Lazy God Possession

Chapter 251: : Grab the results

"No ... I just called to report peace." Suddenly Xu Yafei had a little bit of depression. He really promised Xiaoyi to report on Nanming's living conditions. "This, Xiaoyi just cares about you. Your health is not bad. Okay ... "

Seeing Nan Ming's nervousness, Xu Yafei cares: "Uncle Ming, shouldn't you have caused any trouble at school, if you really caused any trouble, tell me, I'll help you find a way ..."

After staying with Nanming for a long time, the memories of the past have been blurred, but the instinct of caring about Nanming has been revived.

"No ..." Nan Ming didn't know why he had only his parents. He didn't want to let them know a lot of his secrets. He didn't want to hide them, but just felt very shy.

Especially with his relationship with Zhang Feilin, Nan Ming always felt ashamed to talk to his family.

"Okay, I just said nothing." Xu Yafei looked at Nanming with a bad expression and could only raise his hand to surrender. No matter how, he used to be a dead party with Nanming.

But he kept staring at Nanming, didn't Nanming do well in school?

Yes, he is younger than his classmates, his health is not good, and he may be rejected by his classmates.

Uncle Ming has been a very strong man since he was a child. He is very proud in his bones, and may not want his family to worry about him.

But since he is here, he always has to think of a way.

When Xu Yafei was distressed for Nanming, Nanming was planning for Xu Yafei.

"Let me see." Nan Ming took Xu Yafei's account and said, "Don't worry about it, just stay with me for the time being. If you read the blog in the future, there will be a dormitory. This is simple. I can also get in touch with you. Other bloggers. I just happen to know a master. "

The guy Zhang Qing is a gossip king, and has good relations with various doctors and masters. It is absolutely right for him to help the staff. You can also ask Liu Minzhong for his idea.

"Live there?" Xu Yafei's instinct was to live in Nanming's dormitory. Instinctively refuse.

The dormitory for undergraduates is far worse than graduate students. If you go to Nanming, do you need to make flooring?

It is good to save money, but it is always inconvenient. He also needs to prepare a lot of materials and other things, and needs a quiet environment.

"Yes, you will know when you arrive. Rest assured. When Qingyang arrives, leave everything to me. I am your uncle."

Xu Yafei smiled. If he hadn't seen him for so many years, the little fart would also claim to be an elder.

He felt very much enjoying the feeling of being cared for, and answered with a smile: "Okay!"

In front of Xu Yafei, Nanming unconsciously put on a posture in front of Chen Haocong and others. It was stronger and more reliable. It was not the same as laziness on a peaceful day.

"My sister's side. Wait for you to settle down and go back to rest ... Well, tomorrow. Let's go to her and play with her tomorrow. Call my mother, this is off!"

Nan Ming put his hands together and returned it to Xu Yafei: "Okay, that's it. You have been in this car for so long and you are tired. Take a rest."

Help Xu Yafei lower the backrest and raise the foot rest, and the two of them lay quietly in the carriage and looked up at the clouds in the sky.

Inherent thoughts gradually dissipated. Xu Yafei suddenly felt that Nan Ming around him. Seems completely different from what he imagined.

He is an academic otaku and doesn't know much about cars. But lying in the car seat at this time, you can hardly feel the car shaking, can not hear the slightest sound outside, quiet and stable like a bed in the bedroom.

If it weren't for the ever-changing scenery in the sky, he really thought he was still.

Stroking the handrail, feeling the slight wind blowing from the air conditioner, and looking up at Zhao Feng, who was focusing on driving in front of him, this strange feeling in the heart was stronger.

Uncle Ming, what kind of life is he now?

"Uncle Ming?"

"Huh ..." Nan Ming next to him seemed to be falling asleep, and replied lazily.

Vaguely, Xu Yafei seemed to return to the summer afternoon ten years ago. He and Nan Fang Nanming squeezed into a bed, blowing a warm fan for a nap, and woke up to find that it was already evening.

Thinking about it this way, he fell asleep in the back seat.

It feels very at ease, it doesn't feel like you are in an unfamiliar city, it feels more like being at home.

Zhao Fengfeng saw in the rearview mirror that the two people were asleep, slightly reduced the speed and drove the car more intently.


On the 28th floor, Nanming's residence.

Zhao Gaofeng opened the door, put his luggage aside, and went to work and poured water.

Even if there was preparation in mind, Xu Yafei did not expect that Nan Ming said that the place to live would be here.

Looking at the huge floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the entire campus, Xu Yafei also gaped.

It seems that Uncle Ming's life is completely different from his imagination.

"This is your room. See what else is needed. I will let people prepare it." Nanming Road.

"Nothing, really nothing."

"Then when do you want to see Teacher Liu?" Nan Ming asked. It was too simple. It was okay to take Xu Yafei directly to his office. It was all right. ? "

"Can you make an appointment? Teacher Liu is so busy ..." Xu Yafei didn't dare to think.

Nan Ming chuckled, what's the matter with Liu Minzhong?

This day, Xu Yafei felt like he was dreaming.

He had dinner with Liu Minzhong, and Liu Minzhong paid for the hospitality.

Liu Minzhong also apologized to him repeatedly, explained and explained the situation, and finally promised: "Yafei, if you want to go to any other professor, I can write a recommendation letter for you, if you want to join our laboratory , I will always open the door for you, but I really do n’t have a doctoral degree here, and I ’m really sorry. And I ’m the first to bring a doctorate, so I ’m afraid I ’ll delay you. ”

With Liu Minzhong's promise, Xu Yafei can get almost 90% of professors, not to mention the latter kind of promise.

Xu Yafei never imagined that Liu Minzhong would be generous to others at all.

"I'm familiar with our school teachers." Zhang Qing accompanied, patted his chest, and said, "Which one do you fancy? Check the brand!"

Then Zhang Qing was beaten again by Liu Minzhong.

Looking at Liu Minzhong and Zhang Qing, there was almost no separation between the master and apprentice, like friends and loved ones, Xu Yafei felt even more envious.

After eating, and walking back with Nan Ming, Xu Yafei found that there were people greeting Nan Ming along the way. It seemed that Nan Ming was a very famous person.

"Yes, Uncle Ming, there is a man named Li Chenggong, do you know?" Xu Yafei asked suddenly.

After a while at Nanming, did Xu Yafei know that Li Chenggong?

"Of course I know. Now our school is hyping his results." Nan Mingdao.

"Actually, I want to see this Li Chenggong this time." Xu Yafei said, "A polymer chemistry topic I have been studying before. There are some experimental problems in the middle. When the experiment fails, it is always on the Internet. I discussed it with others, but I didn't care about it at the time. I said some key ideas, and later I discovered that my paper on this topic has been published. "

Nan Ming narrowed his eyes: "He snatched your research results?"

"It's not robbing or not robbing, we are chemists. It's mainly experiments. Whoever tests first will get the results. His experiment comes out first, and the paper is his. But what he said in the paper is not enough. Details ~ ~ I would like to ask him how the experiment was successful. Uncle Ming, you are more familiar with people, and you should know him too. "

Although Xu Yafei regretted it, he did not remember it either.

Like he said, the idea is actually very simple, right there. The key is the experiment. Who can produce the data and who will get the results? It is impossible to discuss this matter.

"I know it, but I'm afraid it's not a good one." Nan Mingdao, he looked up and pointed forward: "Well, isn't that the person over there being interviewed?"

It was dark at this time, and several reporters were interviewing beside him, which shows that Li's success is now hot.

After being promoted by Qingyang University, the society is now paying widespread attention to this talented chemist.

Some even praised him, saying that he is likely to be the first Nobel Prize winner in China in the future.

At this moment, Lazy God suddenly said: "Nanming, I feel the 'wisdom' authority ..."

Just ahead, Li Chenggong's body. (To be continued)

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