Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1086: : Jun heart is unpredictable (3 /?)

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Nanming stood on the upper level of the Lazy God Pagoda and watched the houses successively along the docking platform, sliding to the Lazy God Pagoda.

Everyone cheered and applauded desperately.

The audience also applauded, and they either admired, shocked, or doubted.

Real estate developers think more, they gather together, whispering and arguing, what the lazy gods want to do.

As they say, real estate is unique.

No matter how fast your house is built, it can only be limited to one place. The land is limited and the area is locked. They have land in their hands and don't panic.

Lazy gods may be able to go anywhere else, but in terms of real estate, they are still new.

If you just build some super buildings like this ... it should not shake their foundation.

Nanming didn't care what they thought.

Nan Ming also heard the news, saying that these real estate developers want to unite to deal with lazy gods and enter the "real estate" industry.

But in fact, where does Nan Ming care about the real estate industry? His ambitions are far more than this!

No matter in front of the stage or behind the scenes, there was a man who saw Nanming's true routine and felt Nanming's superior IQ and laughed treacherously.

He stood at the window with his hands on his hips, and his voice went from low to loud, as if to clear the sky.

"嗫 嗫 嗫 嗫 ... 嗫 嗫 嗫 嗫 ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Then he reached out with a finger, domineering: "You wait! Your end is here!"

Qin Dang, your day of death is here!

My Nanming Devil is about to crush the world!

As soon as Nanming, who was full of spirits, turned around, she saw a group of bear children behind her, cuddling together, huddled together, panic-stricken, shivering.

You mortals, you are scared by the spirit of Xun Jun's presence in the world!

"Little fat man! Go back to the palace with my grandmother!" Nan Ming waved his hand to Zhao Xiaofei with straight eyes and turned and strode away.

"Uh ..." Zhao Xiaofa stayed in place for three seconds.

Zhao Xiao fat's nickname is already the shame of his life. What is the wrong name of the fat man?

He's not the inside director!

However, Zhao Xiao fat is indeed Zhao Xiao fat. Whenever there is a problem, he should always reflect on himself first. He asked Yang Ji who was around to make fun of him: "Should I say a shout at this time?"

Yang Ji said that he didn't want to speak, he was afraid he would become a little Jizi when he talked.

"Come on, you!" Yang Ji patted Zhao Xiaochu's buttocks and turned to catch up.

And the bear children, at this time are still all kinds of weird.

"Uncle Ming is crazy!"

"Really crazy!"

"Uncle Ming, this is going to be black, it's terrible!"

"I think Brother is so domineering, it's a man who is worthy of becoming the devil ..."

It wasn't just the bear children who were scared by Nan Ming's "domineering" side, but also the Shangfang who happened to be next door to Chen Changfei.

With a dull face, he asked Xu Gong next to him, "Is that Mr. Nan just now?"

"Yeah." Xu Gong nodded.

"So what is Mr. Nan doing ..." Shang Fang felt that it seemed that Mr. Nan was tall and tall in his mind.

"I don't know, the realm of that big man, we don't understand ..."

"Oh, too." Shang Fang's eyes glowed. This was the first time he had come into contact with Nanming at such a close distance, and he felt really superior.

During the conversation, the house stopped, Xu Gong checked it back and forth, and nodded: "No problem, all the pipelines have been connected. Hmm ... It seems I should also apply for one."

Shang Fang was speechless for a long time. It turned out that Xu Gong regarded him as a mouse and came to see it with his own eyes.

But it is also normal. This new thing has just appeared, and it is normal to worry about it.

Xu Gong was delayed in the house for a while, and then he left. The Flying Dreamer in the sky flew back to Qingyang again, and then transported other "Dream Houses" to Qingyang.

Sending Xu Gong away and closing the door, Shang Fang stood in the center of the living room of his house.

This house is more spacious and beautiful than the best home in Shangfang's dream.

This is his house, his home.

Suddenly, Shang Fang felt a strange joy coming to his heart, and he could not wait to dance.

This is his house!

This is his own house!

This is his home for many years to come!

This lazy **** tower is where his residence is!

He can freely arrange his own house, freely place furniture, how to use and how to love, how to live and how to live.

Those who have never bought their own house or owned their own house will never understand the joy of owning their own house and own home.

He jumped up happily, and said loudly, "Sword, brother is also the man who owns his own house!"

"Come out!" Bao Jian snorted and said to him, "Did you forget something?"

"Forgot what?" Shang Fang blinked, then slammed his head: "Look, I forgot my parents!"

Shangfang's stubborn parents, I'm afraid I'm still waiting in line at the train station to buy tickets!

Shang Fang quickly contacted his parents, tossed for several hours, and finally took over the parents. It was easy to say that in the end, a killer was used.

"Parents, if you don't want to live, then I won't live either, just give them back the house and see who is going to be assigned to whom."

The two stepped into the Lazy God Tower and lived in the "insecure" house.

Looking at the expressions of the two old people, Shang Fang was actually snickering. Although hard words were spoken on the mouth, the two old people had already been convinced. Who would be willing to leave such a good house?

The Lazy God Tower was completed, and the two factories in Dongbin and Qingyang were in full swing, and started to produce various dream houses in a hurry. The first batch of hundreds of people who obtained the "dream house" qualification soon Moved over.

There are dozens of different houses on the Lazy God Tower, which look like the horns of the antelope, with small protrusions.

The lazy **** tower is up to more than one hundred floors, and each floor can accommodate dozens of such external-type houses. The entire lazy **** tower can accommodate tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of "dream homes." "This type of building.

And the internal department of lazy **** ~ ~ has started the second round of qualification issuance, the third round of screening, the fourth round of pre-election ...

At the same time, more similar buildings are rising everywhere.

To the east of Qingyang University, less than 500 meters away from the campus, a huge ring-shaped building like a metal stadium is slowly elevating, layer by layer.

To the east of Wenji City, a small area of ​​extremely elegant villas, shaded by mountains and lakes, entered this villa area, and it seems to be back to hundreds of years ago, all antiques and charms. But on the top of the mountain, a tall tower gradually got out of his head, just like a giant looking out of the delicate sand table.

In Changxi, at the end of Space Street, on a piece of land that has been leveled, a sea anemone-like steel building is slowly growing. Everyone passing by Space Street cannot help but stare, wondering what it is.

Even in the United States, Africa, and the Philippines, several different buildings are under construction.

As the main carrier of all the buildings of "Lazy God's House", Qin Yafei, the person in charge of Lazy God Yafei, did not understand Nanming's construction of so many buildings at the same time.

"General Nan, you said it would be better to build a lazy home in Dongbin and Qingyang. After all, this is our base camp, Wenji and Changxi, and I can barely justify it. The Philippines and the United States do not need to build ... ... "Qin Yafei said," We don't have many employees over there, and the people of our lazy **** Yafei in Africa also live very scattered ... "

"You don't understand." Nan Ming grinned. "Soon you will understand."

It ’s hard to know whether you understand or not. Can you think of your thoughts?

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