Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: : I can't chat, don't force me

At the end of August, the heat seemed to spit out the tongue.

In such a weather, after a busy day of work, sitting in groups of three or five, sitting on a barbecue stall and eating a barbecue, it is definitely the most pleasant thing.

However, during this time, the barbecue industry in Space Street suffered a great loss. Since Space Brother ’s barbecue booth became popular overnight because of the “Space Barbecue”, countless admired diners have broken through the entire Space Street. I had to temporarily close the store for a while to avoid the limelight.

Although countless barbecue shops opened in the name of Space Barbecue in the meantime, after trying it out, old diners suddenly appeared, and no matter how they did it, they didn't have the taste of Space Brother.

But Space Brother didn't know where he went, he never saw anyone.

A month later, the heat brought by the Space Barbecue finally cooled down, just like this once bustling space street.

A large number of buildings on both sides of Sky Street have been deserted to the naked eye during this month.

On both sides of the Space Street, there were originally various units related to aviation and aviation. Many units even date back to decades ago, but with the rise of Dongbin, the completion of the "Star Bridge" and the change of space strategy A large number of talents have been transferred to Dongbin, and the entire street seems to be covered in gray.

Today, the first sentence of the three generations of astronauts in the old, young and middle-aged people asking each other after meeting is: "Are you going to the east?"

Those who answered did get a glamorous look, but those who could not answer were often disappointed.

And a more realistic thing is that with the exhibition of aerospace technology, the knowledge structure of many people can no longer keep up with the exhibition of the times, and is already facing the risk of being eliminated.

Going to Dongbin means that there may still be a chance to keep up with the exhibition of the times, while staying here in Hangtian Street means that there is a long and endless wait, neglect, or ... unemployment.

Men are afraid of entering the wrong line, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. Facing the adjustment of the structural industry and even the change of the exhibition direction, all they can do is wait silently.

Waiting for a notice to decide your own destiny, this kind of thing is not good.

At this time, if there is a space brother's barbecue, you can retreat the lost, that day may be much better.

But when he really needed Space Brother, where did he go?

Did he also abandon Aerospace Street?

However, today, after another day of work, people come and go suddenly after work hours, and the space brother's barbecue stall even opened!

Hundreds of big TVs, wow, wah-lah, are showing variety shows that do n’t know which station, three or five people who have arrived early, have been waving bamboo sticks and wine bottles, have started the carnival, busy figures around the barbecue booth It's very familiar, who isn't Space Brother?

In the blink of an eye, the news that Space Brother returned was already spread through various circles of friends.

Before six o'clock, Space Brother ’s barbecue booth was full and there was no space left.

Lao Huang is a researcher at a research institute not far from the barbecue stall. When he was in his forties, when he took a few friends to the barbecue stall, the barbecue stall was full and there was no place to sit.

"Well? Why is there nowhere to sit?" Old Huang took a few steps and shouted, "It's rare to plan to bring my brothers to celebrate today. It's only six o'clock, how can there be no place? ? "

Just then, a researcher who came with Lao Huang called out, "Well, look, isn't that Ding Jun over there?"

A few people saw a middle-aged man sitting in the corner. He was tall and handsome, but his face was always distressed. In his forties, he was already gray. At a glance, some Can't distinguish his specific age.

The other table was full, but this table was only Ding Jun. There were tableware and dishes on the table, but Ding Jun didn't move the chopsticks.

Seeing Ding Jun, a few of Lao Huang became happy and walked over and said, "Ding Jun, why do you occupy this table?"

"I ... I wait for my wife ..." Ding Jun saw Lao Huang and stood up with some restraint, looking cautiously.

"Your **** wife, but I haven't seen her for a while, did the broken leg heal?" Lao Huang asked with a smile.

Ding Jun's throat knot squirmed, his fist clenched suddenly, then slowly let go.

Lao Huang saw Ding Jun's expression, but he didn't care. He waved his hand: "Ding Jun, since your wife is not here, it's no use occupying this table, it's better to let us."

"Yeah, Huang Gong has a big happy event today, isn't Huang Gong?" The crowd coaxed.

"That's for sure!" Huang Gonghong beamed and said loudly: "My kid is starting school today! Beijing Airlines University! I just called back and said that the professor was particularly optimistic about him on the first day! This kid is better than me in the future ! "

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is one of the leading schools in China's aerospace industry. In fact, many of them are from this school. But hearing Lao Huang's son was so prosperous, everyone around him gave a good applause: "Huang Gong, right, we have some astronauts!"

"That's, that's it!" Huang Gong laughed, and then bowed his head to Ding Jun: "Ding Jun, what are you doing, unwilling to let ..."

"Today we also celebrate ..." Ding Jun gritted his teeth, but shook his head to refuse.

"What do you have to celebrate?" Huang Gong asked casually, but he didn't care how Ding Jun answered. He sat down as soon as he paid a few dollars and threw them on the table: "I will pay for these small dishes. You, let Jean, let Jean. "

Ding Jun gritted his teeth, looked at Huang Gong, and then looked at the others. Finally he gave way to the corner, but he did not leave after all.

Huang Gong was unhappy, and said, "Ding Jun, why are you so mean? You anyway, your wife doesn't know when they will come and give us the table. What about it? No wonder you haven't made a lifetime. "

"That is, Ding Jun, what happy event can you celebrate? Let let let let!"

Someone nearby couldn't see, and frowned, "Why is this person like this? Why should they give the table they occupy?"

"Don't you know?" Someone lowered his voice and said, "This Ding Jun, is the security guard of their security department, a famous soft egg, who dares to bully him."

"Is this still a security?" The listener was a little unbelieving.

With the change of the security structure, most of the security personnel are now external security companies, but these involve the military industry and there are special places, so some units retain a very small number of security organizations that belong to their own companies. This Ding Jun is one of them.

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard that when Ding Jun was a soldier before, he was rectified, carried a punishment, and returned with a bad temper, offended someone, and was retaliated. His wife's legs were broken and he was put into the game. He almost lost his life. Still his wife dragged his broken leg and couldn't afford to kneel with the unit leader. The unit leader had to come out to fish him It came out, and since then it has disappeared, and it has become a waste, which is a twenty-thirty-year-old yellow calendar ... "

After speaking, the man added a sentence: "Oh, I don't know about this, it's just listening to people, but in their place, everyone dares to bully him is true." He shook his head as he said: "Poor man, there must be something hateful, and no blind sympathy ..."

"But this is too much." The onlooker sighed. "But he has accepted it himself. What can be done?"

"What to do if you don't suffer from it? Now many places are laying off staff, and even the researcher is about to be laid off. His security guard is a matter of minutes? That Huang Gong's family has relatives who speak very well ..."

"Whoever has hands and feet, can't have food to eat wherever he goes, why bother with this tone ..."

"Hey ... it's light, it's a drag, and you dare to say no, don't do it?"

"I ... I dare not ..."

People here whispered, Ding Jun over there was finally crowded by a few people to sit and stood up.

When they stood up, everyone saw that this was indeed a tall man, born with a good skin. It can be imagined that when he was young, he must be a handsome and handsome guy, but unfortunately it was a soft egg.

He stood there, Huang Gong and others had not let him go, and asked him, "Ding Jun, I remember your child also took the college entrance examination this year, right? How many points did he take?"

"Three ... three or four hundred percent ..."

"Ha ha ha ha, three or four hundred points, a bit shameful, can you take a specialist?" Huang Gong is even happier, "My child is thirty or forty points higher than Beijing Airlines University's score line, professional choice!"

"That's, Huang Gongjia's academic origins, can it be the same?" Someone next complimented. As the onlookers said before, this Huang Gong's words were very useful. In a word, he could decide whether they would stay here or go Dongbin.

"Ding Jun, we have a colleague. I ca n’t help if you are in trouble. If your child is really not in school? I can still talk about it at the Technical College. I ca n’t let my child go so young. Is it that society has failed to learn? "

Ding Jun gritted his teeth and finally bowed his head and said, "Thank you Huang Gong."

"Well, some people can't learn, and what can they do if they don't go to society?" A man at the same table pointed his finger and said, "Well, Ding Jun, the one who is helping you is your son. Then come out to work. You're really willing. "

The crowd looked in the direction of his fingers, and they saw a teenager around an apron, squatting in the corner with skewers, rising from time to time, taking the barbecue skewers from the space brother's hands, and sending them to each table.

There were too many guests at the moment, and the weather was hot and sweaty.

At this point, he came over with a plate of lamb skewers, but now the table he had occupied was occupied, and his father stood awkwardly and cramped.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Like his father, the boy was born with good looks, standing tall and handsome, and even the apron on his body did not diminish his handsomeness.

"How can you see a few uncles, you child, saying hello." Seeing him, Huang Gong frowned again. "Come here, it's rare to see, sit down and talk."

"Sorry Huanggong, this child is stupid and can't chat." Ding Jun said quickly.

"How does this work?" Huang Gong shook his head. "This year, if you have the ability to eat by your ability, you can only eat by your mouth. In the future, if your mouth is so stupid, how do you mix it? Come, sit down "Let Huang Bobo teach you."

"No, I don't really chat."

"You child ..." Huang Gong turned to ask Ding Jun: "What's your child's name?"

"Ding Yihui."

"Ding Yihui, it's a good name and looks good ... Fortunately, it didn't follow your mother, not a **** ... Ding Yihui, let me tell you, these uncles and uncles are very powerful people. Let me say a few more today In a good word, maybe you can take your dad's class in the future, and join our unit as a security guard. "

Ding Yihui was silent.

"In the future, Huang Gong, your son will return to us as a leader, and it is also good for him to drive Da Lei."

"Yes, yes, Da Lei has a bright future. He does have to have a full-time driver ..."

"However, Xiaohui, even if you are a driver, you are incompetent. How can a driver be so dumb and unspoken, how can a leader like you?"

"I'm stupid and can't chat." Ding Yihui said arrogantly.

"If you can't talk, you have to talk, otherwise how will you eat later? People, don't force yourself, how do you know if you can do it?"

While talking, an electric three-wheeler stopped outside the barbecue stall, and a figure limped in.

"Well, your sister-in-law is here." Huang Gong patted Ding Yihui's shoulder: "Xiao Ding, go and move a stool and let your mother sit down. Your mother can't stand this limping."

Ding Yihui got up, moved a stool for his mother, and then went back down to sit down and smiled and looked at a few people and said, "Several uncles and uncles, why don't we talk?"

"Talk and talk!" Huang Gong just opened his mouth to talk, and then heard Ding Yihui said: "I heard my dad said that most of our houses have moved to Dongbin. Some uncles and uncles are so powerful. coast?"

Everyone was surprised, and the smiles on their faces couldn't be hung up.

It ’s hard to take apart!

"I also heard my dad say that the people we stayed at were cut at least half, wouldn't I see a few uncles and uncles next time?"

If not for this ~ ~ Who will hold Huang Gong's stinky feet? Aren't you all worried about being laid off?

But can you kid not to mention this annoying thing? Can you chat?

"Uncle Huang, my dad also said that we could all be abolished. Huang Dalei studied so well and was admitted to Beijing University of Aeronautics. When he comes back to be a leader, we have nothing to do. Who should I drive? ? "

"Uncle Huang, I also heard my dad said," Uncle Huang, you volunteered to go to Dongbin at first, but you were kicked back by a cooperative unit, saying that you are too knowledgeable to cooperate with you. Dongbin, you can't go, we If it's gone, what can you do? "

"By Uncle Huang, you just said that people who can't handle it rely on their mouths to eat, then those who have the ability can not eat with their mouths? Uncle Huang, you are so good, what do you use to eat? You do n’t have to eat with your mouth, you ... ... you ... "Huang Gong was shaking with anger, raised his palm and wanted to hit someone, but saw Ding Yihui's little tiger-like physique again, and withered again.

Ding Yihui looked at him with a smile, and said, "Look, I said I can't chat, you have to force me."

"Xiaohui, your family is here, come and sit down here." While talking, Brother Space came over, helped a family of three to make a table, and then stood in the middle of the barbecue booth, saying, "Everyone, be quiet, There is a great event today to celebrate! "

Everyone looked over in wonder.

"Everyone knows Xiaohui and helped me for a summer. Today Xiaohui received the admission notice and was accepted by a private college. In order to celebrate this great event, each table adds a box of beer and ten skewers. I'll treat!"

"What? What's so happy about a private college?" Huang Gong was very dissatisfied. His son was admitted to Beijing Airlines University!

Then he heard Brother Space said, "Congratulations to Ding Yihui for being admitted to Lazy Divinity School!"

Suddenly, the whole barbecue stall was dead silent.

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