Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1152: : Apology or war

Beginning in late September, the situation in Africa has changed abruptly and it is difficult to see all kinds of things.

Because of the earth boulder, central Africa as a whole is a low-pressure cyclone that stirs forces from all over the world.

The European powers basically have their own colonies in Africa. Although these colonies have been independent for a long time, they still strive to exert their influence and want to influence these countries and compete for various interests.

The United States, the most hooligan of the four major hooligans, has started a series of blockade measures.

The United States and several influential countries in the United States have begun various investigations into the industries belonging to Lazy Gods. To be honest, this has been faced with many internal oppositions. These so-called democratic countries are not a banned country There are various voices on how to deal with lazy gods. The last time Lazy God's reverse blockade of the United States was still in sight, and the outcome was not optimistic. Of course, after all, the ruling party still prevails. Various investigations are moving forward among the main forces. I really don't know whether it is more internal consumption or more consumption of lazy **** Yafei.

They also moved law enforcement agencies in several countries, including Zambia, to find ways to seize lazy cargo ships, but with little success. The law enforcement ships in these countries are few and powerful, and they can be beaten with a little money. In the end, the US warship had to be dispatched to help block up, and it was almost red-eyed.

However, if a merchant ship consumes a warship, Lazy God Yafei will not suffer, not to mention that these ships are leased by Lazy God Yafei, and they signed the transportation contract. The most anxious thing is not Lazy God Yafei. Everyone Consume it.

On the TV screen, various environmental groups have marched desperately to protest the lazy gods' construction of the earth slinger, various crimes of "putting a collar on the earth and blaspheming God's will", and even extreme environmental groups calling for jihad ... but this Who cares? Lazy gods basically have no civilian products. These anti-intellectuals are definitely not the target customers of lazy gods.

The terrorist organizations that are secretly funded by various countries are even going to the camp of the lazy **** Yafei. However, after Karbu raged, there are very few terrorist organizations that can be used now. Many countries have even sent their own troops. , Disguised as a terrorist organization, in an attempt to hinder the construction progress of lazy **** Yafei.

Of course, these people Yang Ji are very welcome. These countries suddenly appeared, no matter how many people they sent out, they disappeared silently, it seems that they have never existed in this world.

They just had to shoot down their teeth and swallow blood, and to bear the news of the disappearance of the elites they had trained.

After this kind of small method was invalid, the construction work of Lazy God Yafei in various places was blocked by local courts and management departments under various pretexts, and the order was suspended and greeted for inspection. Lazy God Yafei immediately organized various lawyers to clear the relationship. , Find a way to continue construction.

Governments of various countries use various tricks, and Lazy God Yafei strives to see the tricks, but after all, Lazy God Yafei is a business, and in the face of heavy blocking in many countries, it is gradually getting weak.

Fortunately, the Congolese King will firmly stand behind the lazy **** Yafei. Even under various pressures from the United States, he will not change his mouth. This makes the United States and other countries wonder. What medicine does the lazy **** Yafei feed to the Congolese King?

But no matter how tough the Congolese King is, there is only one country, and its status in the world is irrelevant. As long as these Western powers think about it, they can just pick up a civil war, engage in a coup, and put some obedient people on it.

Congo King is located in Africa6. The earth trowel cannot always build only the Congo section. Even if all the earth trowels are placed inside the Congo, the outside materials cannot be transported in. What can the earth trowel build? What was built to shoot?

It's useless. In everyone's view, the resistance of the lazy **** Yafei is like dying.

No matter how powerful a company is, it is impossible to fight against the will of the country, or even against the will of almost all western countries.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for when the lazy **** Yafei couldn't bear the pressure, he would sit down and talk about the conditions again.

This is how games are played in this world. War is an extension of politics, and politics is an extension of economy. Everything can be turned into benefits. These hooligans are not willing to let the lazy **** Yafei grasp the most benefits, but they cannot do without the lazy **** Yafei, because in this world, only the lazy **** Yafei can build a truly usable earth throwing machine.

This is a game, and at this moment, it is clear that the final stage of the game has been reached. Everyone has torn the veil of tenderness and the swordsmen meet.

However, the people of Lazy God Yafei have always been strong, and many people wonder that Lazy God Technology has been silent, without any expression.

Lazy God Yafei is probably the most normal company in the Lazy God Department. It is listed, with debt, loans, factories, construction sites around the world, employees, and branches.

In this silence, as a lazy **** Yafei, a listed company, the stock price has plummeted and the market value has shrunk sharply.

Although some capitalists are still optimistic about the lazy **** Yafei, they are still worried.

Some banks couldn't even sit still and started to collect debts from lazy **** Yafei.

At this time of internal and foreign difficulties, Qin Yafei received calls from several domestic banks and was willing to provide low-interest or even interest-free loans to the lazy **** Yafei to help the lazy gods survive this difficult situation and suddenly felt supported by others. Qin Yafei's eyes became hot, and she almost cried.

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

Readjusted policies and attitudes, and the lazy gods entered the honeymoon country, this time firmly standing behind the lazy **** Yafei.

In addition to them, there are many companies that have a good personal relationship with Qin Yafei and have a close relationship with the lazy gods. They have also called and expressed their willingness to provide help and support.

"Thank you for your trust, but Yafei, the lazy god, is not afraid of challenges and can survive this level." Qin Yafei replied and continued.

But how long can he persist?

Qin Yafei knows very well that the lazy **** Yafei is basically the earth throwing stone machine, and the lazy **** Yafei is behind the lazy god. Earn it back.

The more arrogant the country is now, the less it has the right to speak on the construction of the earth's stone thrower, and it can only wait for others to give him some leftovers.

But what Qin Yafei didn't expect is that after various methods on the Ming surface failed, these hooligans began to reach out to Lazy God Yafei's employees blatantly ~ ~ began to threaten, intimidate, and detain Lazy God Ya Fly staff.

On the last day of September, a piece of news became the last straw that crushed the camel. Nie Kaiyuan, the lazy **** Yafei ’s regional president in Africa, was forced to search and imprisoned with unjustified excuses when he entered the customs in New York. After losing their clothes, countless reporters flooded in, and the flashes flashed into a ball.

On the Internet, Nie Kaiyuan was forced to half-naked to take photos of the body search. The incident of "insulting body search" was very uproaring.

This is a public humiliation of Nie Kaiyuan, and it has also touched the psychological limits of all the lazy gods.

Qin Yafei was out of anger, so she wanted to convene a meeting and strongly condemned this approach of the United States.

But before he called a reporter, Nan Ming had already spoken.

"Give you seven days to apologize or start a war."

Apology, or go to war?

Is this a company's attitude towards the world's number one power?

They are going to go to war against ... the world's biggest power ...

Is this war going to be an economic war, or is it a real ... war?

Is the Third World War coming?

Will it destroy the world?

Wait ... why are there seven days?

Everyone was puzzled.

Of course, the reason is very clear within the lazy gods.

National Day is coming. For lazy gods, thunder can't move.

But all lazy employees don't want to take vacations, they want to work overtime.

Take back your colleagues who are in danger and fight back these assholes.

In the best way of lazy gods, they are only good at one thing, that is technology.

Raise these **** with technology!

"Then start by picking up colleagues." A document was posted to the Lazy God's internal network.

There are only four words on the cover:

Rail elevator!

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