Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: : Sucked away

In the afternoon, Vice President Gao had almost handled Xinghui Aerospace's chores, so he stretched himself up and stood up.

The relationship between the Second Affiliated Company and China Aerospace Corporation, which is waiting to be redistributed, and the dozens of people who joined Xinghui Aerospace, have all been dealt with.

Looking at the time, the negotiator from Beijing should have arrived now, and at this moment, he should also go back to participate in the negotiations.

He walked around the entire office building and saw that the people in each office were working seriously. Although there were many fewer people, everything was still orderly, and he nodded with satisfaction. He went back to the aftercare office with his hands on his back and planned to explain. Just leave.

However, after thinking about it, he knocked on the door next door and reminded Ding Yihui: "Xiaohui, don't just care about technology and forget about the negotiation, this is a big deal!"

"Ah? Ah! You wait for me!" Ding Yihui was busy in the dark, reminded by the vice president at this time, and then he reacted, put down the satellite in his hand, slightly cleaned up the workbench in front of him, and came out. A little nervous: "Negotiations ... I haven't negotiated yet!"

"Relax, don't worry about any decision." Vice President Gao could only comfort Ding Yihui. He was a little bit crying in his heart. He was clearly a competitor.

"Well ... I'll send you down." Ding Yihui wanted to ask something, but for a moment there was no clue.

The gains and losses are always disturbing.

If it is ordinary interest, then it will affect the future exhibition of Xinghui Aerospace.

In the corridor, the staff members who saw each other walked side by side, and both greeted with a smile and said, "General Manager Ding, General Manager Gao!"

Another staff member ran over with a pile of documents to ask for questions. He saw Ding Yihui and vice president Gao standing side by side, tangled a bit. After all, he took the documents in front of the vice president, and the vice president looked at Ding Yihui completely. Without conscious intervention, I just shook my head and gave some instructions.

Ding Yihui later realized that the entire Xinghui Aerospace has begun to operate normally, which is completely different from the messy appearance before.

He was two steps behind, looking at the back of the vice president Gao in a suit and leather shoes, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Gao, do you have any negotiation experience?"

"That's right ... we have participated in several negotiations with foreign countries in the past ten years or so. I estimate that I will also be a member of the negotiation team this time ..."

Vice President Gao should have avoided suspicion, but at this time saw Ding Yihui frowning, thinking about it, or say a few more words in the negotiations.

"I'm just passing on his negotiating skills and experience, not leaking our negotiating cards, which shouldn't be considered a backwater ..." Vice President Gao said to himself.

Deputy Chief Gao stopped and stood under the gate, lowered his voice, and gently explained, Ding Yihui nodded even.

At this moment, in the Changxi office building of China Aerospace, the leader of the negotiating team from the superior department is also talking to President Shen.

The topic shifted to Mr. Gao, and Mr. Shen praised it, saying, "In fact, all this is thanks to Mr. Gao. If it was not for the idea of ​​microsatellite that he brought back at the beginning, we would not be able to intervene in this market in advance. It is not that he has maintained a good relationship with Xinghui Aerospace afterwards, nor does he have the opportunity to negotiate this time. "

"Listening to you, I want to see him even more." The big brothers were amazed, "I heard that he was only in his early forties? Young and powerful, young and promising. In the future, the aerospace industry in our country is afraid that it will be necessary. Their young people have grown up! "

"This time, I also want to give him a heavy load and let him take a big responsibility. After all, he knows our negotiating opponents this time, and has a good personal relationship. He is most likely to get the conditions that are favorable to us ..."

"I have no opinion." The big brother laughed. "We are here to be a witness. The real negotiation depends on you ... but I am really interested in this little high now, talented person!"

"More importantly, I think Gao is always a person who is loyal to the people, to the country, and to the business. Personal self-interest is always second. For the sake of the country, he can sacrifice his own interests and name. Day, this is his most important quality! "

The big head nodded slightly, and he knew in his heart that the senior vice president, Mr. Shen, was his successor.

The future of the aerospace industry has unlimited prospects. Only such capable and loyal people can lead China Aerospace to a more brilliant future.

In front of the Xinghui Aerospace office building, Vice President Gao explained the essentials of the negotiations and said goodbye to Ding Yihui.

Ding Yihui stared at him with a gaze, never blinking.

"Well, you should remember these precautions ... What do you think I do? Don't expect me to release water! I will be responsible for the interests of China Aerospace!"

"Really ..." Ding Yihui smiled suddenly: "Mr. Gao, how much are you earning now? Is it over a million?"

"What are you asking?" The vice president Gao is a little wary. China Aerospace is a giant with a Chinese prefix, but after all, it is a state-owned enterprise and the salary level is still limited. Don't see more than a million.

Of course, all kinds of tangible and invisible benefits add up.

However, he replied: "My annual salary, of course, is far less than yours, but if you plan to bribe me, you can find the wrong person!"

"No, I just want to ask Mr. Gao that you are ten times or ..." Ding Yihui silently calculated, "Are you interested in 4o times the annual salary?"

"Ha?" Vice President Gao's eyes widened.

"Mr. Gao, I now officially represent Xinghui Aerospace, and I invite you to take the position of ceo of Xinghui Aerospace, with an annual salary of 40 million ..." Ding Yihui said.

"Forty million?" Even Vice President Gao was surprised.

What is the difference between the annual salary of 1 million and 40 million?

Basically, none of the senior executives of state-owned enterprises can reach this number, which is already the annual salary of top private companies in China.

At that moment, Vice President Gao's heart jumped up in desperation.

Of course, some people say that staying in an enterprise like China Aerospace is an official in itself, and maybe the governing party will go someday.

However, there is no restriction on talents like Vice President Gao, resignation or transfer, and then return to the system to find a similar level of work, in fact, it is not difficult.

But the job with annual salary of 4ooo million is really difficult.

"The reason why the annual salary is 4ooo million is because I can only use these book funds to pay your salary. As long as you join, this fund will be paid to you in advance. Even if Xinghui Aerospace has lost it, the 4ooo million is also you Ding Yihui paused, "Of course this is the worst case scenario. I don't think Xinghui Aerospace can compensate."

Xinghui Aerospace is of course impossible to lose!

If Xinghui Aerospace had all lost, they would not have died?

At this point, Vice President Gao had more confidence than Ding Yihui.

But he took a deep breath and shook his head: "When I first entered China Aerospace, I had already decided to dedicate the rest of my life to China Aerospace, no matter whether it was poor or noble, whether it was flying or staggering, it would not Leaving. Otherwise, I would stay abroad, and I think I can get about the same salary now. "

The last word he said was a bit dim.

Six million dollars a year is not that easy.

"And a 5% stake in Xinghui Aerospace." Ding Yihui blinked without blinking.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Vice President Gao was shocked. Xinghui Aerospace is facing a multi-billion-level market. Even if it wins one tenth or even one percent of the market, it is one percent. Astronomical figures.

Suddenly, Vice President Gao felt that Ding Yihui was particularly hateful.

He suddenly experienced their feelings at the beginning.

The feeling that your most precious thing is stolen and used.

At the beginning, he stole Xinghui's aerospace creativity, but at this moment, Ding Yihui took out his biggest insistence, his inner persistence and pride, and put it on the balance, and measured it with money.

This is a blasphemy, but ...

It's really tempting.

Deputy Chief Gao stood there, and a few minutes later, he said awkwardly, "What if I still say no?"

"I really admire your loyalty ..." Ding Yihui looked at Vice President Gao, his eyes were shining. "So, I will add you to Xinghui Aerospace as a prerequisite for negotiations with China Aerospace. I will not agree to this condition. Xinghui Aerospace will not cooperate with China Aerospace! On the contrary, if you join Xinghui Aerospace, we can make concessions in many places. "

Vice President Gao's eyes reflected Ding Yihui's young face. He seemed to see Ding Yihui asking him a question he didn't dare to think about.

Can your loyalty to the people, to the country, to the business be exchanged for their loyalty to you?


Vice President Gao would rather test his loyalty,, than the other way around.

Because he knows the answer.

"You're crazy!" Vice President Gao also wanted to dispel his idea. "Do you know that if you don't cooperate with China Aerospace, you will only make your loved ones fast? If you let foreigners steal this market ..."

"It doesn't matter. I can ask Uncle Ming for help. I believe he will have a way to help us seize the market." Ding Yihui said.

Vice President Gao was so speechless that he was speechless.

Backed by omnipotent lazy gods, this child is willful.

To be honest, at first he only felt that Ding Yihui was retaliating, and that he had hurt the four children with naive dreams in the first place. Although the means are too immature and too wayward.

And now this cruel, demon-like boy, was created by him.

Ding Yihui's eyes were clear and completely invisible. He said, "Conversely, if you really want to dedicate yourself to China Aerospace, you can become the CEO of Xinghui Aerospace. Interest, isn't it? "

Vice President Gao was silent.

Is Ding Yihui's words true or cold? Vice President Gao felt that he could not understand the child.

In the office building of China Aerospace, President Shen is still talking to the boss about the strange events of Vice President Gao.

"For the first time, Mr. Gao drove an ordinary Audi, and when he came, he sucked in an energy storage component used on the satellite. Good guys, this technology is a lever! The second time, I replaced Mr. Gao with a bulletproof Audi When I came back, I sucked up this cooperation intention! I called and borrowed an armored car this morning ... Well, said Cao Cao, Cao Cao. President Gao, what good news did you bring back this time? "

Mr. Gao smiled bitterly without a word.

This time he sucked himself away.

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