Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: : Blind Swordsman

On the sidelines, there are several simple "compartment" command vehicles, and a few people from Bear Kids Technology are here to monitor the war and to check the technical parameters of two mech soldiers participating in the exhibition at any time, in case An accident or malfunction occurred.

When the "Blind Swordsman" driven by Yuan Zewen appeared, the chins of Bear Kid Technology Big Four smashed into the operating table, almost smashing through the operating table.

"Wait, aren't we the red cloak we prepared for Brother Wen?" Chen Haocong finally lifted his chin, but after seeing the blind swordsman in front playing a cloak move, he lay on the table again.

The handsome gestures made the two-dimensional code and advertisements behind them laughable.

"Cui ... Cuiweis!" Lu Rong turned and roared with anger, beside him, Cuiweis stepped forward with a smile and said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Who made you advertise like this?" Lu Rong growled.

"How can I blame me!" Trevis opened his eyes wide. "Someone, just someone in this room, took off the order without class brotherhood, you know? Mr. Muller dragged me the day before yesterday, training It ’s been three hours for me! It ’s said that even if someone has taken off the bill, I have n’t even started my own business. I must have spent too much time drinking and drinking, and then forbid me from holding a cocktail party in any mansion in New York ... Before the party started, a group of policemen ran to say that we were disturbing the people. We switched to the beach. Before the bonfire was lit, the firemen came with a high-pressure water gun! "

Travis gritted his teeth: "My pain, how can you know? How can you understand! I want to party now, I have to prepare a high fine, what can I do! I'm not like you, all of them are tyrants ! "

"You are so embarrassed to say that you are poor?" Lu Rongrong was furious: "You who work part-time have more money than our bosses. How much advertising costs have you embezzled, you say, you say it!"

"I am more concerned that Wen Wen will know later, whether he will leave Uncle Yong, a return carbine and kill us ..." Chen Haocong thought, and shivered, "This time I will be you Killed! "

"Ha ha ha ha, do you think I'm stupid?" Cui Weisi proudly said: "Wen is a blind man, he can't see anything written on the cloak!"

The four bear children looked at him with pity and sympathy.

"Wen Brother can't see it, but do you think his fans can't see it?"

"That's got to ... wait for the battle to end ... let's run away without waiting for the battle to end, how about that?"

"Don't you really know?" A few Chen Haocong looked at Cui Weisi's expression even more with pity.

Unlike these two bear children, Wang Shihao is an honest man. He fiddled with his mobile phone, found a picture, and put it in front of Cui Weisi.

Travis took a look and saw that it read: "Brother Wen takes you to fight, the first angle of live broadcast, blind swordsman against sword shield magic soldier!"

Now the live broadcast room has been exploded, and they all use the same sentence: "Wen, your back!"

"What's behind me?" Yuan Zewen wondered, and he glanced back.

In his field of view, the cloak fluttered. Of course, he couldn't see the difference in color, which was not surprising.

"There is an advertisement on the cloak!" Everyone started to brush this sentence again.

"What advertisement? Is it excessive?"

"It's too much!" The fans yelled, "It's just the handsome man who tarnished Wen!"

At this time, you can see Yuan Zewen wearing a powered exoskeleton, with his spine connected to the support frame behind, and his body suspended. The dynamic exoskeleton simulates and controls the actions and feedback of the mech magic soldier blind swordsman.

And this time his live broadcast is also a 360-degree holographic image without dead angles. Sometimes, even with special effects, he and the blind swordsman are projected together. It looks like a dozen meters. Tall and oversized Yuan Zewen was fighting.

At this time, all the live audiences saw Yuan Zewen smiled slightly, stretched out a hand, gently wrapped around his neck, and then stretched out his hand.

At that moment, the blind swordsman moved, and in a suffocating and handsome posture, he untied the big **** behind him and trembled in the air.

A "snap" sound, shaking the air, breaking the westerly wind, raised endless yellow sand and rolling stones on the ground.

The moment the Dasha was shaken to the extreme, the blind swordsman gently loosened his right hand, and the Dasha with advertisements shattered in the air, then rolled up with yellow sand and gravel, spreading out.

"Fucked, handsome!"

"Brother Wen is the most handsome!"

"Wen Wen, I love you, I want to have monkeys for you!"

Throughout the live broadcast screen, countless subtitles swipe the screen instantly.

At that moment, Travis exclaimed: "NO! You can't do this! The advertiser will sue me that there are no pants left!"

"Hahahahaha ... deserve it!" The bear children fell down and showed no sympathy for this unscrupulous advertising fanatic.

The tortoise tore and scattered, revealing the shape of the blind swordsman.

From the appearance point of view, the blind swordsman and the sword shield soldier are not the five big and three thick robots. The sword shield shield soldier is actually an air force.

The blind swordsman is also very slender, but looks like a cheetah full of strength. The streamlined body is covered with a thin set of armor, which only covers the joints, elbows and knees. All protruded like beast horns.

The shoulder armor has some slender thorns like porcupine spikes that extend backwards and stick to the back.

More distinctive is the face of the blind swordsman. A huge X-shaped veil crosses its eyes to cover its eyes. The material of the veil is indeed cloth. In his The wind drifted behind my head.

His arms were retracted, his hands were wiped around his waist, and two strange weapons had fallen into his hands.

They were two triple-forked weapons similar to Rilal the Ninja Turtle.

He rubbed his fingers with both hands ~ ~ like juggling, two three-pronged fork spinning at his fingertips like a windmill.

"Oh oh!" Both the audience who were watching the live broadcast and those who were watching live TV could not help but exclaim.

This kind of action can only be performed by juggling actors, even humans. Generally speaking, humans' sense of machines is slow and heavy, but at this moment, the blind swordsman has made such fancy actions.

Not to mention, the two seemingly small three-pronged forks are actually behemoths weighing one ton and about five meters long.

After the object is magnified by the ratio, the friction and inertia modes of action will change a lot. This little trick trick is much harder than it looks on the surface.

This, even if it is the appearance of the blind swordsman, he finished playing with his fork and reached out and pointed forward: "Please!"

Game start!

In the next second, the sword and shield magic soldier pulled out two swords, but did not rush to the blind swordsman, but they flew into the sky.

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