Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 995: :I'm·Sorry,sir!

As the "umbrella face" spreads out, the picture of the companion star is gradually zoomed out. It can be seen that the area of ​​the umbrella face is constantly increasing, and it seems that it will never stop.

"This solar panel is really big. It looks like the satellite is really energy-consuming." Astronaut consultant frowned, beside the Ia official.

High energy consumption means that some aspects are very powerful, but what is this power?

The satellite itself is very thick, but at this time compared to the opened umbrella surface, it can only be said to be slim.

What's even more strange is that when the umbrella surface is opened, the satellite itself is slowly growing.

It's like the tri-fold umbrella is pulled open one by one.

In the end, the satellite really looked like an umbrella in space.

Slender handle, and huge umbrella face.

No wonder it's called a "sunshade"!

But this thing, you said it was a spy satellite?

Please let me laugh hahahahaha.

At this time, the Ia official was laughing, and he burst into tears: "This thing is a spy satellite? I admit that its solar panel is quite large, but how big can it be? Can it be five meters? "

Although the diameter of the solar panel has reached almost one kilometer, the diameter of the satellite itself is at most 5 meters.

This still has to be achieved in a state like "mobile phone borderless" to reach five meters.

Even if it is much higher than the current US caliber of nearly four meters, it is at most a little higher.

And you can use it on such a high track!

But what is the purpose of Xiongzi Technology launching such a satellite?

Although I still don't understand why the satellite's orbit is so strange, I'm afraid it will have a short life span, and it will soon be out of orbit. God knows where it will fly or crash.

And why this satellite needs such a high energy consumption and a large solar panel to support it, but Bear Kid Technology's rockets have successfully returned, and it is a bit far-fetched to say that the satellite failed to fire.

The question is, what is the purpose of Xiongzi Technology shooting such a satellite in such a place?

The companion star continued to pull away, and the huge space umbrella gradually became smaller, eventually turning into a small light spot in the universe.

The broadcast signal ends here.

Chen Haocong stood at the gate of the command room and faced countless reporters and announced: "Entrusted by Lazy God Yafei, designed by Lazy God Technology, the" Umbrella One "launched by Xiongzi Technology Rocket Lab was successfully launched. This satellite will It will bring tremendous help to the site selection, survey and post-test of the earth thrower plan. Thank you for coming to the shooting site, and now I will give the field to the person in charge of Lazy God Yafei "

When I heard Chen Haocong saying this, a group of reporters suddenly stopped working. Now everyone is thinking about the fog, and they want an explanation. But if you say no, there will be no more?

Can the staff of Lazy God Yafei give us a suitable explanation?

Lazy gods are all good, it's not good to be too disrespectful to reporters, it's just toilet paper that is used up!

Now Bear Kids Science and Technology hasn't learned anything else, which is unfriendly to reporters but has learned 10%.

However, no matter how they shouted or blocked, Hao Cong could not be stopped. He turned and left the shooting platform under the protection of security personnel.

Just after the boat landed, Chen Haocong was stopped again.

A group of black suit-wearing, black-headed agents stopped Chen Haocong, and Ia's officials strode over, staring coldly at him and Chen Wei.

"Trouble to let go!" Security Xiaohui was also in a suit at this time, came forward very uncomfortably, waved to let these go.

Ia's official smiled overcast at Chen Wei, and then said to Chen Haocong: "Mr. Chen, we suspect that you have illegally used US technology and violated ITaR. Please follow us and assist us in our investigation."

Chen Wei's complexion suddenly became very ugly. He wanted to step forward, but Chen Haocong had already taken a step forward, staring at the official Ia, and asked, "What is the violation?"

"ITaR, the International Arms Trade Regulations." Ia officials said, "We believe that the satellite you launched is suspected of being used for military purposes and that it has used U.S. technology without being audited, so please assist in your investigation."

"Oh, I don't use American technology." Chen Haocong smiled slightly. "Trouble let it go."

With that said, I plan to move forward.

"Mr. Chen, I think you may not understand what is going on." The smile of the Ia official froze, and then he continued with a smile, "If you violate the ITaR agreement, you will be punished by the US government. No product can enter the United States. "

"Oh, ok." Chen Haocong looked up and found Cui Weisi from the crowd. "Little Cui, stop all our cooperation with the United States."

"Ok." Cui Weisi was still stunned and just lost one brand of animation, how much income did he lose, but this time he was called by Chen Haocong, and immediately showed excellent professional quality, he took out his mobile phone , Glanced at it, and suddenly screamed annoyed, "Boss, borrow a mobile phone and use it, my phone is already hung up."

Just now he was forced to dive, but his cell phone was dead.

When I got Chen Haocong ’s cell phone, Travis dialed a number and said, "Old John, this is Travis, no, no, I don't need you to invite me to drink ~ ~ But I have a misfortune To let you know "

"Ministry cooperation must be suspended today"

"Why do you say that?" Travis glanced at the Ia official and said, "I don't know why, but one of Ia's employees here told Bear Kid Technology that the product violated ITaR, so we will be subject to the US government's Sanctions, all products cannot enter the United States. "

"Yes, yes, that's it. Our lazy gods have always been law-abiding, you know, so sorry, all our cooperation must be terminated."

"You said, let me give him the phone?" Travis glanced at Ia in front of him and said, "Old John wants to talk to you."

"Oh," Ia's official smiled. This kind of bridge? He watched too much in the movie, who will be opposite? An official? Someone? Except for a few people, he really didn't look at them!

"Hey, I'm Jess Bona, it's Bona, bonn, yes, sir! Yesyesyes, Ikno, sir"

Even at such a distance, Chen Haocong could hear the roar from the microphone. It took two minutes before the Ia official hung up the phone with sweat, and handed the phone over.

Travis did not answer, he had already retreated behind Chen Haocong.

Chen Haocong hugged his shoulders and looked coldly at the bsp in front of him; is this guy, embarrassed by his own dad, dare to threaten him to make it difficult for him?

Staring coldly at him, the cold sweat of Ia's official increased.

"Say nothing?" Chen Haocong asked him.

"Uh I"

"What is Imsorry?"

"Imsorry, sir!"

The novel is updated quickly, with few advertisements, complete chapters, and anti-theft.]

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