Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1115: : Scenery Level 10

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The next day, Ding Yihui was a little bit muddled, suffering and losing.

The Ding Jun couple made a lot of delicious things for him, and he didn't know what to eat.

The Ding Jun couple was very worried. If they wanted to ask, but didn't know what to ask, they could only persuade him: "It is going to start school soon, don't you go and get together with your classmates?"

Ding Yihui also shook his head.

The Ding Jun couple thought that the child might leave the house for the first time. After all, he was a little afraid, so he cheered him: "Don't be afraid. When you come to the college to have a good relationship with your classmates, you can tolerate anything. It ’s a blessing to suffer ... "

"Forbearance, but also forbearance! You see what you have done for so many years, what forbearance has come out?" Hearing Ding Jun said, Mother Ding was not happy. "Son, you must never learn from your father. In one step, our family may suffer for several years, but it will never be like this ... "

"Well ..." Ding Jun sighed and raised his head without talking.

If it weren't for Ding Yihui's higher point than Ding Jun, I'm afraid he wouldn't see the tears that his father almost lost his temper.

At first, it was only because of offending powerful people. If they did not submit, their wives would fall apart and their home would be destroyed.

Even parents and relatives will be affected.

For the parents, wives and children in the family, the father chose to tolerate, but after so many years of toleration, the powerful figures of that year have long been missing, but what does blind toleration bring to this family?

Everything is overwhelming.

For so many years, I really don't know how my father came here.

Obviously an iron man, he was forced to look like this.

Make a difference, or do you blame yourself?

It is said that the poor must have hate. When judging others, everything seems simple, but when the object of judgment becomes themselves, it seems not so easy.

No one can say clearly who is right and who is wrong.

Ding Yihui didn't know how he survived this day. He was so horrible that he finally arrived at night.

The same is true for Ding Jun and Ding Ma. After going out, they did n’t know what they were all busy with. Colleagues who faced them may have heard the news faintly. They were a little uncomfortable and embarrassed in the face and expression.

Ding Jun got off work early and returned with a bag of cooked food. Mother Ding dragged her lame foot. After busy, he prepared a table of delicious food for Ding Yihui, while cooking, he told Ding Jun: "Army, it's not surprising that you said, why did the school pick up at night? Why not pick it up during the day?"

"Just because you have a lot of work, is it bad to pick up at someone's school? Maybe it's only the train ticket at night? Did they come here for our Xiaohui only during the day? Then spend a day outside?"

"Oh, I want everyone to see how Xiaohui's scenery has been taken away ..." Ding Ma thought out of her mind, "You watch the champions on TV, lift the big car, hit the gongs and drums, Ugh……"

"It's done. It's a good time to send someone to pick us up. It's not bad. Look at the children in the compound who have a school to pick them up. Isn't this a good thing? It's too late to cook. Forget it, look at you clumsy, I'll cook, you go and pack your son again! "

"It's been sorted seven or eight times, and it's inevitable ..." Ding Ma whispered, but turned around and limped out of the kitchen to help Ding Yihui pack his luggage. While packing, he looked out the window and sighed Breath: "It's so fast in the dark?"

It's getting dark. Who can see Xiaohui of his own and was taken away grandly?

It's getting dark, who can see that their Laoding family has such a beautiful day?

How can it be dark? Is it getting dark?

Ding Yihui smiled and looked at his parents: "Dad, mom, are you two so vain?"

Both Ding Jun and Ding Ma smiled awkwardly.

Who is not vanity? Who doesn't have a little vanity? However, the two also felt that they were a little too much, and they were busy and calmed down.

The wall clock on the wall, walking minute by minute, was so slow and so fast.

Finally, the pointer reached 7.55 in the evening.

There was still silence outside the window. There were only some old men and women who had eaten early, shaking a fan under the tree to enjoy the cold.

Today the moon is good, the silver moonlight is falling on the ground, and the dim street lights flickering in the distance.

Ding Yihui stood up, picked up his bag, turned to look at his parents, and said, "Dad ... Mom, I'm going to leave now, wait and wait."

"Ah, this is gone?" Ding grabbed his son's hand. "It's five minutes, aren't they here yet? Wait a minute ..."

I was still suffering, I was wondering if I could have a good time, but now I can't bear my son to leave. It seems that only then, she realizes that her son is really going to leave, leaving home to live another life.

From then on, there is no need to wake up his son in the morning, and no need to worry about his son returning late. The son will have to go to another city thousands of kilometers away from home.

"Son, you can only rely on yourself after you go out ..." Ding Jun patted his son's shoulder, "You are a man, Dad believes you can do well ..."

"Don't put pressure on your son! My son, if you feel wronged, go home ..." Without saying a word, Mother Ding suddenly saw that the window lit up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter until daylight.

No, it's just day.

At a glance, it seems that the eyes can be blinded as brightly.

The sun, like noon in summer, shined from above, leaving a heavy shadow on the ground, and the weeping cicada, which had gradually quieted down, began to scream tirelessly, but in the pond behind The pool of frogs was quiet.

Is this ... headlights?

No, which car's lights are so bright?

The Ding family rushed to the balcony three times, then couldn't help but close their eyes, because it was so bright that nothing could be seen for a moment.

When their eyes gradually adjusted, they almost screamed.

Outside the window, there is a daytime world, starting from this old family building, all the way to the opposite family building, then the unit building in front, and the distant buildings are bathed in a bright sun.

At a glance, you can see the entire Hangtian Street, no, you can see the entire Changxi City.

Night ... suddenly turned into day?

How could this be?

What is the concept of night suddenly turning into day?

Because of the particularity of the human eye and the power of the human brain, many people do not have a clear concept of illumination.

Humans can still move in very low light levels.

There is a unit of illuminance, called lux, which is the illuminance produced when a lumen of 1 lumen is evenly distributed on a square meter surface.

Generally speaking, under ordinary room lights at night, the light intensity is about 100, which does not affect normal activities.

On a cloudy day, there are about 100 rooms with windows.

The mall is basically maintained at around 500, which makes people feel very bright and tall.

So what are the full moon and the sun?

The answer is that in the case of a full moon, the illumination is only 0.2, and in the noon sun, the illumination is ...


One hundred and ten thousand!

This is the difference between daylight and night light!

Suddenly, from under the moonlight of only 0.2 ~ ~, I came to the sun of 110,000, just like walking from the dark room to the noon sun. The feeling is not to be shocked.

In the light of the day, a huge shadow was slowly approaching from the far side, and gradually stopped just above the family courtyard.

Then a loud voice sounded: "Listen inside, classmate Ding Yihui, classmate Ding Yihui, you have been admitted to Lazy Divinity School, come out of the house! Please don't resist, you have no other choice ... oh! Why hit me! "

"Are you shouting like this? Are you arresting a wanted man?"

"Uh ... am I not listening too much to my dad shouting ..."

"Hey, hey, the speaker isn't off!"

"Uh ... forget me to come!" The other side coughed twice: "Student Ding Yihui, on behalf of Lazy Divinity College, welcome you to join. After joining Lazy Divinity College, you must study carefully and actively correct it ..."

"Frankness and leniency, resistance to strictness? Uncle Ming, your level of shouting is not embarrassing ..."

"No way, I was brought up by your dad ... ah ah, I forgot to turn off the loudspeaker again!"

With a click, the loudspeaker was turned off, and everyone raised their heads to see ten suns hanging in the sky. The person who shone could not open their eyes, and in the middle of the ten suns, a huge spaceship was moving Slowly lower.


At this time, Ding Yihui had only one idea.

Lying down!

I want scenery, but I didn't expect it to be like this!

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