Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 990: :fire·in·the·hole!

The San Marco launch platform is a small launch platform. The rockets it can launch have a very small carrying capacity.

From a distance, the launching platform is like an offshore oil extraction platform. This old steel-framed marine structure built 50 years ago has undergone rebuilding and repainting many times. Not very perfect to use.

Even after 2004, this launch platform has not actually launched anything.

But at this moment, the entire launch platform is full of busy staff.

Most wore lazy **** Yafei's overalls, and a small part wore powered exoskeleton. They cooperated very smoothly with each other. They quickly cleaned up the old launch platform and erected the upcoming rocket on the side.

When Chen Wei saw the rocket, he couldn't wait to be like Jiang Sanjia, grabbed Chen Haocong and asked, "What the **** are you doing!"

And the cia official who couldn't get rid of the back of sugar nougat, when he saw the rocket with his own eyes, he laughed.

"Dad, look, this is our first rocket!" Chen Haocong told Chen Wei excitedly.

He was like a kid who just got a new toy, showing off to his father.

Bear Child Technology started with "Mechanical Magic Soldiers". In terms of technical content, Mechanized Magic Soldiers have a much higher technical content than the rocket in front of them.

However, strictly speaking, the mech soldier is not entirely due to his Chen Haocong. Unlike this rocket, Chen Haocong himself formed a team and designed it a little bit.

And in such a short time, they not only designed the rocket, but also integrated multiple technologies with others to jointly create a metamorphic satellite.

If the true form of this satellite is unfolded, I am afraid it will scare a large number of people.

At this moment, the satellite was waiting there, waiting to be sent into orbit by the rocket.

Rocket Chen Wei has seen it on TV.

He also painted rockets on paper as a child, and was a Long March bundled rocket with four auxiliary rockets.

At this moment, the rocket in front of it looks like this, with a long middle and four small rockets on all sides.

It's ... the ratio is not right.

It's like the Long March series of rockets squashed and inflated, like a child's graffiti, it's a fat and cute version of the rocket.

Looking at the invited Chen Haocong, Chen Wei didn't have the heart to say a hundred words. There were only one sentence in thousands of words: "Cong Cong, why is this rocket so rough?"

"Because of its large capacity." Chen Haocong pointed to the rocket: "Dad, look, this is our experimental rocket. In fact, the central cylinder you see is not a rocket, but a satellite itself. Four small rockets on all sides are our experimental rockets. "

The rockets that Chen Haocong designed were originally small rockets, but because what Chen Wei needed to launch was too large, they became four rocket launchers.

This time the technical difficulty increased again, and almost all these people at Rocket Lab were exhausted. Fortunately, it was successfully designed with the strong technology support of the Lazy God Department.

"The rocket itself isn't actually a rocket?" Chen Wei stared, then stared at the huge object in the middle of the train compartment with his eyes. This thing ... is a spy satellite?

"Hey, I'm afraid this is not the kind of small satellite they hope for." Jiang Sanjia laughed.

"Yes, it's big." Chen Haocong grinned. "Dad, just wait and be surprised."

Outside, cia officials looked at the rocket in suspicion. It looked like ... it wasn't easy. Can things in this shape really fly? Shouldn't it be a cannonball in a while, blow them all up!

Chen Haocong explained why the rocket was so rough, but Chen Wei still felt something wrong.

The shape of this rocket is a bit strange.

Especially the top of the center, it looks like a ball has been hit and a strange face has been drawn. The melancholy robot in the movie probably looks like this.

"Well ... this rocket is so thick, why is there an egg on his head?" Jiang Sanjia came over and asked Chen Wei's question which he was not embarrassed to ask.

"Three brothers, quality, quality! Which is the top egg? This is the top ball!" Chen Haocong glared at him, very dissatisfied with this guy's stigmatization.

Then he was very proud again: "So, I called the experimental rocket a big head doll! Isn't it cute?"

"I think ... our definition of Moe is a little different ..." Jiang Sanjia said.

And your kid is definitely an incompetent star.

The mech soldiers are called small benches, and the rockets are called big-headed dolls. Are you going to name the calabash baby next time?

Regarding what Jiang Sanjia said, Chen Haocong was very proud of his "big head doll".

Next to him, several Rocket Lab staff looked at the "big head doll" in front of him, which was also very complicated.

Excitement, tension, anticipation, fear, and both ...

Soon, the preparatory work was completed, and Chen Haocong clapped his hands and said, "Launch is about to begin. Please leave the launch platform or enter the command room!"

When the rocket is launched, the eruption flame is directly injected into the sea, which can effectively reduce the damage caused by tail inflammation, but by then the platform can't be dumb.

Otherwise, it will end with the original rocket roast pigeon.

Chen Haocong cleared the field, then invited his father to the command room on the other side of the launch platform.

Those of cia were naturally cleared.

The staff of Rocket Lab did the final inspection ~ ~ Then Chen Haocong said: "Everyone check it, check it, I will ignite!"

Chen Wei and Jiang Sanjia looked at each other, did they launch?

Do n’t people find any launch window for accurate launches?

How do you feel ... It's like a two-foot kick for Chinese New Year?

"It doesn't matter, our rocket has enough thrust, and has enough power to adjust the orbit and entry speed. Anyway, it is much lazy to adjust, everything is left to the flight control system." Chen Haocong explained, and then started the countdown: "10, 9, 8, ready to fire ... 7, 6, 5, fire, 3, 2, 1! Fire! Fire · in · the · hole! "

"Boom!" With a blast of hot tail inflammation, the rocket slowly lifted off in a huge amount of water vapor.

At that moment, throats were mentioned in almost everyone's throat.

Especially those at Rocket Lab, one is that they really hope that this launch will be successful.

Moreover, they all know that if the "metal hydrogen, metal oxygen" mixed fuel in these four small rockets explodes ...

Basically it is equivalent to four nuclear bombs, everyone has to finish.

Everyone cheered until the rocket slowly accelerated and rose to a height that was invisible to the naked eye within tens of seconds.

The launch seems to be successful.

Chen Haocong waved his arm for a long time, and suddenly found something wrong. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Jiang Sanjia getting out of the table with a shameless face, wondering, "Sanjia, what are you doing under the table?"

"You bear boy, shouting is not good, you have to shout fire · in · the · hole! I've been hit by gunfire all day, haven't all been conditioned!"

"You can't drill into the table, oh, my dad?"

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