Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: : Looking up at the Galaxy

Suddenly there is an extra day of vacation. What is it like?

What's it like when someone suddenly has an extra day of vacation and can't take a vacation?

After the news of the "Chinese Yuan Festival Legal Holiday Pilot" came out, everyone's feelings were different.

The pilot area was naturally cheering, but outside the pilot area, it was full of sadness.

Feeling a loss of 100 million!

There are such passages on the Internet: normal companies, the pilot area is on vacation; literary and art companies, they are not on trial, they are on vacation; companies, the pilot is not on vacation; our company: has never been on vacation. I think I may be staying at a fake company.

In any case, the online survey shows that about one tenth of the netizens in the country have been covered by the people on vacation that day. Although many low-income and manual workers may not have the time or conditions to participate in such surveys, a comprehensive assessment, On Yuan Day, at least tens of millions of people will be on vacation.

These people travel, eat, celebrate, and participate in a variety of activities.

What a huge market this will be?

In a blink of an eye, the entire market began to become active. I don't know how many people picked up their own old yellow calendar. I carefully studied this Chinese Yuan festival commonly known as "July half" and "Ghost Festival" and played various games. Various new patterns.

Some began to create the concept of Chinese Halloween, and began to sell a variety of ghost costumes, and some planned to start selling a variety of river lanterns. Of course, various paper money began to be sold on a large scale.

Major tourist cities are planning to hold "River Lantern Festivals" to attract passenger flow. Ordinary cities have also delineated "Fenghe Denghe River" in various areas, and barriers and staff are prepared at the downstream to be intercepted at any time.

Relevant departments have announced the "River Light Convention", "Degradable Materials River Light Manufacturing Standard", "Paper Money Convention" and so on.

For the first time during the Chinese New Year festival, young literary and artistic people worked hard to feel the charm of the Chinese New Year festival. Of course, ordinary young people probably took this opportunity to stay at home for a rest.

The lazy gods are naturally forced to take a holiday. The Star Bridge and the earth slinger, which were already in the rushing construction period, have already caused Qin Yafei to burn his head. Now, even a forced holiday!

Qin Yafei also had to shake his head and smile bitterly: "General Manager Nan, General Manager Nan, it's really getting harder and harder to deal with now!"

Is this guy sent by the enemy?

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday, more and more people began to look forward to the plan announced by the lazy gods.

"Tianhe Lamp"? what is that?


"Lan Tianhe? What is that?" At this moment, in the office of President Shen of China Aerospace, President Shen was also aggressive.

Although he had a faint feeling that stealing Xinghui's aerospace creativity would not be completed so soon, and he knew that it was definitely not easy to take a shot at Lazy God, but at this moment, he still had no clear concept of the Tianhe Lamp.

"Does the lazy **** want to combine the Mid-Yuan Festival with the micro-satellite? What is the concept of marketing?" Mr. Shen was puzzled. Although the top priority now is the Mid-Yuan Festival holiday, the most attention, but want Corresponding a product to a festival may not be a day or two, or a business can do it. Even if it's lazy technology.

Suddenly wondering, the secretary suddenly rushed in: "Mr. Shen, it's not good, Lazy God Technology has come up with a big killer!"

Big killer? What is a big killer?

"Lazy God Technology ... they're commercials!"

Lazy Technology ... Advertising?

Well, this is really a big killer!

Lazy Technology's propaganda department, or Lazy Media, is a very irresponsible department.

They never engage in normal propaganda, they even hate reporters, they ignore all kinds and don't care.

But their department has an extremely powerful capability that makes people deeply worshipped.

That's the ability to make documentaries.

Of course, many documentaries are used for advertising.

Like "Exercise Freedom" with dynamic exoskeleton, "Looking for Iron Girl" like lazy man, and "Grey Love" which broke bad public opinion, it is often a documentary, like dropping a nuclear bomb, and then what It's all flat.

And now, the lazy gods department has come up with another commercial?

Mr. Shen deeply felt that he seemed to ... have caused something bad.

Open the link, click the play button, and the title appears.

"Looking Up at the Galaxy".

Then came a line of small print: "Lazy Divinity School Student Works".

Lazy seminary student works?

Seeing this line of words, President Shen suddenly had a feeling of death sentence for a sentence of death.

It was not produced by Lazy Media? Is it a lazy seminary student work?


The students of Lazy Divinity School, after being connected by Silence and being familiar with children's shoes, the first question asked is often: "Why do you apply for Lazy Divinity School?"

In fact, many people answered: "I don't know why I applied for the exam ~ ~ I just volunteered ..."

But there is also a large part of the answer: "Because the technology of lazy gods!"

"I'm a lazy fan!"

"I'm a technical controller!"

But when asked this question, Li Ruru's answer was: "Because I want to be a director! The promotional video of the Lazy Gods Department is so good that I can definitely learn a lot here!"

The people who heard this answer were sweaty.

Some people also want to feel if she has burned.

No, why did you apply for lazy seminary for this reason?

What can you do for a promotional video?

Lazy God has changed all aspects of the world, promotional videos ... this thing should be ranked last!

"Do you want to be a director of a promotional film or a director of a documentary?" The children's shoes felt that the girl must be crazy. "Why not go to a school such as Beiying? What other University of South ..."

"Documentary? Cut, I don't like making documentaries. I want to be a science fiction director!"

"Lazy God will still shoot science fiction?" Everyone was even more aggressive.

"You don't understand. Those who can shoot documentaries out of science fiction are the only lazy gods!" Li Ruru's star eyes, "I want to set up a photography studio, do you want to join?"

What logic is this girl? Everyone still doesn't understand.

However, the lazy theological college is a purely technical and science-oriented college. Among the students admitted, the ratio of men and women is a bit imbalanced, and Li Ruru is still a pretty girl, so although the logic is a bit strange, there are still a few boys squinting Sign up: "I join, I join! What do you want to shoot?"

"Wow, cute girl! As the monitor, how can you not pay attention to the female classmates?" Relying on her good physique, Chen Haocong suddenly squeezed into the crowd, revealing her inheritance from Chen Wei, and her exceptionally bright face: "Li Ruru Children's shoes, do you need an actor? "

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