Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: : President Nan is crazy

Recently, Lazy God Logistics is estimated to be the fastest and busiest one in the whole Lazy God system exhibition.

The recruitment department of Lazy God Logistics has almost never stopped, continuously recruiting people.

The internal training has never stopped. Some time ago, the flight driving school bought by the Lazy God Department was constantly training newcomers to enrich various positions.

At this time, the Huangpu Military Academy inside Lazy God Security, the Lazy God Security, once again played a role, not knowing how many "students" had been sent to various positions of Lazy God Logistics.

As the CEO of Lazy God Logistics, Xiang Guoliang successfully completed the transformation of ordinary private car drivers to the CEO of a logistics company in half a year, making the entire Lazy God Logistics thrive.

In the final analysis, Xiang Guoliang can be so smooth. Although Lazy God is a brand new company, everything is in the exhibition, and the experience is not too important, but it is more because of the entire lazy God logistics. God security personnel joined, they have high obedience, strong execution and hard work.

What Xiang Guoliang can do is give them an income worthy of their own hard work.

And he did a good job, won the love of employees.

Although it is said that the truly outstanding lazy security personnel will become personal assistants of the big brothers, and eventually they will be eliminated when they reach lazy logistics, but their quality can leave the regular elite army ashamed.

During this time, the appearance of the Lazy God Tower and the Dream House made these people more enthusiastic. Even the secondees such as Shang Fang already have their own Dream House, let alone they are real Lazy God employees. Already.

During this time, the airships of Lazy God Logistics appeared one after another. Flying dreamers, flying pilots, flying globes, flying explorers and other large airships continue to serve, carrying different dream homes every day, flying all over the world. And the employees of Lazy God Logistics can also simply set up their dream home on an airship, take their wives and children around the world by taking advantage of their duties.

Xiang Guoliang is still entrusting lazy gods to open more convenient transportation methods, hoping to increase efficiency again, everything is based on the premise of faster, more convenient and more comfortable.

For a long time, Lazy God Logistics mostly completed internal logistics operations, because the exhibition of Lazy God Department was too fast, even the internal could not be satisfied, Xiang Guoliang has been desperately trying to meet the internal logistics needs.

However, with the exhibition of lazy **** technology, the transportation efficiency is getting higher and higher. After a round of high exhibition, lazy **** logistics has ushered in a short period of stability. Xiang Guoliang's ideas began to fall on income generation. Already.

After all, the internal transportation and settlement of Lazy God Logistics, although stable and drought and flood protection, but not much income generation.

Faced with all kinds of colleagues who are crazy about accumulating money, the lazy gods always don't face people without talking about income generation.

To generate revenue, we must find ways to adjust our exhibition strategy.

With the rising demand for personalized logistics, the logistics industry is definitely one of the most important industries in the future, and Lazy God Logistics has occupied the highest piece of cake in this industry, so far no one can grab their cake.

Continue to grow and develop, what should Lazy God Logistics do?

Should we continue to follow the high-precision route, or will we lean towards the ordinary consumer market?

In this strategic direction, Xiang Guoliang is very entangled. He would like to ask someone to ask for advice, but now their superior boss of lazy **** logistics, the boss boss of lazy **** life, has gone to the United States to run for election, Liang looked for him several times and couldn't find anyone, so he had to fool himself.

Since the establishment of Lazy God Logistics, Xiang Guoliang has always maintained a good habit, which is to go to the front line in person.

And now he still maintains a habit, taking at least a day or two a month to run long distances with front-line pilots, pilots, and security personnel.

The focus of this month is obviously on that series of airships. Xiang Guoliang dropped his dream house on the Flying Traveler, traveled around the world, and just returned home, he received a notice saying that General Manager Nan held all high-level Staff meetings are required to be on time.

Hold a meeting?

Xiang Guoliang wondered. Since the Lazy Gods Department started six months ago, it has replaced ordinary meetings with video conferences, and everyone is very busy, and it is difficult to get together. The number of meetings in the past six months is countless.

This meeting of the Lazy Gods Department was arranged to the Lazy Gods Tower. Xiang Guoliang didn't need to get off the airship. He walked out of his home directly and saw Du Junlin, Nan Ming's assistant standing opposite.

Du Junlin was talking to a few lazy gods, and when he saw Xiang Guoliang, he immediately greeted him, "Xiangge, here!"

Quickly trot to Guoliang, say hello to several big brothers, and lower his posture.

In lazy gods, seniority seems to be reversed. You will find that the younger the lazy gods are, the younger they are, the more respected they are.

Lazy God is a few core characters. Each of these bulls from Lazy God Technology is a young man.

Xiang Guoliang knows that his lazy logistics can have the current situation. In fact, it has nothing to do with his hard work and hard work. Any basically qualified boss can show lazy logistics to the current situation. So it's very strong, because the technology of lazy gods is too good, no one can compete with them.

Among these people, he and the lazy boss, Iron Egg, had the best personal relationship. He gently pulled him, lowered his voice, and asked, "What is the topic of the meeting held by President Nan?"

"I don't know, either." Iron Egg looked blank, wearing a uniform that looked like a take-out delivery man.

With such a high price, the boss who is still active in the frontline of food delivery every day, I am afraid that there is no one except iron eggs.

A few people said a few words of shame ~ ~ and went into the meeting room, and then they saw that all the big brothers of the lazy gods had arrived.

"Old horse is still unable to get away in the United States for the time being. In addition, everyone is here. Lazy life is here, and you are responsible for conveying to Brother and Iron Egg." Nan Ming sat in his seat, looking serious, "Everyone Children's shoes, I convened you for a meeting today. There is a major event related to the future exhibition and survival of our lazy gods, and I want to discuss with you. "

Everyone was nervous when they heard this sentence.

In this world, how many can make lazy gods think that it is a matter of life and death?

Even projects at this level of the earth's boulder are taken down in joke.

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Nanming, many of them were full of reverence.

What a great leader, how insightful, in such a thriving business, you can see the crisis of birth or death? If there is such a boss, why should we worry about the company not prospering?

"I think that during this time, our lazy gods are exhibiting too fast, a little impetuous and unstable foundation. If we go on like this, we will become a tower in the air, not far from falling apart!" Nan Ming's voice, deafening, let Everyone was fighting in their hearts.

"So ... I think we should slow down for a while! Let your pace slow down ..." Nan Ming looked around and saw everyone watching him seriously and finally announced his decision: "I decided to work in the company Internal one-day work week! "

"What?" Everyone wondered. "Are you going to take only one day off a week?"

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the delay ...

"No, I only work one day a week and take six days off." Nanming said, "Wait ... what are you doing? Don't leave! Hey, I'm in a meeting, and you respect me as the boss ... ... stop, I'll let you stop! "

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