Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1146: : Intellectual Discrimination

Former cIa official Jace Bona has been very depressed recently.

As Chen Wei's former comrade-in-arms, he defeated Chen Wei's heroes. He thought that the accumulated merits after solving the green bandit incident could make him the de facto leader of the United States operations in Africa.

But it turns out that he is really naive.

In the case of the US federal government drawing a group of elites from various departments, and forming a special agency "Earth Trapping Unit" in Nairobi, he became the head of the special department's operations department. , Responsible for security, operations and other miscellaneous tasks, and the new and fat boss from the country, apparently also regarded him as a driver bodyguard, and did not give him enough respect and attention.

Suddenly one day, the new boss unexpectedly arranged his own security supervisor to take over his post, and he somehow became a deputy, not even having the power to speak at the regular meeting.

In this regard, Jess is very upset, but he has no complaints. In the eyes of many politicians, his small cIa employee is obviously just an insignificant person, like the American soldier, but the number 123 on the report and death. The dissatisfaction in the list; Jessie's heart could only be tolerated for a while, but a command given by the team leader to the operation department completely angered him.

"I absolutely do not agree to participate in the abduction operation! If the lazy gods know the truth, you cannot afford the consequences!"

注意 "Pay attention to your words!" Before the new boss spoke, the boss's loyal and honest security supervisor in his opinion was already angry.

"Consequences? What are the consequences?" The boss sitting behind the large desk, wearing a hand-made custom suit, with a false smile on his face, waved his hand to stop his barking loyal dogs, apparently not paying much attention to the so-called "consequences", He has seen more of this kind of thing. This is the so-called "non-existence, no recognition, no record" action. Once it fails, all the consequences will be borne by the action personnel.

Even if you want to condemn, you have to comply with the Basic Law! You can't condemn us without evidence, it can only be a joke.

"Lazy God is a company, not a country!" The sweat on Jess's neck is almost erected. The bureaucrat in front of him may be a good player in politics and leather, but his opponents are afraid of the United States. Other countries will anger the United States at that time, and various sanctions will turn all countries into shackles. Even if their teeth are broken, most countries will only swallow up their blood.

But ... the lazy **** is not a country!

Even, the lazy gods now have the power to override the law!

"You can rest assured, they will not show up." The boss pointed to the side, his security director Aaron, Aaron is very black, very strong, "Aaron will disguise as a local Turk, instigate the eastern Congolese The rebels came forward to kidnap the engineer of the lazy **** Yafei, and then killed the hostages at the appropriate time. In this way, the lazy **** Yafei and the local rebels will provoke a strong conflict, which will seriously delay the progress of the project, and we can have more More time, more initiative ... "

Jess thinks the boss is just whimsical, disguised as a local Tu ethnic group? Is it so well camouflaged?

What if the rebels found out that they were Americans and leaked the news?

What happens if the other party gets caught by the handle?

"You rest assured, just the engineers who kidnapped one or two weak chickens, they cannot have the opportunity to spread the news. And ... Do you think those black people who are not much smarter than chimpanzees can show Aaron's identity?"

"I will pretend to be French." Aaron didn't seem to notice that his boss was full of racial discrimination.

The boss chuckled and looked at Jace in front of him: "Child, I know you have been very upset lately, but when I directed the operation during the Cold War, you were just a little boy in diapers ..."

Sunda paused, and then revealed his signature scornful smile: "To defeat the other party, you must know your enemy. Do you know who the Congolese rebels are?"

He held his head up and didn't care about his security director Aaron. "The black IQ is very low. The average IQ of the Congolese residents is less than 65. They are like a group of chimpanzees who can stand upright. Children. , They can see through Aaron's pretense? I don't think they can have this ability ... "

"And our other enemy is a group of weak chicken engineers who have not seen blood. Just frighten them and they will be completely stunned. Before leaving, as long as you kill him, you will never leak any information ..." The boss smiled and looked at Aaron next to him: "Aaron, what do you think?"

"I won't fail, boss."

Uh ...

Aaron vowed that Aaron herself would not fail, but did not expect that he had just appeared, and was seen by the young female engineer across the street.

"Hurry up, the injured co-worker is here!" Aaron urged eagerly. He lurked outside the camp of lazy **** Yafei for six hours, and finally saw an engineer leaving the camp alone, confirming that the other party was absolutely After not receiving military training, she became his target.

I pretended that a friend was injured and lured the engineer away from the sentry post, but the female engineer stopped shortly after approaching the jungle.

"You are not an engineer in the camp, who are you!" Ou Li, a senior engineer at Lazy God Yafei, watched the black man in front of him vigilantly. The blood on his body just now made her a little embarrassed and instinctively followed him After a few steps, I suddenly woke up ~ ~ What are you talking about, I am the engineer in the camp ... "What else did Aaron want to say, Ou Li opened his mouth, he could only show it The muzzle of the black hole.

If Ou Li opened her mouth and called, he could only kill Ou Li and ran away. He could not keep Ou Li alive, because Ou Li saw his face.

Looking at her obediently, Aaron nodded with satisfaction: "Smart lady, come with me."

Ouli looked back at the post just blocked by a small wood, sighed, and walked obediently in front of Aaron.

"Ma'am, who are you?"

"Ouli, the lazy Yafei engineer, doctor of botany and geology," Ou Li replied.

"May I ask, where did I show a flaw? Do you know everyone in the camp?"

"No." Ou Li glanced at Aaron. "But there are no black people in our team of experts."


"Can you ask your IQ?"

"You are rude, ma'am!"

"It's just a fact." Ou Li answered calmly. "There are two necessary conditions for wanting to enter the expert group of lazy **** Yafei. IQ reaches 16o, can use, or think mainly in multiple mother tongues, otherwise you cannot understand lazy Divine technology. Black guy with a gun, you obviously have n’t attended Ivy League University, what is your IQ? 79? 8o? To join the expert team of Lazy God Yafei, you have to have two brains in parallel. "

Aaron shook his gun: "Shut up! Madam! As smart as you, you should know that it is unwise to anger me!" 8

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