Lazy God Possession

Chapter 103: : Punch to Nanshan Nursing Home


How can my elderly person be so weak?

Before he fainted, he knew that he was in a hurry to get angry, and was angry with cerebral hemorrhage.

His age, so much trouble, basically dead.

At that time, his heart was too late to grieve, and he fell straight to the ground.

"How am I? You're a disrespectful old man!"

The old Peng Peng was angry, sure enough, this **** boy, who is not Nanming?

"You are satisfied now! I really should let you die! Why am I so soft-hearted!" Nan Ming stared at him fiercely.

I really shouldn't care, let this old guy die directly!

I said that it was n’t the old man who was bad, it was the bad man who was old, and the ancients would n’t bully me!

In order to force himself out, this old **** even used such a bitter scheme!

"You dare to speak to me like this, if you anger my old man again, I see what you do!" Peng Lao jumped.

"You look so angry! Come on, come on, cerebral hemorrhage, heart disease! Come on, you die for me!" Nan Ming glared angrily, if your body is sick, I will tell you Mix!

Lao Peng felt that he was so mad that his temples were pounding and his head was big.

I was so angry in the past that I was dizzy and my blood pressure was almost two hundred.

But now ...

She is as light as a swallow, her head is sober, she does n’t feel dizzy when she is angry, she just wants to hit someone!

Nanming is speechless, just like this old man you are so psychic, Nanming feels angry, this guy does not take death!

"I just don't come to medical school! I just don't tell you! You hit me! You hit me!"

He just released a few cannons, and saw Peng Lao waving his old arms and legs.

"Okay, as you wish, I will kill you!"

"Okay, you're a hit! Help, help!"

What should I do, this dead old man is going to fight with me, should I fight or not!

"Okay, you dare to fight, you ask for it! Watch the fist!"

Outside the ward door, several middle-aged people looked at each other.

"Go in?"

"Go in, you go in."

"Well then, let them call themselves ..."

"It looks good."


Uh ...

"噗嗤 ......" He glanced at Nanming, holding the ice pack in a depressed face, and covered his head with Nan Ming, and then looked at Peng Lao, who had a blue and swollen face next to him, and couldn't help but laugh again.

Teacher Yun ... he even fought with someone!

Fighting with someone who is one fifth of his age!

And, lost!

I guess when Peng Lao and Nan Ming were fighting, they never thought that Nan Ming would not let him at all.

After all, the old arms and legs are old, and the body is not Nan Ming Ling Ling, he was finally knocked down by Nan Ming!

People who can kill even Li Tubin are afraid of a bad old man with your old arms and legs?

"I want to call the police to catch your old bastard!" Nan Ming still refused to stop here, my handsome little white face!

"You better pray that you don't get sick in this life!" Peng Lao threatened unabashedly.

"What about being sick? Anyway, you old veteran doctor is not needed!" Nan Ming scorned.

"You are a quack doctor, I will kill you!" Peng Lao wanted to hit again.

"Have you ever beaten?" Who was the one who just fell down!

He Helun heard from Master that when Peng Lao was young, he was hot-tempered and always felt incredible, but now he sees it.

I was afraid that it was Peng Lao who was keeping his own breath for health reasons, and this turned into a good husband later.

"I say little master ..." He Lun thought that it was better to persuade Nanming. The grandfather played this time, and it will be a miracle to recover in the end. Is it all Nanming brought? No wonder the old man cares so much about him.

What is the reason?

He Helun felt that it was not the time to explore this, but when he was free, he always asked the teacher.

As for the teacher who was so angry with cerebral hemorrhage, the stubborn old Peng encountered Nan Ming, who was just as stubborn, and couldn't blame Nan Ming, let's talk to him first.

Anyway, right now, isn't it?

"Who said he was your little master!"

"Who is your little master!" Nan Ming stared.

"Shut up!" Two people accuse each other again!

准 These two must have had a bad relationship in the last life.

He Lun shook his head and ignored.

He is a young master, not a young master. Nanming and his teacher, do n’t worry about whoever it is.

Uh ...

Strengthening the balance car is actually not the original intention of Nanming. After all, Nanming cannot always carry this thing with it. If anyone else goes along, it will be troublesome.

But now that it has been strengthened, Nan Ming doesn't mind using it more.

From the medical school upstairs, Nan Ming stepped on the balance car, and wanted to feel the feeling of the galloping power just now, but as soon as he got up, he fell on a horse, and the balance car rushed out with a whistle by himself left behind.

Tong Nanming got up on the ground for a while and then chased it out. The balance car was parked safely on the road.

After all, it's just a unicycle, which could only maintain dynamic balance, but at this time, the balanced car seemed to violate the laws of physics, stood there quietly, and swayed gently as the breeze blew.

I don't know why, Nan Ming suddenly felt cold on his back.

He rushed forward and grabbed the balance car.

As soon as the balance car leaves the ground, it loses that strange sense of balance, but as long as it is placed on the ground, no matter how it is placed, it will stand up on its own.

Tong Nanming has strengthened a lot of things, but none of them are as weird as balanced cars.

Of course, he had been simple strengthening before, and the balance car was strictly the first "complex structure" object that he successfully strengthened.

Before Lazy God evolved into the third stage, he strengthened the balance car. It is estimated that it will only strengthen the hardness of the shell balance car ~ ~ Why? Nanming was a little puzzled, thinking about holding the balance bike, stepping on it again in disbelief, and then snoring, the balance bike rushed out again, leaving Nanming a horse lying on the ground.


I finally managed to get up again, Nanming was puzzled.

If the balance bike is out of service, how will he go back today?

He was really tired at the moment, and the energy consumed today is too much.

Lu Nanming sat on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone, and sent a WeChat to Zhang Feilin: "I was going to find you today, but the balance car broke down."

"Are you coming for me?" Zhang Feilin made a big-eyed expression with a stupid face.


"and then?"

然后 "Then the balance car broke down."

Across the street, Zhang Feilin imagined that Nan Ming wanted to come to her and wanted to see her, but she was too lazy to get the door because the balance car broke down.

I have no choice but to fall in love with a lazy male god, so I can only accept his shortcomings.

"Flower idiot, thinking about your male **** again?" The person sleeping with him saw Zhang Feilin suddenly laughed for no reason, and knew that the nerd was sick again.

"Really, aren't your male gods taking you out for romance?" There were still people jealous next to him.

"My male **** is too lazy. Even if I go out for romance, I will take him ..." Zhang Feilin pouted and smiled.

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