Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: : Conservative

Perhaps because the lazy gods have created too many miracles, when the "Dream House" was successfully suspended in the air, everyone had a ridiculous feeling similar to this real estate developer.

That's it? Doesn't seem to be any great?

Of course, it is great for others, but for lazy gods, this kind of thing is not difficult.

Not overnight, a building that may be taller than the world ’s tallest artificial structure, Burj Khalifa, was built. Then this building can freely add and delete rooms and can be filled with all kinds of The house is nothing more.

Lazy God is so easy to go to the moon, is it so difficult to build a house?

And ... is this thing really safe?

Why does it look so dangerous?

Really won't fall because of a weak suspension?

A group of real estate developers are studying this house, and none of them can guess Nan Ming's thoughts.

If it is only a new type of construction, it will not affect them much.

For most people, they only care about the uncomfortableness of the house they live in, which is inconvenient, and whether they can meet their daily needs. Who cares how the house was built?

If you can only move up and down, or you can adjust the position ... but someone will definitely worry about its safety.

But I don't know why, they think that Nanming's idea should be more than that simple.

But what conspiracy does Nan Ming have?

Everyone was a little worried.

Not afraid of the tricks of the lazy gods, they are afraid that they will not see through the tricks themselves, they will not understand ...


At the same time, in Qingyang, hundreds of kilometers away from the tower, Shang Fang was also worriedly looking down: "Don't it really fall?"

"Certainly not, rest assured." Xu Gong was busy working all night, a little tired, but still happily looking at everything in front of him, introduced: "Our lazy technology, you should be clear. Don't It is said that Silent had flown for so long, and just saying that most of the entire Lazy God Paradise is built on this technology, it has already been very mature. "

"But ..." Shang Fang looked down at the ground gradually away, but this is a house!

How can this house fly in the sky?

The house feels like it is motionless, is the strongest fortress, the most stable home, if it suddenly flew ...

Isn't that a trip around Flying House?

But this house is not only flying, but also flying with many other houses.

When I heard that they were going to ship this house to Dongbin, Shangfang's parents were very worried. How can such a big house be shipped? Shouldn't it be to dismantle it?

The house is tall and large. I am afraid there are no cars or roads in the world that can accommodate it.

Moreover, although only staying for one night, Shangfang's parents have long liked this house and really regard it as their own home.

At this moment, thinking of removing it, the two elderly people were a little bit worried and worried.

Xu Gong heard their worries and didn't know what to say more. Pointing at the sky, he said, "Well, which thing to use to transport!"

Seeing that thing, Shang Fang's parents were stunned, but they were worried again: "No! No! This will fall, it will fall!"

At this moment, above the class factory, a huge airship was slowly taking off.

The technology used by this airship was the huge airbag used by the Silent when it first flew up.

Crystal and transparent airbags, like countless soap bubbles, reflect bright light in the sun.

Underneath the airbag is a boxy square bracket that is about 100 meters long and 50 meters wide. Each grid can accommodate a "dream house".

The name of the airship was written on the airship's ship, called "flying dreamer", which matched the name of "dream house".

Last night, about two dozen houses were built in the No. 2 workshop of the Grade Factory, most of which were in Qingyang. Only Shangfang and the other three dream houses were going to Dongbin.

"Flying Dreamer" first transported the house in Qingyang before installing the house in Shangfang.

Shang Fang said arrogantly that he wanted to persuade his parents to stay. He said, "You see the planes flying in the sky. There are so many planes in the sky that you haven't seen them. It's not dangerous. Besides, you can see that they also Several batches have been shipped, aren't they all fine? "

However, Shang Fang's parents are very conservative and cautious. Their family background is not good, and they have been from that era. They have always been cautious and prudent. When Shang Fang was going to lazy seminary, they did not agree.

In their opinion, it is an iron rice bowl in a university, no matter how lazy theological college is, it is not a country, not an iron rice bowl!

Therefore, they still have a skeptical attitude towards some things of the lazy gods and cannot fully trust them.

When they said that the house was going to be built, they felt worried and had to come and see.

At this moment, they are even more reluctant. The house in such a big and heavy house, the airbag in the sky looks so thin, and they are all thin and transparent. How can it be safe? A gust of wind blows, I'm afraid it won't break!

Even if there is no wind, if a bad guy shoots with a gun, will it be hit?

"Furthermore, whether the plane will fall or not, you have not seen it with your own eyes. The circle of friends has said that there have been many planes that have fallen in the past two years, so try not to take a plane ..."

Hearing his parents' concerns, Shang Fang couldn't help crying. These old people would rather trust the mentally handicapped articles in the circle of friends than trust him as a doctor.

And based on his knowledge of the lazy **** system technology, he knows that this kind of airbag uses artificial spider silk, which is tough and abnormal and difficult to be destroyed. So far, how many miracles the lazy **** system has ever created are not favored. Who has seen something wrong with lazy gods?

However, no one on both sides dissatisfied. In the end, Shang Fang himself boarded the "Flight Dreamer" toughly and took off with the flight dreamer.

He waved down from the window: "Dad, mom, you go back to school, take a lazy bus, go to Dongbin and wait for me ..."

Below, Shang Fang's parents complained to each other, and the old woman was crying anxiously: "You old man, why do you have to be greedy for this cheap, no matter how good the house is, you have nothing to lose ..."

"They're all right," Xu Gong said, watching the two old men getting smaller.

"Hey, they ..." Shangfang didn't know what to say, "Look, my dad will take my mom to the train station to buy tickets later. I said last time that I would take them on a lazy bus. It ’s too fast, it ’s too scary, and it ’s dangerous ... Last time I took them to Dongbin, and I swayed for seven or eight hours on the road! Do n’t laugh at me. Now, my parents thought that Bao Jian is a friend of mine, and wondering why my friend talks to me all day, I can only tell him that Bao Jian is my student, and I have to ask questions at any time ... "

Xu Gong's forehead black line.

"When I watched 3D printing last night, my parents didn't get scared, they have improved a lot, but I guess they didn't understand it." Shang Fang said, "No matter what, I must take them too cautiously. Come over to me ... "

Xu Gong shrugged.

In fact, the dilemma that Shang Shang is right about is not his own.

For the first three decades, parents have been educating their children and working hard to help them develop a character that can adapt to this world.

Thirty years later, when the children grew up, they began to want to influence their parents in turn.

When parents often think that they still have enough authority and can still educate their children, they are stubbornly unwilling to change. In many cases, the conflict between children and their parents arises.

At first glance, Shang Fang ’s parents are small and cautious ordinary people. At this age, they have experienced a special era. There are not so many miracles and good things in life, and so many adventures and choices. They are confined to a small business for a lifetime. At the end of the day, he was about to retire, and he was just eating his dead wages, hoping that his children would be safe and healthy. .

When parents faced their young children, they were always worried that no matter how they educated them, they could not correct their bad habits.

And at this moment, the adult children ~ ~ also worry that their parents are always stubborn about the old, the old things, and refuse to accept the change of the world.

And this world is getting bigger and bigger, getting faster and faster.

The lazy **** shuttle bus and the lazy **** home have profoundly changed every lazy **** employee.

How to enjoy this wonderful world without accepting change?

Xu Gong shook his head, thinking of his old man, and sighed: "My old man is the same. I told him that in the second workshop, he always thought that I was working on the assembly line in the workshop, and I felt that I was very hard all day. I was greasy and told me to pay attention to protection. I told him that he did n’t understand. You know, my old man also worked as a worker for a lifetime. In their small factory, even the factory manager had to go to the assembly line when the task was heavy. Help ... "

At this point, he shook his head and said, "No more, old man, it is not easy to persuade them. By the way, I haven't thanked you for letting me take a ride."

Xu Gongwang looked out the window and laughed, "This is the first dream house to be transferred across cities. It is a glory that can be recorded in history!"

Shang Fang felt a bit exaggerated in the annals of history because he didn't know what was waiting for him in Dongbin.

From Dongbin to Qingyang, the distance is more than 300 kilometers in a straight line.

The speed of the "Flying Dreamer" is unpleasant, and it remains at about 300 kilometers, so the entire journey is about an hour.

The two sat on the sand and talked for a while, then went to the door next door and returned to their home. Shang Fang suddenly opened his eyes.

"This is ... what is this?" Shang Fang's eyes almost stood out.

Out of the window, the towering towering into the clouds is in sight.

"Lazy God Tower 1." Xu Gongdao, he got up and looked out the window, then his eyes widened.

"I only know it's tall, but I never thought it would be so spectacular!" (To be continued.)

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