Lazy God Possession

Chapter 114: : Programming Contest (5/10)

September 27th is Saturday, the day of the finals of the "The Beauty of Programming and the Beauty of Computing" The 7th Qingyang University Programming Contest. The competition venue is located in the library of Qingyang University. Large space with dozens of tables and dozens of computers.

According to regulations, the competition can bring the required paper materials into the stadium, but cannot carry any electronic products and communication tools.

Stands are also set up all around, as long as they are not loud and do not enter the competition area, anyone can sit here and watch the game. Unfortunately, the programming competition is not very attractive, and most of the players who watch the game are the friends of the contestants.

In the surroundings, there are several large screens that can show the code that the referee thinks is very good for people to watch. At this moment, some hot field animations are playing.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Nanming and others came to the venue of the game, checked in the computer, and set up the programming environment.

And Zhang Feilin has joined the propaganda group. He is carrying a DSLR and taking pictures back and forth, intentionally or unintentionally. Nanming is always on the golden section, regardless of distance.

Boss stood in front of the computer assigned to them, raised his head and turned around, feeling a little dizzy: "Aren't I dreaming? Are we really participating in the game?"

From deciding to participate in the competition to standing in the finals, in less than ten days, everything has turned upside down.

A few of them used to be just a little transparent just after enrolling. Professional courses also need to copy the homework level. At this moment, we are already at the forefront of the entire undergraduate programming community at Qingyang University?

This is not a dream.

"I'm dizzy. I think this must be a dream ..." Old Dalian helped Han Dong busy.

Nan Ming rolled his eyes and raised his head in a circle. Who turns who dizzy.

Han Dong looked at the boss holding his head and shouted, and looked at Nan Ming, who had no intention of doing anything, shook his head and ran to check the operating environment of the computer.

Both of them are the bosses, and only he is a little sister.

On the stand, several people from the Institute of Vision came, beside Jiang Chaohua and Jiang Xiaohui. All came to cheer them on.

Zhang Qing is waving this to Nan Ming: "Little brother, here. Here!"

As he waved his hand, he also said to Liu Min: "Master, that's great, the undercover plan is going well. I can see that the visual **** is just around the corner."

Liu Minzhong wanted to kick this teaser from the stand with a kick, and his mouth was a little twitched.

Who the **** is your master!

seek death! Just die, no one can save you!

"Ah, Master, that's not good!" Suddenly, Zhang Qing's face changed, as if he saw something incredible.

"Not good for you! Shut me up!" Liu Minzhong slapped Zhang Qing off the stool with a slap, wishing to seal the guy's mouth with tape.

How clever the student was before, when did it become funny?

"But ..." Zhang Qingying looked at the audience. "Little Master, it's awful now ..."

Nanming could not hear what Zhang Qing said, and saw Zhang Qing open his teeth dancing there. Shaking his head and ignoring Zhang Qing's beans, he began to look at several other participating teams.

Among these people, Nan Ming paid most attention to Mi Qin Xue sister of the pink team. At this moment she was walking in with a bag and walking in the door.

Mi Qin Xue sister of the pink pink team is a particularly quiet and indifferent woman. She is facing the sky and is not too beautiful. But very angry. Nan Ming discovered it in the last qualifier. The other men and women in her clan are all made up. The girls are snacking all the way, while the boys are pouring tea and drinking water next to them, and they seem to be Mi Qin's boyfriend.

During the game, when others were scratching their heads and desperately tapping the code, Mi Qin Xuejie had already done it easily and submitted the code.

Others, including the referees, are not surprised by this, and they are obviously accustomed to it.

Definitely a crushing level of strength!

At that time, Nanming felt that only this sister Mi Qin was his rival, and everyone else was a few grades behind.

Although Li Jie was deliberately trying to win the game, he still hugged his thighs for this, but the gap in strength was not made up by holding a thigh. At least Ke Tianwei's strength was far worse than Mi Qin Xuejie. By means of means, Nan Ming can say that he has won.

Now that we have reached this stage, there is naturally no reason to back down. With so much investment, if we don't get the first place, isn't it a big loss?

"I'm sorry, Mi Qin Xuejie, but I'm very prepared this time." Nanming said in his heart. Last time he recharged from Lu Lao, he strengthened several books and filled the "kill Bill" team. After charging, the current strength is more than doubled.

When Nan Ming looked at Mi Qin, he shouted, "This is too despicable!"

"What's wrong?" Su Hongyi, the boss finally confirmed that he was not dreaming, and jumped when he heard it.

The four participating teams of Jixin Academy are lined up together, and next to them is the third-place ith team.

At this time, the three seniors of the ith team were all angry.

"Li Jie's team is so despicable, he actually asked for foreign aid!" The speaker was a fat student, and he pointed to the opposite Li Jie team and said, "Did you see that person?"

Nan Ming saw the so-called person at a glance, because compared with other people, his temperament and dress were completely different, and he looked much more mature.

"That's Sun Yunlong." The fat man said. "One year older than us, the programming genius, the junior was out of school to start a business, and started an Internet company. Now his net worth is over ten million. He even came to join this. Kind of competition? "

Nan Ming and others looked at each other and knew that the senior was Li Jie's killer.

If you leave school, of course, if you go back to school, you are of course eligible to participate in the competition, but you never expected that Li Jie would do such a great job.

"We want to protest! It's so mean to change the team temporarily!" A few people in ith jumped up and went to find the staff.

"Li Jie's team is in compliance with the rules." The staff turned over the records and said: "Sun Yunlong has always been a candidate for Li Jie's team. When there is a regular player who cannot participate in the game, the alternate player participates in the game. . "

"But ... but ..." A few seniors of ith looked at each other, wondering what to say.

"Sun Xuechang." Sister Mi Qin Xue also saw Sun Yunlong, and was very surprised: "Sun Xuechang also came to participate in this kind of competition?"

Sun Yunlong's mouth was drawn, and he did not want to appear here, but recently he had a problem with a financing, an investor withdrew its capital, which caused some difficulties in the company's turnover, and applied for a high-tech industry innovation. There was something wrong with the support fund and it got stuck.

He would not be here if Li Jie promised that he could help with the approval of the support fund.

It's unbeatable.

"Hello Mi Qin, sister ..." Sun Yunlong reached out, but Mi Qin didn't answer, and took a step back.

Sun Yunlong smiled bitterly and was despised.

Yeah, changing him would also despise him.

Sister Mi Qin's smile was very deserted: "The senior has left school for so long, I don't know if the programming technology has been abandoned? But don't be too careless, be careful and you will lose miserably."

After that, he nodded, stepped on his sandals to his place, and started debugging his computer.

Mi Qin Xue's boyfriend nodded helplessly to Sun Yunlong, but the girl next to him gave a big hygiene eye to Sun Yunlong and sat next to Mi Qin Xue.

"Sister Mi Xue is so handsome!"

"Sister Mi Xue, I'm your brain fan!"

Nan Ming found that the eyes of the boss and Han Dong were all glistening ~ ~ Mi Qin Xuemei is still so cool. "Even a few people in ith couldn't help it, Hara, with a look on his face ... the boss and Han Dong were compared with them, it was pure and small and fresh.

Looking at the appearance of a few people, Nan Ming finally understood why the sentence circulated in the university: "Fireproof, anti-theft and anti-brother".

A few of you, can you be more insignificant?

Nan Ming gently moved his fingers and looked cold, but actually very cool, Mi Qin Xue sister, and then looked at Sun Yunlong, who was the killer of Li Jie, and suddenly found that he originally thought it was indifferent, but quietly. changed.

A flame gradually ignited from the bottom of his heart, burning his entire heart, and his heart was beating. One, one, a stream of blood rushed all over his body, making his skin a little warm.

This is ... fighting spirit! (To be continued)

ps: Fifth more, for monthly tickets and subscriptions ~

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