Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 992: : Detached orbit

"How is that possible? Is this a geostationary satellite?" At this instant, many people came to this absurd idea.

Generally speaking, spy satellites stay in orbit more than 320 kilometers near the earth, and the space stations of major countries are at this altitude.

This height is also a standard reference for measuring a spy satellite, and can distinguish clear ground targets on the order of 320 kilometers, such as ten meters, meters, 0.5 meters or decimeters ...

But how far is the geostationary satellite from the ground?

35,786 kilometers!

More than a hundred times lower earth orbit!

how can that be!

In a place more than a hundred times far away, you must have a hundred times the caliber in order to achieve the same accuracy!

This is the iron law of physics, no one can break it!

Even if the other party is lazy technology, it cannot be broken!

But even in the geostationary orbit, this is not right ...

However, maybe the lazy system is so strange, like to enter the geostationary orbit?

The geostationary orbit has only one orbit, which is the orbit above the equator.

If you want to enter this orbit, so far, human beings cannot reach it directly. You must use a transfer orbit, borrowing centrifugal force, angular velocity and the gravity of the earth to reach this orbit.

And the geostationary orbit transfer trajectory is also very strict. What kind of speed and angle have detailed data.

Look at it like this, it is going into geosynchronous orbit.

Thinking about this, a rocket engineer started counting: "It has entered the geosynchronous transfer orbit."

"Well," Chen Haocong nodded. "What are the values?"

"The data is normal, the flight instant correction system is working normally, the orbit is normal, and the speed is normal ..." the staff reported.

"Well, yes." Chen Haocong nodded with satisfaction.

Into the earth's transfer orbit, usually the rocket will turn off, and then wait for the next transfer to a high point, and then through the thrust of the rocket, enter the true "geo-synchronous orbit.

But soon everyone noticed that it was different, because the Big Doll did not turn off, but adjusted the angle and speed, and accelerated again.

On track ... and then off track? What the **** is this?

What a really special rocket!

At this moment, the staff also reported: "It is about to enter the lunar transfer orbit ... it has entered the lunar transfer orbit, the instant flight correction system is working normally, all the data is normal ..."

The spectators are all at this point.

Isn't this a satellite? Are you going to fly to the moon?

Is it necessary to build a monitoring station on the moon to monitor the earth?

This idea is too weird!

But it is shocking that even if it enters the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, the Big Doll has not stopped, but it is still accelerating.

Accelerating again, we will fly out of the Earth and the Moon. Do you still want to fly out of the solar system?

Compared with the disturbances in the world, the solar system is actually a very simple and intuitive model. Although there are seemingly complex gravity disturbances to each other, for the flying objects in the terrestrial and moon system, the only real influence is huge, and only The gravity of the earth, moon and sun.

What kind of angle, what speed, and where it will fly, are all mathematical formulas that can be calculated. It is not as difficult to figure out as a woman's mind.

The current big head doll has deviated from all the tracks. Now what they have to do is not to wait and see, but to quickly fix the track and remedy it!

But Bighead Doll, this is ... just flew straight out?

It's like an arrow shot from the earth.

At this time, the Big Doll has far exceeded the low-earth orbit, and the earth-moon transfer orbit and the geostationary transfer orbit are inserted obliquely toward the sun, like the legendary Icarus.

Launch failed?

Under the eyes of the world, Lazy God Technology, Abu, Bear Child Technology failed to launch?

Although in the history of world aerospace, all kinds of accidents are endless and difficult to write, but this is the bear child technology, it is a lazy god!

Lazy gods that have never failed will fail?

"Ah, I knew it! I knew it would fail!" Cia's official yelled, almost scaring his subordinates from falling off the boat.

Their telescope has long been unable to see the "Big Doll" flying to the other side of the earth, but their aerospace experts have already calculated the current outline from the live broadcast pictures released by Bear Kid Technology. data.

Chen Wei and Jiang Sanjia did not understand the Rockets.

But they also seem to think something is wrong.

In the command room, in addition to several employees of Bear Kid Technology, there are also many staff members at the San Marco launch site, at this time they are very dignified.

"What's wrong?" Chen Wei quickly asked Chen Haocong.

"It's nothing, ah, by the way, it's time to separate!" Chen Haocong seemed to remember this, and he asked the staff next to him: "All the data just recorded."

"Already documented," the staff responded.

"All right, release the companion." Chen Haocong ordered.

Suddenly, an independent camera was released and adjusted its direction very precisely in the air ~ ~ and turned back to shoot the Big Doll Rocket.

The picture is very clear and stable. It seems that the distance of thousands of kilometers and the silent universe is not a problem at all.

Up to 4k footage is very stable and very quiet.

The fast-moving Big Doll looks completely static.

It looks like a reciprocating gif.

"Began to separate," Chen Haocong ordered.

A command was issued by the staff member. Instantly, the camera and microphone connected to the rocket received the sound from the inside of the rocket. With a few clicks of the lock opening, a thin gap cracked in the middle of the doll.

Then the Big Doll Rocket, like a crocodile with a slowly open mouth, released the satellite inside it.

If ... it's a satellite.

The "satellite" loaded inside the "big doll" is really a behemoth as large as a train carriage!

The front of the rocket is opened and the manipulator pushes it out of the rocket. This process is slow and very rhythmic.

If you must find a figurative metaphor, that is to break the cocoon butterfly, the golden cicada is peeling!

Almost everyone was stunned and staring at the "satellite".

If this is really a satellite, it must be the largest "satellite" that humans have ever launched.

Its appearance is very ordinary, it looks like a bamboo tube, closed at both ends, and the whole body is bright silver, but it is very thick, big, really rough and big!

The companion star flew around the satellite with ease, and Chen Haocong inspected the satellite with great satisfaction, and then said, "Activate the satellite 'sunshade'!"

Wait, what the **** is this name? Parasols? Where does this look like a parasol?

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