Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 981: : Chen Wei's informant

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At noon, an airplane painted with the "lazy **** Yafei" logo slowly landed at Nairobi Airport in Kenya, Africa.

There was a line of men or women in suits, leather shoes, or blue overalls coming down from the plane. They were holding laptops and carrying document bags. They were in a hurry and looked smart.

Recently, people at Nairobi Airport have become accustomed to Lazy God Yafei ’s aircraft coming and going, because Lazy God Yafei has undertaken many domestic projects in Kenya. Engineers also entered from Nairobi, driving off-road vehicles, armed guards, and wandering the entire grassland.

Then there was news spreading, the lazy **** Yafei planned to build the "Earth Rock Crawler" in Kenya, and is now in the site selection stage!

After the news spread, it immediately became exciting.

The lazy **** Yafei chose Kenya as the address for the construction of the earth's rock throwing machine. Although the news is currently only a rumor, there are also many convincing reasons in the rumor. ||| Fiction. [] [] U.

First of all, let ’s not talk about the “Star Bridge” test item in Jidong Province. The location of the real earth throwing machine must be as far as possible to choose the country on the equator to save a lot of costs and improve efficiency. Almost all countries can be excluded.

In addition, the country must have convenient transportation and a stable and reliable environment. Although Kenya is located in Africa, it is a rare and reliable country in East Africa. The developed tourism industry is familiar to many people in Europe and the United States. Kenya is full of various star hotels. If you only walk in the hotel area, say Maybe you thought you were on the west coast of the United States.

This country is close to the Indian Ocean, has developed shipping, and is on the east coast. It is in line with the safety of the earth boulder to launch to the east and the safety assessment by sea launch, which is also a favorable factor.

Not to mention that although Kenya is in the tropics, because it is located on a plateau, the annual temperature is maintained between 10-26 degrees, which is very suitable for human survival. If it is built here, it will also be a benefit for future staff and maintenance staff.

However, there are many unfavorable factors. For example, although Kenya is not in a large earthquake zone, it is also in the Great Rift Valley earthquake zone in East Africa, which may be geologically risky. And Kenya has very rich animal and plant resources. The establishment of such a huge artificial building may destroy the last natural beauty of mankind.

Of course, this last point is mostly considered by some animal and plant protection organizations and green organizations. For the Kenyan local government, this is simply the best gift from heaven.

The most developed cities in the 20th century were all coastal cities. Because there are ports.

The future is about to become the age of the universe, and the space throwing machine is the port of the universe.

When Kenya becomes the new center of the world's space shipping and becomes the world's largest space port, think about it, what will Kenya develop into?

As soon as the news came out, this procrastinating and corrupt government had already acted, and even set up a special department to find a way to keep the lazy Yafei's work evaluators in Kenya, leaving Kenya with the largest investment in human history. one.

Earth thrower!

Although Nie Kaiyuan, the Minister of the African Ministry of Lazy Yafei, has repeatedly reiterated that the staff traveling to Kenya is only one of ten groups of surveyors all over the world, but it still cannot stop Kenya's enthusiasm.

At this time, seeing several staff members of the lazy **** Yafei, the customs staff did not even check the documents, and they were very enthusiastic.

Through customs, I took a few off-road vehicles with the logo of the lazy **** Yafei, and let Chen Wei, who was part of the crowd, took off his hat, shook hands with Nie Kaiyuan with a smile, and thanked Minister Nie for your hard work. "

"No hard work, no hard work, it is my honor to serve Chen." Nie Kaiyuan smiled happily. To be honest, in the face of Chen Wei coming out of the system, Nie Kaiyuan actually liked or even missed it.

Over the past six months, the entire lazy **** Yafei has become too fast, and all the red tape is less powerful, less polite and more efficient, but it also makes Nie Kaiyuan feel a little less used to it, and often very equal to his subordinates or superiors. In many cases, it is not the officials who listen to whom, but the ones who are more professional. The professions of consultants and technical directors have powers that they did not have before. This kind of structure makes him feel a strange sense of violation.

Nie Kaiyuan is actually very happy with this change in corporate culture and efficiency, because he can save a lot of practical things, but he still feels nostalgic when he sees Chen Wei who can walk with him in a set of hospitality and polite procedures.

Two words were polite to each other, and both of them laughed. In fact, the two were already old. Chen Wei's activities in Africa did not help Nie Kaiyuan.

However, Nie Kaiyuan will never take credit for himself, because Chen Wei's identity is really rising.

Not only because he is the first world-class task force to lead such a large country, not only because he can mobilize law enforcement agencies in many countries, but also because of Chen Wei's personality charm.

It's more about who he is.

Last time, he was only the cousin of President Nan, and now he is the father of President Chen.

At the age of thirty-five or six, the father can be expensive with his son. His ten-year-old is worth tens of billions of dollars and it is really not a feeling of becoming a wealthy generation.

Nie Kaiyuan is already a rich generation, and it is estimated that I can't experience this feeling ~ ~ The vehicle of Lazy God Yafei has driven to the temporary headquarters in Kenya. After Nie Kaiyuan got off, the atmosphere in the entire car was Get serious.

This multinational police joint operation organization has gradually become a resident organization. In addition to joint pursuit of Karbu, it has even resolved several transnational cases.

Cross-border coordination, accepting colleagues from new countries every day, these colleagues who can join the joint action team are basically elites of various countries, one by one, their resumes are shining, and it is not easy to be convinced.

Chen Wei didn't care about subduing them anyway. Anyway, this group has the final choice. If he thinks he can stay, he stays. Where he can't stay, he goes wherever he goes.

But it ’s long. Many of the former thorns are also obedient in front of him, saying "anant", or simply with Jiang Sanjia, decently called "Master", making the entire action group like Shaolin Temple. .

However, the newly joined Nazar, a Russian policeman, is obviously still in the first stage of not having a cold.

At this moment he asked Chen Wei whether we are coming to Kenya? As far as I know, Karbu has been active in North Africa and not in Kenya. "

"Because I have an informer who gave me reliable information."

"Informant." Nazar shrugged his lips in disdain. In a small area, managing the case in one place, the fairy is still useful. What is the use of the informer for this kind of international crime?

"He's here." Chen Wei looked out the window. Someone pulled the car door into the back seat, took off the hat, and exposed a young face to Uncle Chen! "

"Ayun, long time no see." (To be continued.)

Chapter 981: Chen Wei's Information

Chapter 981: Chen Wei's informant is hit by a member.

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