Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: : What happened to my computer?

At the end of October, senior officials would fill the room in a conference room in the Pentagon.

Representatives from intelligence agencies such as NSA and CIA, from space agencies such as NASA, and commercial companies such as Lochima and Boeing, are also sitting tight.

This is a weekly regular meeting. Now reporting to an NSA intelligence director, he compiled the news from various agencies and summarized it.

"At present, the progress of the epic journey of the Lazy Gods has reached 49%. According to the information I have received, all the main work of the epic journey of the Lazy Gods has been completed, and the construction of the spacecraft is also at the final stage. Recently, the Silence has been in The rest of the 51% of the shipyard is not a necessary system. It is to improve the ride comfort and stability of the spacecraft. In fact, the spacecraft has been listed as ready to take off at any time. Progress, listed as 100%. "

The voice of the intelligence chief is a little dignified. At present, a new round of space competition has been launched around the world. There is no doubt that the lazy gods are the most advanced.

"The reason why Silence doesn't leave now is nothing more than waiting for the" Mars transit ". NASA's technicians speculate that the lazy system will not even have to wait until the" Mars transit ", and for their kinetic energy, Thousands of kilometres extra can't create obstacles ... "

"So, in any case, there is almost no chance of competing with lazy gods ..."

"Even if there is no chance of winning, we must work hard to achieve that we have traditional advantages in space capabilities, and so far, there is no evidence that lazy gods have mastered nuclear energy." A White House consultant who came on behalf of the president Interrupting the report, Shen said, "In any case, we must do our best to be the first. Mr. President has issued a presidential decree, and everyone in the parliament has also given their full support. This is the best era in the space industry. Money, if you want someone, I can't accept the power of our country to lose to a company! "

Now, I started to talk about it immediately.

The words of the White House adviser made many of them present with a bitter smile.

The White House counselor frowned a little bit when she heard the chattering discussion. Here, she represented the president. This kind of discussion also meant that her authority was ignored.

Fortunately, in these messy discussions, there were still people who strongly supported him.

"I think you're right, Ms. Consultant." Qing Zhongtang was wearing a baseball cap, carrying a large tea cup, wearing a casual outfit, sitting very comfortably next to the White House consultant, calmly listening in the United States also It's a super-secret intelligence report.

"Qing, you are such a good person." The consultant lady smiled shyly and reached out and held Qing Zhongtang's hand.

Qing Zhongtang grinned, and he didn't expect that he had just hooked up the White House consultant in the nightclub and got into this kind of place. The good guy card was really terrible.

However, being able to hear reports of this level also saved Qing Zhongtang from going to various departments in the future.

The NSA intelligence director who was interrupted by the report did not know how to continue for a while. He paused for a long time before saying: "I believe that gentlemen have spared no effort, but ... our colleagues also proposed a Ways to slow down lazy issues. "

The NSA head of intelligence glanced over the others. Although these people were highly weighted, most of them were not classified enough. He paused: "I will report to Mr. President afterwards ..."

"No need, just report to me." The consultant lady interrupted him with a domineering leak.

The scene was very embarrassing and couldn't go on.

A few seconds later, the NSA's intelligence chief lowered his head and began to follow the instructions.

"Because of the perfect drawings already decades ago, China's Orion plan is currently approaching 37%."

"Russia has restarted several sealed laboratories, the Messiah nuclear-powered rocket project, and progress is close to 35%."

"Europe's Daedalus project has reached 27%."

"The current progress of the Chinese Enlightenment Project is only 18%. But as far as I know, China has recalled several experts serving in the Bear Kid Science and Technology Research Institute, which means that the Chinese Enlightenment Project is likely to be supported by Bear Kid Science and Technology.

"What's more worth mentioning is that Xiongzi Technology has also launched its own landing Mars program 'Ground Fire Train'. The progress so far, but according to our experts' estimates, it should be close to 60%."

"Besides that, Japan, India and other countries are also developing their own Mars plans, and their progress ..." NSA officials pouted, "It can be ignored that India has previously proposed to Europe to join the European Aviation Authority. After the Mars plan, Japan also intends to cooperate with China. After being rejected, it also turned to the European Aviation Agency ... "

After the report was completed, the NSA's intelligence chief stepped down, and Qing Zhongtang sneaked into the NSA's side, asking carefully: "Tommy, my good friend, what you just said, the way to delay the progress of lazy gods is what?"

NSA officials looked at Qing Zhongtang with a vigilant look. A few seconds later, a silly smile appeared: "Oh, it's you ... it's like this, we have a dedicated cyber weapons contractor in NSA Called equations. They have a lot of unknown 0day holes and powerful attack weapons. "

"Do you plan to carry out a cyber attack on lazy gods?" Qing Zhongtang thought this was really ridiculous. Even if these American colleagues have been fooled by themselves recently, this approach is too mentally retarded. Come to the Thunder Strike of Lazy Gods?

And now there are people who dare to attack lazy gods?

"No, our target is a third-party contractor for an" Epic Journey "..." The director of intelligence said he hadn't been so dead. "Of course, if you can slow down the progress of others, it's even better! "

"Oh? What are you going to do?"

"First of all, we are going to create a bit of chaos in the online world ..." NSA executives waved their fingers. "Then, in this chaos, we took advantage of the chaos and attacked the fixed servers and destroyed their data. Of course, before that, Find a dead ghost ... "

Then, the NSA's director, like a bad conspiracy, giggled.

The solemn atmosphere was immediately broken.

Qing Zhongtang and the intelligence director laughed side by side in a group. At the venue, the people looked at the two with a calm and tolerant look. For a long time, a general smiled and said, "King, I have a barbecue party in the evening. will you come?"

"Do you have any secrets?"

"of course!"

"Then I must go!"

"Thank you ~ ~ You are such a good guy!"


In the corner of Dongbin City, 25 kilometers from Lazy God Island, on a remote road with few people, many coaches with the license plate of "Learning" are still shuttled back and forth.

However, the flow of people is significantly less than at the beginning of the month.

Several students squatted in the corner and lined up to train. Suddenly, one student picked up his mobile phone and froze. "My subject three has been postponed. What's going on?"

"Mine ... mine too ... it won't be a scam text message."

A staff member of the vehicle management office stared blankly at the red window on his desktop.

"What happened to my computer?"

"Ouch, your files are encrypted! God can't save you!"

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