Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: : Take me to the moon

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10,000 researchers returned to China, causing another round of tumult.

The public paid enthusiastic attention for a while, and as all countries in the world jointly signaled, the major media began to deal with this matter coldly, and the green bandit incident disappeared.

In another ten or twenty years, perhaps this will become a legend, and it will even be doubted whether it really existed in history.

The other reason is that July is about to end, and at the end of each month, there is a monthly hot topic that catches everyone's attention.

This topic is ... The Silent Epic Tour!

The silent epic journey will start at the end of the month. The first two epic journeys each created a miracle of attention, so what about this time?

Not to mention the theme of this time is "Star Ocean", and the tone of this time was already set when Silent was performing a flight show at the Paris Air Show.

Then consider the various actions of lazy gods in the recent period.

Earth Rockfall Project, Multiple Launches of Recyclable Rockets, Parasol Satellites ...

Many people think that maybe the Silent is really going into space.

So what will be the only "epic bit" of this ferry ticket?

The monthly Silent ferry ticket auction will bring surprising new prices, and this month, after Silent announced the tone of the "Star Ocean", it has doubled again, the highest price Almost $ 400 million.

And the location of this "epic position" varies from place to place.

From "low-Earth orbit" and then evolved to "International Space Station", some people have recently started to want to go to the "sunshade".

The "silk" people who have paid close attention to this auction have exclaimed that the world is really crazy. Are these rich people spending $ 500 million just to go to space?

However, there are too many "old money" in this world, that is, oldmoney. This auction even exploded a lot of hidden riches, and some people jointly bid for a boat ticket. After all, each boat ticket Can carry three followers.

With several advances, Silent's epic ferry ticket reached new heights.

When a journalist who paid close attention to the auction of Silent Ship's Epic Tour Tickets opened the Epic Tour Auction website again, he opened his mouth and sat there for a long time.

In front of him, on the LED screen, there are ten boxes in the concise page, and each box has a ticket.

And the "epic ferry ticket" is a purple border with the destination written on it.

The $ 500 million buyer, the location determined is ...



Can you believe it!

Anyway, this reporter feels absolutely unbelievable!

He almost had to pick up the phone and call the police!

Are you kidding me? Going to the moon?

Before, when I saw the ticket price of the Silent, these reporters all had to say: "Big dogs, dead tyrants, such expensive tickets are just to go around this place ..."

And now, for the first time, this reporter feels that if this 500 million yuan can really buy a trip to the moon ...

Really make a lot of money?

So far, the only time a human has landed on the moon is more than 40 years ago.

Apollo Project, the largest aerospace project in human history. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong became the first person on the moon to reach the moon.

The entire Apollo project, which lasted ten years, cost a total of $ 25 billion.

At $ 25 billion, it looks like there aren't as many plans for the current earth boulder.

But how many times was the purchasing power of $ 1 at that time?

In the following decades, human beings never set foot on the land that can be seen every day, but mysterious.


There are even many voices suggesting that with the shrinking of the United States ’investment in space, the brain drain and the shrinking of the space industry, the United States’ space technology is actually regressing.

The United States today, even if it wants to go to the moon, this technology is no longer available.

Whether this argument is true or not, but can still explain the difficulty of landing on the moon.

"It's impossible ..." Then the reporter laughed.

The Silent Ship's epic ticket seems to be free to compete, but there is still a lot of room for operation inside.

If Silence can't go, just arrange for someone to buy the ticket again at a higher price.

Anyway, I just hand in my right hand from the inside of the lazy gods system, there will be no financial pressure at all.

This kind of operation is an open secret. Although reporters have never heard of Lazy Gods doing this, they have reasons to do so, right?

At least ... raise prices?

$ 500 million want to go to the moon, kidding?

However, the ticket was hung there.

No one bid more than it, or no one can think of a destination that is greater and more meaningful than here.

When this news appeared on the Internet, it detonated the entire world.

Lazy Gods reporter Yu Jiafeng was lying in front of the computer and sleeping for a short while, and missed the right to the most important news release, but he has a unique channel that others are jealous and can't.

Chi Jiafeng called Nan Jun's assistant Du Junlin on the desk with a phone call: "Lao Du, is it fake?"

"What's really fake?" Du Junlin Yizheng, his assistant, helped Nanming handle various paperwork all day, but he was still very busy, and he felt a little indifferent to things outside the window ~ ~ Month! "Chi Jiafeng said.

"Oh, you say this. President Nan is also discussing it next door. I'll give him the phone." Du Junlin took the phone and went into the office next door and gave the phone to Nan Ming.

"Hey, you say that, we are discussing it and think it should work."

"It should work?" Chi Jiafeng's voice rose eight degrees.

"Or should it be difficult?"

"Nothing difficult?" The sound of Eating Gao's voice rose again eight degrees, just screaming.

"Yes, you see, the Americans did what they did 46 years ago, and we have no reason not to do it." Nanming said, "I have discussed with my guys, you can try."

Even if the opposite was Nan Ming, Chi Jiafeng wanted to spray him.

No difficulty? Forty-six years ago, U.S. science and technology made a national effort and it took time to finance to achieve this feat!

At that time, it was the heyday of America, and now the United States does not have this ability!

Moreover, they sent a spacecraft to it, weighing a few tens of tons in total. Your Silent, more than 2,000 tons!

What else do you want to do! What do you want to do?

"So aren't we doing research? Don't worry, we will inform you of the results after we finish the research. Rest assured, you are definitely the first to know the results."

Chi Jiafeng hung up in a daze.

After about three minutes, Du Junlin's phone call came over: "Lao Chi, the boss they have decided to go to the moon. Lao Chi, Lao Chi ... Are you still there? In this Lao Chi, the mobile phone has no signal ... beep……"

Chi Jiafeng stayed there, already petrified.

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