Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: : Spending Money Be Creative

How to spend money to be creative?

Do you really reward the webcasters?

It's very creative, and it can definitely be in the news, but Ding Yihui feels that if he really spends it like this, I'm afraid he will be directly killed by Ding Jun.

So what else can be done?

Ding Yihui's family conditions are not good. He grew up with less pocket money than his peers.

Not to mention, this is 50 million US dollars. At the current exchange rate, it is about 35 million yuan. It is definitely not a small sum.

Buy a house for your parents, and ... 34 million left?

Buy another car, there are 33.9 million left?

There is no way, Ding Yihui, who has been used to suffering from childhood, has no idea how to spend this money.

He can only ask for help.

Distressed, he saw Yuan Shang come over.

Getting along just now made him feel that Yuan Shang was getting along very well and felt that he could ask Yuan Shang's opinions, so he accelerated his pace and greeted him, "Yuan Shang learns!"

"Don't call me a senior, we're just classmates! They all call me little Yuanzi ..." Yuan Shang drew a bag from behind after seeing Ding Yihui: "Fortunately you didn't go far, just forgot to ask just now, you want to Do n’t you? ”

"Uh ..." Ding Yihui looked at the bag in Yuan Shang's hands. It looked very high-end leather goods, and the logo seemed to have been seen on TV. However, such a gorgeous bag was not his style. He shook his head and said, "No, thank you , Yuan Shang, senior ... Xiao Yuanzi, I was going to ask, how did you spend your money? "

"Me?" Yuan Shang showed an unbearable expression. "Have you heard of an internet segment? A local tyrant went to a store, pointed to a few items, and then said: 'Except this, this and this, other All wrapped up for me! '"

"Looks like ..." Ding Yihui wasn't sure.

"Well, I did that." Yuan Shangdao, "In Paris, in a leather goods shop on the Champs Elysees ..."

"Really, what happened? Is the money spent?" Ding Yihui's eyes widened, which sounded cool.

"I didn't even spend a million." Yuan Shang wanted to cry without tears. "The sequelae is very serious ..."

There are sequelae to spending money?

"Well, by now, my bag hasn't been delivered yet ..." Yuan Shang pointed to the bag in his hand, "Yes, as my consulting fee, please be sure to accept this bag ..." Yuan Shang forced The stuffing in his hand gave Ding Yihui.

"Uh ... how many did you buy?" Ding Yihui was speechless for a while.

"I don't know. My mom's cabinets are stuffed. Anyway, there are 47 left. No, it's 46!" Yuan Shang waved his arm. "I'll ask others if I want to, come on, Yuan Shang It will be delivered! "

Then, Ding Yihui saw Yuan Shang get up and stopped a student who was a lazy **** in the second period: "Classmate, do you want to pack it? It is free of charge ... Classmate, don't run, I'm not a bad person! Hey, don't run, I said Don't run ... "

Watching Yuan Shang rushing after him, Ding Yihui, carrying a lady's handbag, shook his head helplessly, and if he accidentally spends money, the result will be very serious!

Poor Yuan Shang, senior!

Keep this bag ... just take it and bring it back to your mother.

I didn't get the answer I wanted from Yuan Shang. I just got a piece of advice. Ding Yihui still had no clue about how to spend money.

As I was walking, I saw a young man coming from the front.

"Xu Shuai, Yang Xuechang!" Ding Yihui hurriedly greeted him. There were only 11 people in Lazy God. He basically knew him now. Not to mention that Xu Shuaiyang is the oldest of all people, and he is particularly recognizable.

Seeing Ding Yihui, Xu Shuaiyang pulled out a key from his pocket: "Will you drive?"

"Did not learn yet ... Senior, did you buy more cars?" Ding Yihui couldn't help laughing.

"Well ... don't call me a senior, just call my name, or call me Yang, I'm always a few years older than you." Xu Shuai Yang helplessly shook his head.

"Well, how did Yang spend your money?" Ding Yihui asked.

"Have you heard of a network segment?" Xu Shuai Yang said, "The local tyrant went to the 4s shop to buy a car. As a result, the manager in the shop saw that the people were low and looked down on him. Only a soft and cute girl who just left the school did not look down on him. A soft-sexy girl was also bullied by the manager. When the local tyrant got angry, he bought several particularly expensive cars ... "

"You did that?"

"No, I have never had the opportunity to do this. I was in France at the time. Those French guys met me, do n’t mention it. I did n’t give me a face ..." Xu Shuaiyang sighed and patted Ding Yihui's shoulder "But I advise you not to do this, it's boring, and use the money for useful purposes."

Where is it useful?

How can it be useful?

Ding Yihui was worried, and saw two people coming forward side by side.

"Scholar Zhao Zhuang, Principal Hu Xiaoyang!" Ding Yihui greeted again.

After a few words of embarrassment, Hu Xiaoyang said, "Oh, I didn't spend the money at all, after all, we asked to spend it in one day."

Hu Xiaoyang looked at Ding Yihui: "Actually, you don't stick to spending money. In fact, Uncle Ming does not judge you by spending your money. After all, spending money is just a process. What is important is what you want in the end."

What do you want?

"Dazhuang and I both want to change the destiny of others. The person I want to change the destiny most did not wait for me." Hu Xiaoyang said.

His voice was low. When he said this, he didn't look like a teenager, but like a vicissitudes old man, his eyes filled with grief.

Ding Yihui licked his lips. There must be a story in it. This story must be heavy. Ding Yihui couldn't bear to ask.

"The money you hold can change the fate of many people and make good use of it." Zhao Zhuang said, "We are students of lazy seminary, we are destined to change the world.

"But I still don't know anything."

"Then go to learn." Zhao Zhuang pointed to a room guarded by security personnel next to it, which said: "Lazy God Library."

Looking at the back of the two people leaving, Ding Yihui felt that his heart seemed to be divided into two poles.

On the one hand, it is sad and calm like Hu Xiaoyang, but on the other hand it is full of hope and grandeur like Zhao Zhuang.

If he wants to change the fate of others, who is he most want to change?


If you want to change the destiny of your parents, one million buys a house, and one million gives them pocket money.

Except for parents? Who else would he want to change?

Ding Yihui subconsciously turned to the "Lazy God Library" next to him. The security guards at the door looked at him and smiled and opened the door for him.

There are very few books in the Lazy God Library, so few that they don't meet the dignity of Silence, and even a row of bookshelves are not full.

But these are the books, and there is a librarian inside, and when he saw him, he said, "As a student of the Lazy Divinity School, you can read all the books, but all the books cannot be taken out of the library. I suggest you From the basics over there. "

Seeing that Ding Yihui went to the basic books, the administrator nodded his head ~ ~ nodded the screen in front of him, and made a few strokes on Ding Yihui's school schedule.

Without realizing it, the schoolwork has actually begun.

Ding Yihui spent nearly two days in the library sleeplessly until the librarian kicked him out.

Back in his room, he spent two hours making a "spend money plan". Then, looking at the plan, he smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid this is the least creative plan to spend money. I What a **** really. "

Even Ding Yihui himself did not expect that what he wanted the most to change his destiny was actually that aerospace street and the people on that street.

Ding Yihui took this plan and found Chen Haocong, saying, "Zongzi, I would like to ask you to look at this plan for me."


Since Ding Yihui was taken away by the Silence, Ding Jun's life has undergone tremendous changes.

All kinds of good things came to him in a different way.

First, the attitudes of colleagues and neighbors suddenly became particularly good. The director of the institute and the like came to the house with gifts.

Later, the head of the head office called and asked him about his news. He asked if he would be transferred to Dongbin to live with Ding Yihui. The head office could help him solve the transfer problem.

But Ding Jun rejected it.

Even the office wanted to transfer him to a more leisurely and decent post, but he was rejected.

He is still the security guard Ding Jun, but no one dares to treat him as a soft egg.

On this day, Ding Jun had just arrived at the unit and put on his uniform. He heard the head of the security department call him: "Old Ding, today the head office will bring investors, as if to cooperate with us. The company attaches great importance to it, and quickly, let's go and clean the door. "

"Good," Ding Jun promised, and went out with a big broom.

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