Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: : Stubborn Hardworking Party

(Uh-huh, congratulations to single dogs on this festival with happy holidays.)

It is estimated that even Nan Ming did not know that the most popular event of the lazy gods in the future, "Robot Fireworks War", appeared this way. After the employees of the lazy gods were fully engaged, the various videos continued to flow out. This kind of "cute and cool" activity has gradually caused a wave on the Internet and attracted the attention of various people.

The air defense system designed by some people was improved in the future and sold for a large price.

After a few days of cultural exchange, they occupied the Lazy God Island. After a day of meetings, Nanming was so annoyed that he would not participate.

In the morning he was dragged to the venue by Nan Da, and within five minutes, he had already slipped out of the venue.

I have to say that the scenery of Lazy God Island is really extraordinarily refreshing. There is a modern building that has no unique beauty. Walking and walking seems to calm down people.

However, Nan Ming didn't want to calm down, because once he calmed down, he had to consider his lazy authority.

These hard-working parties are really too stubborn, why do they always refuse to admit defeat?

How annoying ...

I really want to find something to do ...

Wait, can't you think so, will you become a hardworking party if you think so? Be lazy, be lazy!

It's boring to be lazy all the time. Recently, all the lazy gods are scared by Nanming's various surprises. Everyone respects him, lest he avoid it.

Nan Ming thought and sighed.

Crossing a pebble path, Nanming heard a strange sound coming from the front, as if something was rubbing.

Nanming stepped out of the grove and saw the half moon lake in front.

Banyue Lake is a half-moon-shaped artificial lake. It is located in the center of Lazy God Island. The last time it was bombed by a large blast with a shock bomb, it scared the fish inside, and there was no other damage.

Nan Ming now, there is a man squatting by the lake, grinding something.

"Yang Ji, what are you doing?" Nan Ming approached, and it was Yang Ji who squatted beside the lake.

"Sharpening the knife."

In his hand was a very ordinary dagger, with a bit of serrations and a little rust.

"Whet the knife, what do you do?" Nanming asked.

"Nothing." Yang Ji picked up the dagger in his hand, shone the blade against the sun, then lowered his head again, and continued sharpening his knife.

"What do you not do to sharpen your knife? It looks tired." Nanming asked again.

Yang Ji is speechless, you are annoying!

Do I just like sharpening?

He reluctantly explained: "Packed up yesterday and found the knife out of the box. I haven't used it for several years. It's a bit rusty. I want to sharpen it."

"What do you sharpen?" Nanming asked again, "Do you want to kill pigs? Or kill? I see, I must kill single dogs!"

"I'm a single dog!" Yang Ji looked upset.

He reached out to try the blade, and then lightly scratched his arm, and a few hairs had fallen in the wind.

Yang Ji nodded with satisfaction, stretched the blade into the lake water and washed it gently, and then looked at the blade line in the sunlight. There were still some scratches on it, and he frowned a little bit uncomfortably. The higher number of sharpening stones continued to sharpen.

"It's already sharp, why are you grinding it?"

"Repair the blade surface with scratches."

"Isn't it tiring to sharpen my knife like this?" Nanming said.

"The knife is always sharpened." Yang Ji said, "For us, a knife is our most reliable partner, and sometimes it is more important than a gun ..."

"Oh ... reliable ..." Nan Ming looked at the dagger in Yang Ji's hand and said, "You are waiting!"

Turn around and leave.

Ten minutes later, Nan Ming returned with a dagger and handed it to Yang Ji: "Hey, you try."

Yang Ji took it over, and immediately flashed: "Good knife!"

Then he waved twice and nodded: "It's very easy!"

Nan Ming grinned and said, "The inside is weighted with steel and the outer layer is metal hydrogen. The hardness and toughness are excellent. Basically, nothing can scratch it. It is absolutely reliable and does not need to be worn."

"Really good!" Yang Ji nodded.

"Sent you." Nan Ming waved generously.

Yang Jixi couldn't help saying a thank you, and played for a while, then put away the dagger.

Then, Nan Ming saw Yang Ji took out a dagger and continued to grind it.

"Don't you have that dagger? Why sharpen it?"

"This ... is it a waste without grinding?" Yang Ji looked at the dagger that was not completely polished in his hands, said.

"Isn't it just a dagger?" Nanming didn't understand.

With his feet, Yang Ji opened the box beside his feet, which contained more than ten daggers of different sizes and lengths.

Each one is a little badly maintained and has rust.

It was Yang Ji who pulled it out of the warehouse.

Today Yang Ji has a heavy task.

Nan Ming rolled his eyes and said, "You will wait for a while!"

This time Nanming went for half an hour, and then handed a football-sized box to Yang Ji.

Yang Ji wondered, "What is this?"

"Fully automatic sharpener." Nanming Road, "It can automatically analyze different blades, imitate the movement of the hand to sharpen the knife automatically, and can also automatically spray water to reduce the temperature to prevent annealing ... Well, so.

Nanming picked up a dagger, opened the box and put it in. After closing the lid, I heard a creaking sound inside. After more than ten seconds, the sound stopped and the box opened. Yang Ji took out the dagger. Look, exclaimed suddenly.

From the blade line of the blade to the blade body, it has been polished to a mirror effect. It is almost just out of the factory. Yang Ji felt that it would take at least an hour to grind this dagger into this.

"Where did this thing come from?" Yang Ji wondered, if there was such a good thing, why didn't he know?

"I just designed it." Nan Ming answered it naturally.

"Uh ..." Yang Ji didn't know what to say.

"Send you, you're welcome." Nan Ming waved his hand generously, and then walked back with satisfaction.

Saved a hard-working party, it is really a victory to create a seven-level floating slaughter.

Yang Ji stood there stupidly, holding the "automatic knife sharpener" grinded like a work of art dagger in one hand, and looked at the flawed dagger that he had sharpened manually, and frowned. After squatting down, he began to grind again. After a while, he sharpened his sharpened knife with the sharpener and felt that he was hit by tons.

How can it be compared with the effect of a sharpener ...

"I ... I just like sharpening my sword ..." Yang Ji wanted to cry without tears.

Suddenly, Yang Ji flew up, kicked the sharpener next to his foot into the lake, watched it grumble and sink to the bottom, and then looked at the perfect dagger in his hand. , Also thrown into the water.

There is no harm without contrast, and without the perfect dagger like art, there seems to be no pressure immediately.

"Hoo ..." After doing all this, Yang Ji suddenly felt relaxed and relaxed. He stretched a waist, squinted his eyes and made a comfortable hum, then took a deep breath, squatted down, and continued to grind. stand up.

Sure enough, sharpening still has to be done by hand.

Nothing else counts.


In the afternoon, Nan Ming appeared again in front of Yang Ji, and Yang Ji was too late to hide.

"How about the sharpener? Is it easy to use?" Nan Ming asked Yang Ji.

"Well ... very good." Yang Ji nodded vaguely ~ ~ That's good, I'm awesome! "Nanming praised himself very well, and then stared at Yang Ji," What are you doing? " "

"Wipe ... wipe gun ..." Yang Ji suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Oh oh!" Nan Ming nodded, "guarantee reliability, right."

"Yes." Yang Ji licked his lips.

Nan Ming stared with his eyes wide open. Yang Ji braced his scalp and continued to wipe the gun. He removed the parts, painted them with gun oil, and put them back.

Throughout the process, he looked very carefully.

"It still looks very troublesome. Would you like a gun without rubbing it?"

"No thanks, thank you."

"Then you wait."

After half an hour, Nanming returned with a football-sized box.

"I guess it's a fully automatic gun wiper?"


Then, Nan Ming smiled and looked at Yang Ji with loving eyes.

"Uh ... thanks ... thanks to President Nan."

"It's a burst of positive energy." Nan Ming took his chest and walked away contentedly.

As soon as Nan Ming left, Yang Ji “cut” and threw the box in his trash bin.

I just like wiping guns, are you stunned?

I have just this hobby in my life, I'm sorry you bit me!


In the evening, Yang Ji was bench press in the gym, and Nan Ming's face suddenly appeared in his vision.

"what are you doing?"

"Bench press ..."

"Is bench press pushing this thing up and down?" Nan Ming stared with wide eyes and looked carefully, "Well, looks tired ..."

"Mr. Nan ..."

"You don't need to say, I understand! You don't need to push, you don't have to, you have to push it automatically ... you wait for me for half an hour ..."

"Mr. Nan ... Mr. Nan ... Mr. Nan, you are back! Don't run ... Mr. Nan, I beg you, please forgive me ..."

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