Lazy God Possession

Chapter 218: : God-like feeling

It took only a few seconds for "Slacker" to find her, and td felt a shudder like a caterpillar crawling over her spine, making her hairs stand up.

But the surprise has just begun. She sees a line on the screen in front of her, which is her trajectory, a coffee shop on the corner, a hot dog booth next to the small square, and a nail shop that she often visits.

It seems that everything about her has been recorded.

Then, the line started to expand, and her girlfriends chatting with her in the cafe, a handsome guy who kissed in the square next to the hot dog stall, her parents ...

Everyone's life trajectory is present in front of her eyes, parents and their lover, their lover's family and children, and the home of the handsome guy she met in the park and kissed him, he turned out to be a police officer , There are still children? This scum? Alas, his wife is pretty and the child is cute.

But with such a family, it's a **** to lie to girls outside!

td looks down at the screen in front of him, but looks like he is on a high cloud, overlooking the whole world.

At that moment, she felt that she was simply God!

Of course, it is still only the **** of Los Angeles. If she can connect to the surveillance of the entire Los Angeles area, as well as the entire United States, even invade any person's mobile phone, notebook ...

As long as there is a network, she can know everything and know everything!

She is confident that as long as she is connected to the network, she can hack into any surveillance system, which is not as difficult as she imagined.

Even if there is no place for her to enter, someone in the dark web must be able to go in. As long as she is willing to find it, she can always find a way.

Her territory. Will be expanded again and again!

She no longer had the slightest fatigue, it seemed that the chase offensive and defensive battles for a long time before were just hallucinations, and only felt that the whole body was full of strength.

She was like finding the treasure of the pirate king. Pharaoh's gold mine was discovered and Rockefeller's oil field was discovered. How does it feel?

This is ... power!

Power and strength!

If you can monitor everything and know everything about a person, you can control him!

Like now!

She clicked on the scum police officer's profile, which showed part of the profile.

These materials are all generated by Lazy God based on the publicly available information on the Internet, but for td, all of them are not a problem.

As long as he found his place. Knowing his identity is simple.

td is very good at hacking into some third-party organizations and obtaining some information.

Find his phone from the restaurant where he ordered the meal, his name from the restaurant he was consuming, his medical records from the hospital records, the names and information of his family ...

Then, she hacked into the service provider's base station and sent a message.

"I know who you are, and I know where your family works and where you go to school, if you don't want them to be hurt. Click me." A link follows.

At this time, the scum police were patrolling with police cars on the street.

On the screen in front of her, you can see the police car galloping. She waited patiently, waiting for the police to see the message.

The police car finally slowed down a few blocks.

A few seconds later, the link she sent was clicked. In fact, it was just a fishing back door. At that moment, she entered the police's mobile phone system and saw the policeman's panicked and somewhat confused face in the camera.

She casually intercepted some pictures of the police family or family members travelling alone and posted it.

"If you don't want them to be hurt. Just do what I say."

The policeman was terrified.

"Don't panic, look up. Did you see a camera in front? Smile!"

The policeman got out of the car and smiled stiffly at the camera.

"It's ugly. Smile again."

Thinking that he was almost deceived by this scumbag's rhetoric, td refused to let him go, and sent a message in the past: "You have a drinking point on your left. Take a bucket from your trunk and go to an ice bucket. Challenge it. "

Late at night, in the United States in November, the temperature had dropped below 10 degrees. A policeman took a bucket, filled a bucket of water at a drinking point, and poured it in front of himself.

Cool heart.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ..." td hugged the pillow, covered his face inside, desperately restrained from laughing.

Gosh, there really is such a thing in this world.

This is Tianyan, it is "godseye"!


When Chen Wei came out of the director's office, he saw the opposite staircase, and someone's head suddenly shrank back.

Although shrinking quickly, Chen Wei's eyes were so sharp that he could see at a glance that it was a deputy director who had not dealt with him before.

Under the instigation of these deputy directors, there are indeed some rumors in the bureau.

He said that Chen Wei was so happy that he used a lot of resources in the bureau for his private affairs and suffered losses in the bureau. However, he himself benefited a lot and showed his face in front of the leader.

Although this market is not big, when everyone started to say it, many people listened to it and inevitably wondered if it was justified.

The trio became tigers, and the rumors gradually became more and more popular.

For these police officers, it is too easy to find out many things. It is rumored that Chen Wei was so concerned because Chen Wei's relative was one of the three missing children.

The rumors are true, false and true, Chen Wei cannot deny that he has a relationship with Tie Niu.

What's more, it's Chen Wei who accepted the benefits of the big boss.

He couldn't deny this, because there was Nanming.

Today, Chen Wei was called to the director's office, and the director talked to him so that he would not be affected by rumors, work hard and work with peace of mind.

In fact, the director's heart was very angry. After Chen Wei made his contribution in Qingyang last time, there were many people in Qingyang City Bureau and even the hall who wanted Chen Wei to pass. If Chen Wei wanted to leave, he could get better in minutes. Position, why are you attacked by villains here?

However, the director told Chen Wei openly and honestly that he did not want Chen Wei to leave, and Chen Wei has already stated that he will realize his ambitions in Wubei.

However, in the eyes of others, Chen Wei was called by the director and must have been reprimanded. They seemed to have won the battle and were very happy.

His apprentice and assistant Xiao Chen stood on the side of the corridor, staring fiercely down the stairs, but the steps under the stairs had gone far.

"It is Deputy Chief Gao!" Seeing Chen Wei, Xiao Chen reported resentfully, "He just waited to see your joke."

"Don't worry about him." Chen Wei laughed lightly and softly, he was not afraid of the crooked shadows. These little people had limited abilities, so they could only jump like this.

Chen Wei didn't care, but Xiao Chen couldn't stand it anymore. He tangled for a moment and dialed a phone number.


When receiving a call from Xiao Chen, Nan Ming was in the ward of the Second Academies of Youth University. He was visiting Iron Mother this time.

After finding Tie Niu, Nan Ming went directly through Peng Lao's relationship and called an ambulance, which was carried by Tie Dan, went straight to the old Tiepu Village, and brought the iron mother back that day.

After examination, mother iron is a variety of chronic diseases and severe malnutrition. Doctors say that if it continues, it may cause organ failure, which will be troublesome at the time, but it will be discovered early.

The doctor's words scared Iron Egg into a cold sweat, and he dared not think what would happen if he didn't know Nan Ming.

At this time, after a simple rehabilitation, the complexion of iron mother has been a lot better.

When Nanming and Zhang Feilin came in together, there were already a lot of people in the UU reading room Tie Niu and Zhou Yunuo's son calf were mumbling in the corner, not knowing what to play, iron The mother and the iron egg pulled the couple's hands and thanked them again and again.

Seeing Nanming come in, Iron Mother pulled Nanming's hand again with gratitude.

Talking about it, he began to praise Zhang Feilin for his beauty, making Zhang Feilin blush.

At this moment, Nan Ming and Zhou Yunuo's phone rang almost simultaneously. The two looked at each other and went to the aisle to listen to the call.

While Nan Ming was listening to Xiao Chen, he heard Zhou Yunuo said: "Director Zhou, our products are absolutely fine. You ca n’t think that our products have quality problems because we have low prices. You Said to bid ... When? What? December? This ... Director Zhou, can you come earlier? Director Zhou, our price is absolutely the lowest. If it is not for the rapid return of funds, we will not open such a The price, if it must be tendered, it may not be this price ... "

When Xiao Chen finishes speaking, Nan Ming said: "I know, leave it to me, rest assured." (To be continued)

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