powerful! (To be continued.) U more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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