Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: : Lost hundreds of millions

In mid-August, the major media began to speculate on this month's epic journey, where the Silent is going, and what price the ticket will sell.

The media and various experts have their own views. Some media believe that in the style of lazy gods, they all landed on the moon last time. Maybe this time they will land on 6 Mars.

But experts sneered at it because Earth and Mars both move in the solar system, and their distances change at any time with time. When the distance between Earth and Mars is the closest, it is called the Martian Sun, which is the sun, Earth and Mars are almost in a straight line, and when the Earth is blocked between the Sun and Mars, Mars will go to the sun once every 700 days.

When Mars hits the sun, the distance between Earth and Mars is 5.46 million kilometers, which is 143 times the distance between Earth and the Moon.

"This distance is almost insurmountable for the Silent. Although the Silent can land on the moon smoothly, it is like a lazy man who can only run 1oo meters to run a marathon on weekdays. The mission that is almost impossible to complete. "The experts spoke sharply," not to mention, the latest Martian charge was April 8, 2o14, and the next time was May 22, 2o16. Now it is the ground fire. At the furthest distance, now you want to reach 6 Mars, you need to travel through the entire solar system, 400 million kilometers away! "

400 million kilometers, 1ooo times the distance between the earth and the moon!

Just think about numbers that can make people desperate!

Even if Silence really wants to go to 6 Mars, it will not be at this time!

After criticizing the "Mars 6 ascend" statement, he put forward his own view: "There is still a forbidden area for human beings on the earth. So far, it is hardly understood, that is, the bottom of the deep sea. It is not so much for the Silent to climb 6 Mars, might as well go to the bottom of the sea ... "

However, before this expert expressed his opinions, he was rejected by other experts. Everyone took out the attitude of keyboard fighters and sprayed them on various media. It seems that the lazy gods do not listen to them. Not a lazy god.

This controversy has been arguing from mid-August to the end of the month, and then it was open to the end of the month. The lazy gods had not announced the goals of this epic trip, and even the boat ticket auction page was not online, everyone was wondering and contacted one after another. Lazy God.

However, the entire propaganda department of the Lazy Gods Department basically eats dry meals. It ignores reporters at all, and finally found Cai Wendi's people. This one asked me a few questions: "What? You say an epic journey? Oh oh ..."

Cai Wendi patted his head: "Don't you say I have forgotten, epic journey, this month is gone!"

"What? It's gone?" The reporters were about to turn around with Cai Wendi, grabbed his neckline and shook desperately: "What are you talking about? How can it be gone? What is it?"

"It's gone, it's gone." Cai Wendi spread his hand. "Epic journey was originally made by old horses to promote the redface brand. Now redface is already hot, so there is no need to get it. Besides, old horses are now As for the US election campaign, there is probably no time for an epic journey. "

"How could that be? That would have to be done! This is an epic journey!"

"Furthermore, this year's Silence will not make room, busy, busy!" The very irresponsible propaganda official waved his hand and hit the reporter.

What does it mean to be busy? What is Silence Busy?

Then ... After the news came on the tenth day, the reporters finally realized.

It turns out that Silence is busy picking up students everywhere!

What a joke! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

If not afraid of being edited by the editor, journalists would even wish to express their indignation with two rows of exclamation marks in the title!

Silent's epic journey has been difficult to obtain since the first time, and the last time Silent reached the highest peak.

And this time, there are rich people threatening that no matter where Silence goes, even if it ’s just flying around the world, they have to bid, because being on Silence is an honor in itself, it is also a great way to expose yourself Ways, can make headlines throughout the month in various ways.

Just the honor of boarding the Silent is worth a lot of people to spend tens of millions of dollars.

It was probably too noisy, and the propaganda department of the Lazy Gods Department finally dullly issued a notice saying that Silent would pick up students everywhere in late August and early September, and would not start the fourth epic journey.

But as soon as this announcement came out, many people said, "It's okay to pick up students. Can I sell a boat ticket? I want to buy it!"

Some people have even started airspace auctions: "I pay $ 50,000!"

"I pay $ 100 million!"

Shouted like this.

Hearing these rich people's fear of not being able to spend money, everyone said that "stupid, rich, and come", but the rich people have a different view: "The epic journey of Silence, if once a month Maybe it will gradually become mediocre, but at present it seems that the epic journey is not a monthly one, and may even be permanently cancelled for various reasons. What is this? This is an absolutely scarce resource. This It's the same reason that gold is more expensive than black iron, because gold is too scarce, and only the scarce is worth the money. "

If you think about it, the arguments of the rich seem to make sense.

Gold is precious because it is scarce.

Limited editions can be expensive, but also because they are scarce.

Antiques and famous paintings are expensive ~ ~ because they are scarce.

So if epic journeys are becoming scarce, why not sell more expensive?

What if Silent's epic journey turns into an annual event, or it's gone forever?

So this epic journey, perhaps the last one, will become a real epic.

This is scarce! Dog x's lazy gods, what really do business!

The lazy gods are crying and laughing when they hear this argument. When will I do this business? I do n’t know?

Isn't this because Mr. Nan's willfulness is not bad?

Said Nan always would do business, I have a hehe, do you want to listen?

And with more and more people shouting to participate in the auction, all of a sudden, someone made a more thrilling proposal: "If I get a ticket for an epic trip after I bid, I can specify a location, And Silence is picking up students everywhere, can you let Silence come to my house and pick up my family? Let my family also have the right to study at Lazy Divinity School? My family is young and easy to learn. juvenile!"

As soon as this argument came out, the plot began to show in a more thrilling direction.

The main crowd who shouted from the air suddenly turned from various local and emerging riches to various "o1d · money". Traditional local tyrants, even those who have participated in epic journeys before, have started to bid for themselves. Children have a future.

The price of this non-existent epic trip is rising, and hundreds of millions of dollars are thrown out to buy an opportunity to join the lazy seminary!

Hearing this news, all the college entrance examination candidates this year are a little bad.

Originally, they were admitted to their favorite school, and their hearts were full of expectations.

And now, they suddenly appeared, and lost hundreds of millions of themselves.

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