Lazy God Possession

Chapter 249: : Local car buying

Zhao Gaofeng stood by the car, waiting for Nanming to come down, still looking back at the car behind him.

This car is the result of "buying a car" in Nanming's plan.

Of course, nominally, this car does not belong to Nanming, but belongs to the security of lazy gods.

Speaking of which, Nanming wants to buy a car, in fact, it has something to do with the previous drag racing.

After the car racing battle some time ago, Nan Ming finally became interested in cars, and he was tired of his car-sharing cause. He always cared about Liu Minzhong or Su Wenjie's private car, which seemed to be his boss's door.

Although he has the fastest balancing car in the world, but the weather is getting colder, Nanming doesn't want to be blown by the cold wind.

Moreover, even if Nanming does not need a car himself, Zhao Gaofeng and others cannot always run back and forth on two legs, which is not convenient to go out to do business.

Besides, according to the information revealed by Lazy God, since Nan Ming's authority is lazy, it seems that daily actions can also affect the growth of authority.

So, Nan Ming waved his hand and bought!

When Nanming said he wanted to buy a car, Zhao Gaofeng thought that Nanming wanted to buy a sports car.

Well, young people, who do n’t like sports cars, let alone see the speed and passion of the real version just now, it ’s hard to be unaffected.

Even when Zhao Gaofeng touched the steering wheel, he wanted to feel the throttle a few times.

What's more, Nanming can afford it.

When Nan Ming first said he wanted to buy a car, Lu Rongrou shouted, "Red Mustang! Red Mustang!"

He Shan was taken away.

As a result, Nanming's requirements were: "The lower the appearance, the better, the larger the space, the better the seat is, and the better it is to sit up and relax. You can work, rest, and sleep in the car. It is best to stay out of the car all day.

Lazy values ​​are revealed.

As for the budget? Nan Ming's answer was: "Let's do it! Anyway, most of the time, it's yours. Choose the one you like."

Zhao Feng really researched cars. All day wondering what kind of car Lazy God Security wants to buy.

Based on Nanming's ideas, the appearance is low-key and the interior is comfortable. Large space, only suv or mpv.

He looked for more mainstream models. Some representative photos were printed and taken to Nan Mingxuan.

Then he saw how local tyrants bought cars.

I saw Nan Ming rummaging through the stack of pictures he printed, and it turned out that all the mpvs turned out were mpv.

"Well, this one looks good, and looks beautiful."

"Well, this one is also good. The appearance is very low-key!"

Zhao Fengfeng reminded him: "The two cars you see are very expensive ..."

"Is that cheap?"

"Yes, this domestic one is cheaper." Zhao Gaofeng picked out a picture and hesitated, "In fact, it is not very cheap, it is much more expensive than ordinary family cars ..."

"Um ... it's decided!" Nan Ming clapped his hands. "Just buy this one!"

Then he heard him say, "The cheap one, buy two, buy the expensive one."

Zhao Feng almost pierced the desk.

Did you buy a car like this?

Do not go to the dealership to see the current car? Do n’t study the parameter comparison, do n’t worry about which one to buy?

Zhao Feng felt that his young mind was hurt.

"Really want to buy?"

"Too lazy to worry, go buy it." Nan Ming waved his hand.

"In terms of configuration ..."

"I don't care about anything else. The interior must be the best and most comfortable!" Nan Ming waved his hands again, too lazy to worry.

"This ... it's too wasteful to buy so much at once ..." Zhao Gaofeng's last efforts and struggles.

"Then you are wrong." Nanming said. "This car is a lazy security security car. You have to serve the rich or expensive in the future, so this car is worthy of their status."

What he was talking about was sounding, and it looked like he was completely selfless, so Zhao Fengfeng reluctantly believed it. However, taking the lazy God's security account, Zhao Gaofeng still felt so sad ...

Because these cars are too expensive.

But his arms couldn't twist his thighs, Zhao Gaofeng still obediently led.

Of course, Zhao Fengfeng also felt that Nan Ming was right.

If lazy **** security wants to take the high-end route. It must be truly high-end in hardware.

Deep down, he also wanted to buy a good car.

Then ... Zhao Gaofeng went to run a few car dealers. I bought a Mercedes-Benz R-Class and a Toyota Alpha. The two Buick gl8 ... totaled 2.1 million.

For Nanming's current value, it is drizzle. Nanming feels that he is quite frugal.

But for Lazy God Security, it is one-fifth of their home now, and Zhao Feng's heartache.

No, you must quickly develop your business. It is good to have him and Yang Ji at home. The other two, let ’s go out and serve those guys in the Lazy Gods Hall.

Lazy God Security is now a completely high-end service, with a service of 100,000 jumps at one time, without capping, earning a few more votes.

In Zhao Feng's eyes, the lazy gods hall was waiting in line, and it was a fat sheep.

Among the vehicles selected by Nanming, the first one mentioned was the one parked in front of them.

Luxury Edition Black Toyota Alpha.

The body is nearly 5 meters long and 1.9 meters wide. Its appearance is low-key and simple, but the interior space is amazing.

Generally speaking, this car has another name.

The nanny car is loved by various celebrities.

Nanming took a ride on the car and fell in love with it because it was so comfortable.

Sitting in the second row, the electric chair back was lowered, the electric chair holder was raised, lying there with a slight arc, and then the sunroof was opened, watching the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, giving Nanming the illusion of being in the first class of an airplane.

Nanming has been accustomed to co-pilot since he was a child. This Toyota Alpha even has a co-pilot with electric footrests. Although it is not comfortable in the middle row, it is definitely more comfortable than ordinary cars.

Nanming decided that the other cars did not need to be tried at all. When he had a little more energy, the first thing he did was to strengthen the car.

Of course, this car is not perfect, and Nanming already has many transformation plans in his mind. This car has become his own mobile office, which will be implemented slowly.

At this moment, Nan Ming smiled when he saw the car. He didn't get into the back row opened by Zhao Feng, but took the co-pilot.

When Zhao Gaofeng drove for Nanming, Nanming likes to take the co-pilot. He does not regard Zhao Gaofeng as a driver, but he is the lazy **** security Zhao.

Now being his driver is just a guest appearance.

Nanming decided to ask a driver, or choose one in several industries, to liberate Zhao Gaofeng, but Nanming has never said to Zhao Gaofeng yet.

Seeing Nanming happy, Zhao Fengfeng shook his head, his heart was funny.

He closed the back door and sat in the cab. Nan Ming had been unable to wait to raise the footrest, lowered the backrest, and grinned smirk.

Zhao Feng likes to see Nanming like this, and he feels happy when he sees it.

Although Nanming is quite rich now, he will always be happy because of such simple things.

The lazy, simple Nanming is the Nanming he likes and follows.

"Go, go to the train station!" Zhao Gaofeng started the car.

Nan Ming raised his head, opened his mouth, looked at the clouds on the skylight and the tops of various buildings, and sighed comfortably.

The corner of the eye ~ ~ The energy bar is slowly growing.

Where Nan Ming couldn't see, his authority was slowly growing.


At Qingyang Railway Station, Xu Yafei walked out of the exit with his luggage.

When he came this time, he planned to come to Qingyang University to confirm the mentor. The mentor he chose was the current hot topic. When communicating with the mentor on the Internet, the other party made it clear that the quota was full and he could not recruit more. Student, I hope he can find other mentors.

But Xu Yafei still wants to try his luck. If not, please contact other mentors of Qingyang University.

Xu Yafei University is not in the province. This time he returned to Qingyang because he was the eldest son in the family and he took care of everything. Although his parents are not yet old, after all, he is no longer as concerned as before, and he will slowly take up the family.

At his core, Xu Yafei is a more traditional person. For this reason, he even gave up an opportunity to study abroad. There were still regrets in his heart, but the mentor of the academic pioneer suddenly emerged, and he saw the best of both worlds. (To be continued)

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