Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: : Who can't make money

"Wanke Studio is crazy!" After receiving a report from a subordinate, a business developer slammed the phone savagely. "Too much! How could it be so high!"

Mi11ion is one million. With the habit of every three digits in the United States, 85omi11ion in their mouth is 850 million US dollars.

This number is simply too high.

"Don't you say that the lazy gods will not make money?" There is also a more modest entrepreneur next to him. "How come the companies under the lazy gods are more expensive than one?"

"Will not make money? The poor is crazy?" It is rare to have a sane person. "Don't forget, Wanke Design Studio is the general design unit of the earth trowel. Follow-up support, as far as I know, they charge 1% for architectural design and consulting fees. "

Ten percent? When they heard that number, they were all a little bit blank.

What is the total investment of the earth boulder?

At least $ 9oo billion! Ten percent is 900 million US dollars. This money is still living money, which is already much higher than the vast majority of the people present.

"If this ratio is taken into account, the total output value of our tower is 300 million yuan. Ten percent is 300 million US dollars. They only need 850 million US dollars, is it kind?"

After reaching this conclusion, everyone was crazy.

what? Very kind?

Who said this?

This is not a coin, this is a green dollar bill! It's all Benjamin Franklin's headshot!

The number of 850 million is usually the number that the unseen author completely obscured in a boring urban novel.

Whatever 2ooo billion casually, 3oo billion casually talk, there is no common sense at all.

How many people in the world can really see the figure of $ 850 million?

Except for Zimbabwe coin, 850 million in any other currency is a huge sum.

In addition, this 850 million is a theoretical value. In the future, they do not know how much to spend.

Just thinking about it hurts!

They are not the kind of people who can throw their money around without any money. They each have a large number of shareholders and their lawyers behind them.

Any irresponsible investment may be held accountable!

No, you can't give 850 million to others so easily!

"What the **** is there? You talk about it carefully." The crowd calmed down a little and began to inquire about the cause and effect.

"They said that the price is calculated according to the same type of dream house as 1ooo. Their design is very valuable intellectual property, and after certification, a strict review and certification of each dream house is required The design price of the kit is $ 70,000 and the certification price is $ 150,000. "

After listening, everyone present was a little silent.

If you think about it deep inside, after all, this is a big-name design studio, and the design is only bought by the wealthy. Less than 10% of design and certification costs ...

Seems acceptable?


Where can I sell a thousand sets!

The rich are all people who pursue individuality and unique enjoyment.

Do you expect these rich people to spend tens of millions to buy a house exactly like others?

how can that be!

So in the end, one type can sell a hundred sets.

But they have to pay for a hundred sets of design costs?

What do they have left? Leftovers?

But without the certification of Wanke Studio, there is no way to let Lazy God Yafei produce, and if it is not produced, it cannot be delivered ...

But they signed the agreement and sold the house. They couldn't deliver it. What happens after the breach?

"Let's just say, we used the several units of the Dream House honestly, why do we have to design our own house ..." someone whispered.

But now it's too late to complain.

In order to diversify risks, this time the Dream Tower is jointly funded by everyone, so they make round tables for daily decision-making.

However, this round-table meeting seemed a little inefficient. At this time, there were many discussions and various ideas were raised.

But I have to say that the three tanners and the top Zhuge Liang, now that everyone is brainstorming, there are many ideas, and there are also many suggestions available.

"No way, let's just set aside the lazy gods and find other foundries." Someone suggested.

"I can only do that!" The businessmen sighed. "There isn't only a lazy **** in the world. The GM in the United States and the Mitsubishi in Japan all have strong processing technologies. After all, we only build houses. , Using precision machining technology, it will never be too bad! "

The two companies, American General Motors and Japan's Mitsubishi, have already been jealous of the "Dream House". If the living mode of the lazy **** tower becomes popular, the processing demand for the "Dream House" will surge in the future. It is a good thing for them to reach out and share a cup of laziness.

Of course, these companies are not doing good deeds, and their asking prices are not cheap. Overall, they are still much cheaper than $ 850 million.

Both companies have their own processing plants in the United States, and they have sent their best soldiers, assembled the best equipment and machinery, and rushed to work overnight, and soon produced a set of samples.

Unfortunately, they do not have the ability to transport such a huge house from the air. They can only produce in sections and then assemble and splice them at the site of the Dream Tower. The process is not so cool.

Of course, their tests are also performed at night, in order to minimize adverse effects. After all, they have already spoken out, if they fail, they will be shamed.

After using the huge lifting device to connect the villa-type dream house to the dream tower, the field engineer started the test procedure. After a few seconds, I saw the villa-type dream house rising upward in the middle, but on both sides The lines did not move, and suddenly they were pressed into an arc by a huge force, and then twisted and cracked with a click.

"What's going on!" Several developers who watched the test snarled. "Who is operating?"

"I am following the instructions!" The test engineer was very wronged: "This is also the control program left by the lazy **** Yafei ..."

Several businessmen in the Dream Tower immediately contacted Lazy God Yafei. After the engineers of Lazy God Yafei arrived, they only understood at a glance and said, "This is of course. You have created a triple home of your dreams." The large and small villa version occupies the space of three dream houses at the same time ... but the control system of the entire dream tower is designed on the premise that each dream house is moved independently. Of course, the movement is not synchronized, of course, the dream House tears ... I suggest you modify the program and test again. "

"Modify the procedure? Can you modify it?"

"Sorry, our lazy **** Yafei is only responsible for the construction. The control procedure has been given as an extra gift. The modification is really out of the scope of our contract." Lazy God Yafei's engineer said, an old man's expression of kindness.

"Can I see the code for your control program?" A general-purpose engineer pouted and came over.

This control program is directly installed on the notebook and connected to the test bench. There is no encryption and packing, so it is placed there in a generous manner.

Seeing that the Lazy God Department is so unconscious, this engineer is actually very disdainful.

According to common sense, the control program of the lazy **** tower can also be sold for a good price. Isn't the lazy **** department afraid that its code will be copied?

Then the engineer opened the code and took a few glances, and was immediately dizzy.

He didn't see a line of code when he was full of screens. It was just like a sea of ​​smoke and endless numbers. It never seemed to spread from beginning to end repeatedly.

"What code is this!" General engineers are going crazy.

"It is said that this is a popular code that has just become popular in the lazy gods recently. They have learned a special code from artificial intelligence. They all called it to simulate neural coding. I don't understand anyway ..."

"Who can modify this code?"

"Well, the control program of Lazy God Tower should be written by Han Donghan, the" Lazy God Code "."

Lazy God Department also has such branches as "Lazy God Code"?

"Yes. UU reading" The engineer nodded.

Su Hongyi and Han Dong, respectively, are in charge of "Lazy God's Calculation" and "Lazy God Code", plus Li Yuncong's "Lazy God Robot", which are the three direct branches of Lazy God Technology.

For a long time, Han Dong ’s "lazy **** code" is small and transparent, because there are too many strong men in the lazy **** system, Han Dong takes a group of code farmers to do nothing all day, they all feel that they are simply the webmaster of the lazy **** system. I can repair the computer more, I have no sense of honor.

Therefore, when Han Dong received the call, the whole person was as excited as playing chicken blood, stood up and announced loudly: "Children's shoes, the day we eat bran puff dishes and repair the computer has finally passed. Next, it is our turn. The lazy gods' code is rich! Look at President Han, I am savagely chopping them and giving everyone benefits! "

In the face of the requirements of the dream tower developer, Han Dong opened his mouth and quoted: "After our evaluation, it will take approximately… 7oo to modify the code?"

"What is 7oo?" Asked the opposite.

Han Dong asked a little unsurely: "mi11ion?"

"Goodbye." Slap, hung up the phone opposite.

Han Dong was stunned, and said, "What's the matter! I'm obviously quoting a lot lower than Wei Ke! Wait, what are you doing ... I'm the boss, can't hit me, wait, don't hit your face! Don't hit your face ... ... "

After hanging up, the developers of the Dream Tower sat around and looked at each other.

Changing the code will cost $ 700 million!

What a joke!

Finally, someone slammed the table and stood upset!

"So who said that the lazy **** will not make money?"

Lazy God, only the guy who is too lazy to make money will not make money.

The subordinates of the Lazy God are all a group of bloodthirsty wolves! (To be continued.)

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