Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: : Who sells who?

Headquarters asked Vice President Gao to wait for the news because they wanted to communicate with Lazy God.

After all, China Aerospace is a state-owned enterprise, and its economic benefits often lie behind many other things. If the rift with the lazy gods is caused by the unpleasantness of a competition, I am afraid that money cannot make up for it.

Because of the bridge of stars and the earth throwing machine, the lazy **** system is now so powerful that Qin Yafei can enjoy the state guest treatment in any country. Mr. Shen of China Aerospace has weighed his weight and feels directly with Nanming. The dialogue was really stressful, and after all, the call was made to Chen Haocong's desk.

After all, the two sides had a very pleasant cooperation first, and they were still very familiar with Chen Haocong, and some things were easy to say.

After Chen Haocong answered the phone, he immediately ran to find Nanming. Chen Haocong said something a little unpleasantly: "Lao Shen is not doing it authentically, what's the idea of ​​grabbing a few children's ideas! Uncle Ming, how Do you want to warn them? "

Mr. Chen Haocong, Mr. Chen, is now a little bit arrogant.

Nan Ming frowned for a moment, then shook his head.

"How do you say?" Chen Haocong raised an eyebrow, and Nan Ming's reaction made him a little confused.

Is n’t Uncle Ming the shortest guardian? Why don't you protect the calf at this time?

According to the usual routine, Uncle Ming should start off with a knife and cut off a head of people!

This is the man who wants to become the devil and destroy the world!

Everyone knows this stalk.

"Mr. Shen is a bit unreasonable to do so, but as soon as their prophet tells us, they are already benevolent and they have done nothing wrong."

Chen Haocong was a bit disagreeable. Seeing Chen Haocong was still upset, Nan Ming laughed and said, "This world protects technology, is a patent, not an idea. The German Carl Benz knows cars, but how many car manufacturers are there now? The Wright brothers understand the aircraft. How many aircraft manufacturers are there now? Computers, mobile phones ... What are unique and monopolized by one manufacturer? How many original social networking sites and software? There are no legal requirements. What do you think of? Something can't be used by others. Not to mention anything else, our lazy gods started out as drones. Did we learn about drones? What about power exoskeleton? What about? Robots? 3D printing? What about earth boulder? "

When he heard Nan Ming say this, Chen Haocong suddenly felt a little discouraged. Strictly speaking, his mech soldiers were not their own, at least the concept was not.

What is Idea? It's an idea, it's an inspiration, but there are countless kinds of inspirations coming out every moment. You can't let others use it if you use it.

Otherwise, who can't be justified by those companies that can't be found by the lazy gods?

Whenever there is a new product, there are countless keyboard prophets boasting: "I have thought of such a thing long ago, but I haven't done it ..."

But what happened?

This world is not just a matter of thinking.

The key is not what you think of, but what you do.

"Call President Shen and tell him we don't mind, but ... let them try not to hurt the feelings of these children too much." Nanming Road. Seeing Chen Haocong reach out his mobile phone, he shook his head again and said, "Forget it, let me call him, lest something be unclear."

Mr. Shen has been waiting by the phone. The phone was picked up immediately after the ring. After a while, he hung up. Many people who were waiting beside him shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Nan doesn't mind, but let us take care of these The feelings of the children ... Well, Mr. Nan's mind, no wonder the lazy gods show so fast. "

After expressing his emotions, he immediately ordered: "Mr. Gao, let him cooperate with and help these children take over the Second Affiliate as far as possible, and concede as long as they do not violate the principles ... In addition, let him try to comfort these children Them. "

After finishing these arrangements, he straightened his waist and said, "If the greatest inspiration to us from these lazy gods is efficiency! Efficiency! Efficiency! Microsatellite strategy will become one of our core strategies in the future. First, all of this is always waiting for me. Don't forget that there are still some children who want to compete with us! Immediately order all departments to be mobilized. I will arrange a conference as soon as possible to lay out our new strategy! "

"When will this cloth be scheduled?" Many people became nervous when he heard him say that.

"It's set for next month ... No, next week ... No ..." Always thinking of the amazing speed of Lazy God, he gritted his teeth: "It's set for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow! Not perfect, but timely! Let Everyone is mobilized! Whether we can stand up depends on what we do now! "

Seeing that everyone burned their **** and ran out, President Shen stood at the window for a while, and then called Vice President Gao.

On the phone, Mr. Shen sighed: "This child is called Ding Yihui. Is it said that we are the children of China Aerospace? I'm really sorry for him, but for the 100,000 employees and their family ... Do your comfort. "

"Yes." Vice President Gao promised to come down ~ ~ with some joy and some worry.

How can I tell Ding Yihui about this news? They are not authentic.

Think that the other party is a group of seventeen or eighteen children, the senior vice president feels that it is not surprising that he was beaten.

He touched his thin short-sleeved shirt, took a breath, and had to go and find a thicker piece of clothing to wear, or borrow a bulletproof vest, but I'm afraid it's too late.

Now that the headquarters has released the deployment, the news will come soon.

He saw Director Gong and waved his hand, saying, "Lao Gong, find a few people to come and save me from the meeting room at the right time ... don't be too early, don't lose your breath. Also Don't be too late, my life might be taken in late ... "

"Ha?" Director Gong wondered.

How did Vice President Gao sacrifice himself to feed the tiger, and to feed the eagle's tragic posture? Is this going to the battlefield?

After Vice President Gao entered the conference room, Lao Gong listened to the movement inside. After a while, Lao Gong saw that Vice President Gao came out with a black eye.

"Ah, Mr. Gao, this is what's going on!" Director Gong almost scared to death. What happened to Mr. Gao, what can we do? "Who hit? Quick, call the police!"

"Don't, these children are very restrained." Vice President Gao covered his face with a bitter smile, and one of Ding Yihui's classmates gave him a punch, others were restrained.

It is just the eyes of these children that I am afraid he will never forget.

Vice President Gao took the ice pack, covered his face, and told Director Gong: "The head office should send the documents, and let's deploy it."

Half an hour later, the entire Second Attachment was blown up.

"What? China Aerospace will also engage in this kind of pit-daddy microsatellite?" After hearing this news, those old-fashioned astronauts who had previously disdain the aerospace civilisation felt deeply betrayed.

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