Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1095: :tourism

The businessmen are in pain and are desperately struggling between the pits, but not many people know their pain.

In fact, in this world, there are still many people who drool drooling enviously, and it is themselves who wish to be pitted.

In the case of the lazy **** tower, if it is not sold at all, the dream tower is their only choice. I don't know how many people are waving a banknote and want to buy a set.

Although the huge profits from the big profits and special profits have shrunk a lot, but after all, they are making money.

These days, there are definitely people who are rushing to make a profitable business.

People around the world are waving banknotes, hoping that Lazy God Yafei will build the Lazy God Tower, but this time Lazy God Yafei did not agree, which also relieved the businessmen of the Dream Tower.

At the same time, a pair of peculiar twin towers were born, one in Asia and one in the Americas. They are also the tallest buildings in human beings, facing each other across the sea and echoing each other.

In addition to the twin towers, other buildings built around the world are also proceeding in sync, but these buildings are not as eye-catching as the lazy **** tower.

However, many people are paying attention to these buildings, and now these buildings are not being sold for sale. They are exploring what these buildings are for.

No one knows that a man who is likely to be the great devil of the world is secretly planning something.


It was another weekend. After Shang Fang finished his day's work, Xing hurriedly returned home.

"Come back? Is this a holiday?" Shang Fang's father was watching TV on the sand.

Recently, Shang Fang's parents have completely fallen in love with Dream House. They live here all day and do not return to Qingyang.

"Well, it's a holiday." Shang Fang smiled. After a few weeks of busyness, he finally finished all the preparations. The next thing is to wait for the lazy seminary to begin and welcome the new students.

Lazy Divinity School starts late, probably in mid-September, so he has a half-month vacation.

After changing clothes, Shangfang took a bath and said to Shangfang's dad, "Dad, it's rare that I have a holiday. Let's go on a tour."

"Travel? Why travel?" Shang Fang's dad had not spoken yet, and Shang Fang's mother stood up. "It's messy everywhere, and it's so hard to fly by plane and train! My father and I can't stand it." Tossing! There are so many people going to the attractions, and you have to stay in a hotel outside, uncomfortable and unhygienic ... "

"Mom, don't you always say that you want to go out and play while you are still young?" Shang Fang said helplessly.

"I'm not here in Dongbin!" Shang Fangma said.

"That's different ..."

"How is it different? I said to you, do n’t think about spending money all day long, how expensive it is to go out! There are still many places you will spend money in the future! If you really want to travel, find a girlfriend, and If my girlfriend goes traveling together, I will never stop you, no, I will give you a way out! "

Shang Fang has a black line in his forehead, don't say anything to your girlfriend?

No way, Shangfang could only ask for help, and turned to his dad and said, "Dad, come and help me talk about my mother. I'm 30 years old. We have a handful of trips with our family. Save money to buy a house for me, and now that the house is there, do n’t need to save any more money. Dad, did n’t you say you wanted to go abroad? Let ’s go abroad to play ... ”

Shang Fang's dad just wanted to speak and saw Shang Fang's mother's grim eyes, swallowed, and said, "Forget it ... it's a good home, what a good house, what do you want ..."

Looking at Shang Fang, I was a little disappointed, and said, "Let ’s go, you young people go for a walk and see what you know. Otherwise, you can go out and play by yourself. You read in the newspaper all day. Your mother is too old to bother ... "

"Yeah, I remember going to the south with your dad one year, taking a train all the way, the root cause of this waist was falling at that time ... oh my waist ... there is no home at all!"

Shang Fang sighed helplessly and stopped talking.

After dinner in the evening, Shangfang's parents went to bed at ten o'clock.

In the early morning of the next day, Shangfang's parents heard a noise outside the window, confused, walked to the window, and looked out, suddenly dumbfounded.

In front of me is a green ocean, deep and light green, covering the entire field of vision. Nearby is an unknown fruit tree that bears fruit like mango but is green. A few palm trees can be seen distantly.

Farther away, there are lush green hills, and the shades of green are almost invisible.

The sun shines from the top of the head, reflecting the leaves above it into bright green.

There were several dark-skinned children running around under the tree, playing around.

A small river flowing like a jelly syrup passed through the side and spread to the end of the orchard.

The two wiped their eyes and wiped their eyes again, then exclaimed: "Xiao Fang! Xiao Fang! Come out soon! What's going on!"

Two people hurried to knock on Shang Fang's door. No one answered. They pushed open the door, and Shang Fang's bed was long gone.

When the two were surprised, the door suddenly opened, and Shang Fang walked in with a few cups of fruit ~ ~ and laughed: "Dad, mom, you are awake."

"Xiao Fang, we are ..."

"Xiao Fang, what's going on outside ..."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Shang Fang waved his hand and said, "We're out to travel."

"Travel ..." Shangfang's parents stared at him, looking at Shangfang, and his father even reached out and touched Shangfang's head. "This kid didn't burn it."

Travel a ghost! I was still sleeping in my bed last night. Are we still in our house today? How is it possible to travel?

"Dad, I'm not crazy." Shang Fang laughed. "Mom, don't you say it's too much trouble to fly by plane and train, and you don't want to live outside? You should be satisfied."

Seeing the two of them were still indifferent, Shang Fang said, "We are now on a farm in the Philippines."

Shangfang's parents still have the look of "I don't read less, don't lie to me".

No way, Shang Fang can only go out with his parents.

After walking through a short corridor, out of the door, Shangfang's parents looked at everything in front of him, rubbing his eyes, rubbing his eyes, and looking back again.

Then he saw that there was a low-rise building like a small mountain bag behind him. Seven or eight "dream houses" were hanging on it. A pair of young men and women were pushing the windows to see the scenery. "Auntie, you are here too! Good morning!"

"Well ... OK, OK!" Shang Fang's mother responded mechanically, then touched her head, stretched out her hand, and struck Shang Fang's dad hard.

"Well, what are you doing to me!"

"I'll try if I'm dreaming," muttered Shang Fang's mother. "It doesn't seem to be a dream."

No need to take a plane or train, you can sleep in a new place and bring your own house ...

Travel ... can it still be so? (To be continued.)

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