Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 983: :stalker

Under the pressure of all parties and the operation of Chen Wei, the green bandits who broke into several major US arms dealers, including Wanwan Scientific Research, were finally wiped out, and Karbu almost completely lost contact with the civilized world.

A civilized man was suddenly thrown into the primitive tribe. Even if he had the emperor's enjoyment, it was not fun to face a group of green stinking black people.

As Li Huiyun said, Calb always needs money.

After all, he is not a terrorist in essence. He is a crazy playboy. He needs to spend a lot of time and enjoy all kinds of luxury. These are not the smelly terrorists who can give him.

As the most chaotic and primitive place in the world, Africa is an important source and transit point for certain goods.

Southwestern Kenya is the famous black triangle in Africa.

In this fertile land, everything can grow very well, but it goes without saying that everyone knows which one is the fastest-growing agricultural product.

After acting with Chen Wei last time, Chen Wei once persuaded Li Huiyun not to always be undercover because it was too dangerous.

He even helped Li Huiyun get a fake identity, telling him to let him live a stable life.

So Li Huiyun obediently was a good boy in Daliang area for a period of time. According to the instructions of Chen Wei, like other teenagers, he was studying, living, and going to college.

But he did not expect that the place he chose was also an important channel for taking goods.

From the Black Triangle, to Kenya, through Myanmar, and then to Siberia.

Li Huiyun didn't want to care about this, but he saw with his own eyes the green light from the tightly wrapped guy.

Then I thought of Chen Wei who was distressed by Karbu's trail.

Li Huiyun did not hesitate to put down his studies and traced all the way to Africa. Finally, as his big brother, he reached out to important figures under Karbu and found the trace of Karbu.

Seeing Chen Wei staring at himself dissatisfied, Li Huiyun scratched his head, hehe smiled: "I can't do well in the exam anyway, I don't think I'm this one!"

"The exam is not good, do you still have a reason?" As soon as Chen Wei stared, he opened his mouth and planned to train the child.

Since Chen Haocong suddenly opened up, Chen Wei has not had many opportunities to train his children. Every time I call Chen Haocong, I feel that if the next year, how can this child grow up quickly? Obviously he is not ready for the child to grow up and be independent.

When their parents are still worried about their children's academic performance, their children have already entered the college entrance examination in advance, and have also taken the first prize.

When sending his son to college, he has to worry about his child's employment, marriage, and childbearing. He has to run the door, prepare a house, and find a relationship ...

Although he is busy, he is also very aggressive, unlike him, there is nothing to worry about, he can only focus on his work.

At this moment, the feeling of familiarity suddenly came back. It was still the same taste, or the tone. As soon as I planned to criticize Li Huiyun severely, I heard that Jiang Sanjia was coughing desperately, and then I remembered that this was not the time.

"You know, when you left, Nanming just happened to find you ..." Chen Wei still feels awful. "Listening to Cong Cong, they are flying around the world and have a good time."

Chen Wei really didn't want Li Huiyun to be with him at such a young age.

"Although I also want to be with my boss, but I want to be the same policeman as my uncle ..." Li Huiyun scratched his head and said, "Being the best policeman in the world."

As a child, Li Huiyun was a man of great standing in his mind. He was Li Tubin at that time, a soldier on Wei'an.

Then Li Huiyun, the man in the top of his mind, was Chen Wei, a righteous policeman.

Although President Nan can change the world, so can they.

"Then you at least get me admitted to a police academy!" Chen Wei was furious.

"I'll review it when I go back ..." Li Huiyun bowed his head and confessed.

Such a well-behaved Li Huiyun did not let Chen Wei learn from it, nor did he learn from it. He could only sigh. Chen Haocong, who was a headache that year, seemed to feel the same way.


Heading west from Nairobi, Kenya's capital, is Lake Victoria, Africa's largest inland freshwater lake.

And Lake Victoria is also one of the most concentrated places in Africa.

Walking all the way from Nairobi, Jiang Sanjia, who was sitting on the co-pilot, suddenly said, "Master, we have been followed."

Chen Wei glanced back, and sure enough, a black suv followed unhurriedly.

There are not many cars on this road, and it is almost impossible to get rid of this car.

It was Nazar who drove at this time. He glanced backwards and immediately cursed: "Damn, it's cia's bastard. You can smell the smell of this group of Yankees here!"

He braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.

An American guy in the car shrugged helplessly, and Chen Wei shook his head. If Nazar continues to be unable to integrate into the collective like this, I am afraid he cannot be integrated into this squad.

However, he did agree with Nazar's judgment. Each intelligence agency has its own operating characteristics. Chen Wei also has a strong feeling that the latter person is more likely to be cia.

The vehicles behind him suddenly hesitated and slowed down.

This reaction made Chen Wei more convinced of his own judgment. He raised his vigilance and waited for the car to approach.

When the car tracking behind was about to pass, Nazar suddenly hurled the car in the middle of the road, then rushed down with a gun, pointing at the car: "Get out of Lao Tzu!"

As the world's largest intelligence agency, cia has very large powers. Their global activities and resources at their disposal are unmatched by other organizations.

In the United States, Chen Wei can still exert some influence on cia, but overseas, many regional leaders in cia are the masters who do not listen to announcements, and only their direct superiors can affect them.

These people followed them, apparently knowing their identity, or they have been staring at Chen Wei.

They want to grab this credit of Karbu.

How can this bear in the car? Not to mention Nazar's hot temper.

Most of them did not join this organization just because of this credit.

"Booming" ~ ~ The door opened, and several people had already squatted behind the door, extended their guns, the two sides held each other, and the gun battle broke out.

"Nazaar, come back!" Chen Wei sighed angrily, watching Nazal still pestering, raising the volume, "This is an order!"

"Weak bastard!" Nazar snorted, returned to the driver's seat, kicked off the throttle, and the car slammed out, racing on the continent.

Now that the cia's person has been exposed, he simply continued to follow behind, and Nazar glared angrily at Chen Wei from the rear-view mirror, feeling that his boss was really weak and explosive.

Who would have thought that the car behind had just followed for a while and didn't know what happened, and suddenly slammed into a tree by the roadside, emitting a burst of smoke.

Li Huiyun smiled slightly, her fingers swayed, and a little silver light rolled between her fingers and disappeared.

(Ah, huh, hello, the rhythm of life at home is completely chaotic. It was originally fasting every Wednesday night. As a result, fasting alone is painful. Hungry is going crazy, tears ...) (To be continued.)

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