Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: : 3 mosquitoes ... what?

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Yang Ji is a very bad-tempered person.

Anyone who knows him knows that the words "Holy Affinity" in "Holy Affinity Yang Yang" are written as "Affectionate and Friendly", and are read as "Vicious and Vicious."

Except for the few people he can see to the eye and the few brothers around him, he is fierce to anyone.

After being given the "fear" permission by Nan Ming, he became even more fierce. Even if he didn't use the permission, he could scare a person without a word.

If permission is used ...

Alas, that can absolutely scare people.

Not to mention, even the bear child who Chen Haocong was not afraid of this day had a shadow on Yang Ji, and his legs trembled when he saw him.

When he was dragged to the barracks for special training, he was not tormented by Yang Ji.

Therefore, those few irony poems can be regarded as the frightened Chen Haocong's Jedi counterattack, which can be called death.

He was not repaired by Yang Ji afterwards.

So until now, Xiongzi Technology has not been working on Lazy God Island, hiding in its own arrogant one-third of an acre.

But even for a bad-tempered person like Yang Ji, Target C didn't pick out the slightest problem with the third blind date.

C Jun smiles mildly, is polite and thoughtful, talks elegantly, and most importantly, does not die!

He went to two places in succession, and He Shan and Nanming who had not eaten dinner, finally entered a very high-end Western restaurant, steak can be imported, a Portuguese seafood pot, it is quite authentic, so Nanming eats very well Happy.

Yang Ji squatted outside the window, holding back the mosquitoes buzzing around, waiting for C Jun to die, who thought of C Jun's serious energy.

Seeing that Nan Ming and He Shan drank the water, they immediately poured water. Seeing sweating on his forehead, handed a tissue immediately.

Even Yang Ji couldn't help voicing, how can you guy have more dog legs than Zhao Xiao fat!

A meal was very easy and pleasant. In the end, Nan Ming touched his belly and said that he could not eat anymore.

Yang Ji couldn't help shaking his head. This place is also a good choice. Nanming has never been to Spain. This Spanish seafood pot is probably the first time Nanming has eaten.

There are millions of foods in the world, each taste is different, but it is not easy to make Nanming delicious.

After eating and drinking water, He Shan suddenly asked:

"Do you know me?"

C Jun paused for a moment, then quickly said, "No ... aren't we meeting for the first time?"

He Shan wondered. She thought C Jun knew the status of her old man and flattered her, but at this moment, it seems that C Jun didn't tell the truth. She interrogated the prisoner without a thousand or even a few hundred.

C Jun is very diligent and enthusiastic, but he is a little perfunctory to Nan Ming, but he has a variety of tortuous feelings.

But He Shan always felt that he was too enthusiastic.

Many times, He Shan will forget that she is a very beautiful girl, and she has great attraction.

But in the eyes of Jun C, I don't know why, He Shan felt she wanted to leave quickly.

"Are you full?" He Shan asked Nan Ming next to him, watching Nan Ming nodded, and got up and said, "I'll go to check out."

How could C Jun let her check out, rush to settle the account, turned around, He Shan had taken Nan Ming out.

"Then ... where are we going?" Jun C quickly said.

"Go home, I have to take my brother back." He Shan said.

"Ah?" Jun C froze a little.

Yang Ji, who was squatting under the windowsill, was a bit lost.

Hey hey, those two guys were scum men just now, you will be a bit scum woman now!

I'll kick someone for dinner. You're a liar!

"Then ... I'll send you back." Jun C quickly said.

C Jun is actually a bit unwilling. He wants to stay with He Shan for a few more minutes, maybe He Shan will change his mind.

Maybe, after sending my brother back, he can come out again.

As the saying goes, good women are afraid of tangling.

He Shan doesn't mind on weekdays. At least people came to date with her and ate other people's meals. They had to give people a chance to perform.

If Jun C works in a government department, maybe he will make him show his face in front of his father, and gain a little reputation.

However, she is still carrying Nanming today, she has to send Nanming back.

Then she declined, "No, I drove."

"It's so late now, how could a gentleman get a lady home by herself."

"There is me." Nan Ming was unwilling, am I not a gentleman?

"When you grow up, you will be a gentleman." C Jun grinned, and wanted to reach out and touch Nan Ming's head to express his kindness to Nan Ming, and was shaken away by Nan Ming.

When Nanming came out to hang out, they all had round-eye mushroom heads and looked like a silly high school student.

It is normal to be underestimated, but Nanming is unhappy.

Although the word gentleman has other meanings now, but ... who says he is not a gentleman? Don't you look down on him?

Yang Ji is also unhappy, can't wait to yell at Jun C: "Remove your dirty hands!"

You can touch the greatest head in the world?

Do you know who you want to touch?

He Shan couldn't help crying and shook her head and declined a few words. C Jun insisted to send her back, but she said helplessly: "Frankly, you are good, but not the type I like. Be a friend and sit together when you have time Sit, I don't think we can be friends with men and women, but we can be ordinary friends. "

He Shan is a straightforward person, she is telling the truth, so it ’s a big deal, please come back next time, everyone is a wine and meat friend.

He Shan picks objects, not friends.

However, as a man, Yang Ji was very unhappy, and scolded in his heart: "Scum girl! Wife!"

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be rejected this way when they are in a blind date.

Moreover, when you hear such words, you must know that you will never be free.

Just then, Yang Ji suddenly discovered that just now Nanming was sitting in a position where they suddenly had two more people.

The two whispered softly, "Can you say that Old C can catch this? I think it's mysterious this time."

"Not necessarily, a girl, I can't escape the clutches of Old C ..." Another said, "It just looks like it can be fresh for a few days. Old C can change one in three days. Isn't it tiring? I can't handle any one in my family."

Lying down! Scumbag!

"The scum man matches the scum woman, poor Nan always got caught in the middle!" Yang Ji was rather upset about Nan Ming's hug.

However, Jun C entangled himself: "Since it is a friend, let me take you home. Really, it's too dark now, and Dongbin is dark. The law and order are very bad and dangerous. I really can't let you guys Both go home by themselves. "

He Shan's face pulled down immediately.

what? Do you say that Dongbin is getting dark?

Do you know I'm a policeman? Do you want to hit me?

You can insult my view of mating, but you can't insult my work?

Seeing He Shan's face turned, Yang Ji knew that he wouldn't be able to go out now. He grabbed it, and caught a mosquito buzzing beside him, and wanted to go out when he got up.

Then he heard Nan Ming suddenly slap.

"It's dark? It's not dark."

A dazzling light fell from the sky, and almost all of Dongbin turned into daylight.


"Its daybreak!"

"Wife, come out and see God!"

"What is this? Is Silence taking off?"

C Jun stared, looked at Nan Ming, and looked up at heaven.

At nine o'clock in the evening, there was a round of high sky tomorrow.

Then look down at Nan Ming and He Shan standing in front of them.

The eyes from He Shan's face gradually moved to Nan Ming's body.

Suddenly understood something, the mouth opened wider and wider.

When the sun appeared, Yang Ji froze and almost lay on the ground.

Nan Ming's outfit made him a little bit unprepared.

He snapped the mosquitoes in his hands.

Especially, I have been working hard to conceal your identity. It turns out that you don't care about being exposed?

Yang Ji felt that he wanted to give Nanming a few punches.

Then he stood out aggressively, and came over with his fists.

C-Jun saw a big-sized man rushing in angrily, and turned away in fright ~ ~ At this moment, the phone rang in He Shan's hand. She picked up the phone and looked helpless. : "Uncle ... Yes, the phase is over ... You said that there is always one of the three, let me take one back to see you?"

He Shan wants to get mad, uncle, can you please introduce me a little?

Can you be more unreliable?

She hadn't said that, she started to chat there, what boss is not young, what blind date can't be perfunctory, what attitude is better, what should give more opportunities to others, if you can't meet once, you ignore him, and make He Shan cry. Already.

Hanging up the phone, He Shan said, "Where is Jun C?"

I also have to take one back to let the family see that she is working hard.

"Scared away." Nan Ming spread his hands.

He Shan sighed: "I'm going to be struck again by my uncle tonight!"

"Not afraid." Nan Ming beckoned and beckoned Yang Ji. "Yang Ji, send Sister Shanshan back."

"What?" Yang Ji was shocked and asked me to send this scum girl home?

He Shan also widened her eyes and shook her head for a moment, "No way, deal with it! I'll drive!"

After He Shan left, Nan Ming reached out and patted Yang Ji's shoulder, smiling, "I said why you never married."


"It turns out that you have been secretly in love with Sister Shanshan."


"Don't pretend, I know you scared both of them just now! Your hard work, I understand."


"Come on! I will bless you both!"


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