Lazy God Possession

Chapter 116: : The storm caused by the wool (seven / tenth) asks for a monthly pass!

Nanming couldn't help crying or laughing, and shook his head in the end when he wanted to say something.

"Since I'm here, let's make it clear." Nan Ming pulled a chair and sat down. "I recently had a foreign income from Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA, which is about $ 2,000. . For this little money, can you please? "

$ 2,000 ...

Zhang Qing began to count with his fingers how much RMB it was. He usually didn't touch the US dollar very much and didn't know the exchange rate, but it was more than 10,000 RMB.

This has been his income for several months.

Uncle Guo'an also smiled bitterly, just for a little money? What a big tone.

"Can you tell me the origin of this money?" Uncle Guo'an asked, and Nanming nodded. "It's very simple. The bug catching contest. I submitted four bugs to Google's browser. If one reward is $ 500, It should be $ 2,000, of course, it could be a bit more than that. "

The day before yesterday, Nanming received an email from Bearded, saying that the money had been transferred and asked him to check it. Now Nanming hasn't received the money. I don't know if it was stopped by the bank or there are other problems, so I don't know the specific amount.

Upon hearing this, the Dean's eyes widened.

This ... this is not the same as the script, director! Isn't this kid making up? How can I find the loopholes?

It must have been discovered by others, this kid is making up numbers, just making up numbers!

Uncle Guo'an and Brother Guo'an beside him looked at each other. The two were also surprised.

"So, you are very good at the program, Nan?" Young Guo'an Road.

"That is of course. I am now participating in a campus programming contest with a top prize of 10,000 yuan." Nanming Road. He looked up at his watch. "The game started five minutes ago."

The meaning of Nanming is very obvious. If you have something to say, you will let go of it. You can't afford time.

Ten thousand yuan is gone, you pay me!

"This ..." The young Guoan looked at the old Guoan. The situation was a little bit unexpected, and he was afraid that it would cause a lot of right and wrong.

"Ha ha. Nan is a talent. I also hope that Nan can contribute more to the country in the future. It must be remembered that whenever you are a descendant of Yan and Huang, you cannot sell the interests of the country." The old Guoan said a few words If it doesn't hurt.

Nan Ming probably understands why they came. It has also been said in the news that some foreign intelligence agencies will recruit domestic college students and ask them to help collect information. This dollar is too strange, so they are suspicious.

But ... want to buy him for this little money? May be too underestimated him.

If it weren't for the recent financial difficulties, he wouldn't have to show up to make that money.

"If the country has a reward for catching insects, I also like to contribute to the country." Nan Ming spread his hands. What do you say without money? Don't you know I'm short of money now?

Nanming sighed unfortunately. He finally found a way to make money from wool. He would add wool from Google's giant to subsidize his family. Will it attract Guoan? Really gags in cold water.

Two people can only laugh, what can they say? Times are different. Even if they are, they will occasionally scold mothers in private. What is different from ordinary people?

But at this time they were wearing this clothes, and at this time they could only be complained on behalf of the country.

"Then, there is nothing else. Sorry, you have delayed your competition. If you don't mind, we will send you back to the arena. By the way, it will open your eyes and see what this legendary programming competition looks like "The old Guoan stood up and said.

Nanming had been impatient for a long time and got up and planned to walk outwards.

"Ah, by the way, Nanming, your dollar is not 2000 dollars, but 4511 dollars." The old Guoan added.

Next, the dean listened and scared a stunner. Of course, he couldn't see the money, but a freshman student who submitted 4 bugs and made so much money?

No wonder it will attract Guoan.

Moreover, this hatred is great!

When Zhang Qing went downstairs, she was pinching her fingers, Nan Ming couldn't help crying and said, "Don't forget, the exchange rate is now around 6.13, which is 27,652, 40 cents."

The normal reward for Google's bug contest is $ 500, and the maximum reward is $ 1,337. This is the three highest reward plus one ordinary reward.

Zhang Qing almost rolled down the stairs.

Twenty-eight thousand? This is his income for half a year!

This guy is a tyrant! Be sure to blackmail!

In fact, for Nan Ming, this money was also an unexpected income, at least twice as much as he expected.

When he got downstairs, the young Guoan opened the back seat of the car and asked Nan Ming to get in the car. Uncle Guoan also came up and sat side by side with him. Zhang Qing got into the front row of the car. Butt, run away. Dean stunned there for a long time, scolded resentfully in his heart, and ran to drive his own car.

When he found his car, Nanming had long lost their shadow.

On the bus, Uncle Guo'an did not forget to do ideological work for Nanming.

Nanming Road: "Uncle, you still have to save these words, I will talk about it next time."

"What?" Uncle Guo'an stunned.

"I still have seven or eight bugs to submit." Nanming said.

He only submitted four bugs this time, and he still has seven or eight bugs.

"This, what kind of bug in foreign countries, tell them not to help the Americans?" Uncle Guoan has a simple concept of the country, the Emperor is an enemy!

"I'm short of money, otherwise uncle, would you sponsor me?" Nanming said.

Why not eat meat!

Uncle Guo'an quickly shut up, and didn't mention the topic.

By the time Nanming returned to the game site, the game had been going on for a while.

The programming competition is a competition of efficiency and thinking. The thinking is right and the speed is faster. There are more points.

When Nanming returned, there were still people who wanted to stop him from entering the field, and Uncle Guo'an looked up. A few words of reprimand were given to the man, which was quite majestic, and made Nan Ming change his view greatly.

"Xiao Nan, we are watching here, waiting for you to win." Uncle Guoan smiled.

When Nanming entered, Uncle Guo'an looked at the young Guo'an around him and said, "It's up to you."

About the origin of that dollar. They certainly know the rewards from Google, but whether Nanming really has this ability. It is still unknown whether someone bought Nanming through Google.

Google has long withdrawn from the country, they can not verify from Google, they can only verify from the side.

They had planned to take Nanming. See if he really has the talent in this area, but now he has the opportunity to test on site.

The person who followed the old Guoan was the technical staff responsible for the network within the Security Bureau. It was true and false, and he knew it at a glance.

Nanming returned to the boss and asked, "How's the situation?"

"Now it is temporarily ranked fourth, Sister Mi Xue first, Li **** second, and the" artisan spirit "of the Mechanical Academy third." The boss said concisely. Road.

Around him, Han Dong didn't look up and was tapping on the computer.

"Artisan spirit?" Nan Ming never heard the name. A little confused.

"That way." The boss stretched his finger, Nan Ming looked at his finger and was a bit surprised.

The team of "craftsman spirit" turned out to be a girl army, and the average face value was very high. The three girls were together. The table was full of cosmetics and nail polish, and a few sisters were talking there. Make-up, pointing with orchids, and tapping the fingers with long fingernails on the keyboard was not slow at all.

The staff next to them were crying, neither said nor no.

The programming competition is a team competition. Three people and one computer are enough. One person is enough. The same problem, different people have different implementation methods, each person's expertise is also different. It is suitable, and then other people help, this is also a group cooperation.

Beside, Li Jie's team, Li Jie and Ke Tianwei can only fight, and Sun Yunlong is fighting in front of the computer.

Sun Yunlong had sweat on his forehead. He did not expect that Mi Qin's strength was so strong!

He was suppressed!

He didn't care about his face. What should he do if he loses again?

Li Jie doesn't care. He only cares about Nanming. As long as he can win Nanming, other people don't care.

Even if Nan Ming wasn't there, the strength of the other two was beyond his expectations. Fortunately, he prepared several backhands.

In the blink of an eye, Han Dong completed a question and the next question flashed out.

"The streets of a provincial capital city are criss-crossed. In order to monitor the running status of street lights, each street uses a numeric string to identify the running status of all street lights on that street. It is now required ..."

At a glance, Nan Ming glanced over, and after reading the subject, several realization methods suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I'm here." Nan Mingdao had to say that Li Jie's despicable means successfully angered him.

Enan Ming's indifferent character, not many people in this world can anger him.

But after angering him, it was only delusion to want to retreat.

Han Dong quickly turned away and let Nan Ming take his shot.

After a few minutes, Nanming had already completed the problem and replaced it.

With such a question going on, Nan Ming first dropped the team from the Mechanical Academy.

On the huge projection, the "kill Bill" team suddenly flashed, and passed the "craftsman spirit" team.

In the arena, someone whispered an exclamation, apparently frightened by the result.

This is the third question. Nanming ’s hands are like a heavy rain in the summer afternoon, slamming on the keyboard, lines of code flow out, as if they were already there, Nanming just copied them out. general.

Then, Li Jie's team was also dropped.

"Kill Bill" team, crush the "Li Jie team"!

At this moment, the boss waved his arm uncontrollably.

awesome! Won!

Li Jie is basically holding his shoulders and watching the movie beside him. Although he works very hard, he is not qualified in the face of this level of confrontation!

There is no fierce confrontation or gorgeous scenes in the programming competition, but there is also sweat, tactics, a spirit of competition that never loses, and a bright light of wisdom. UU Reading at

None of this, Li Jie.

He couldn't even feel the thrill of the game, at this time he was even bored.

Just defeated Nan Ming? That's too easy.

But at the moment when the ranking changed, he suddenly realized that he was wrong, turned his head, and saw that Nanming had returned, and was typing code!

How could this be?

Can't make two arrangements in a row?

how come? how come?

In a corner of the stands, Duan Zhixue's complexion was blue.

how come?

What went wrong? (To be continued)

ps: continue to seek monthly tickets for the first booking! Three more chapters tonight!

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