Lazy God Possession

Chapter 254: : Encounter Strange

The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Qingyang University is also a relatively good college in Qingyang University, ranking only behind the medical school and several colleges of arts and history.

On the third floor of the experimental building of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guo Zhixun, a doctoral tutor from the School of Chemistry, came out of his office and saw Li Chenggong hummingly into the laboratory.

"Success, why do you come to the laboratory so late to do experiments? There, just let the graduate students stare, and you can help control the key links." Guo Zhixun and Yan Yuese said, who spoke The tone does not look like a junior student at all, it seems to be quite equal, even a little flattering.

"Hum, no need, I'm assured of doing experiments myself!" Li Chenggong hummed angrily. At this moment, he didn't like anyone.

"Well, then you have to work hard ... yes, success, you said yes last time, the next paper let me be the first author ..." Guo Zhixun said again.

"Not yet in the next article!" Li Chenggong snorted. "Wait, rest assured, I won't break my word, it will definitely make you the first author of cns!"

"Well, success, you have to hurry up, immediately this cns will be worthless ..." Guo Zhixun worried.

As the so-called things are scarce and expensive, now one after another at Qingyang University, the streets will soon be rotten.

Seeing Li Chenggong's face was very bad, he quickly stopped, concerned: "Have you eaten yet? Why not go out for dinner?"

"No, you go!"

"Go, go, someone treats you," Guo Zhixun said.

Li Chenggong has entered the laboratory and slammed the door.

Several graduate students experimenting in the laboratory saw his expression and turned his head, the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Everyone knows that Li Chenggong is the teacher's darling, and he is also very proud.

Guo Zhixun's expression was also very bad, and his face changed there for a moment. Finally, I put on a look of hypocrisy and smiled and said, "Then I'll go now, and I will bring you a supper when I come back at night."

Then he left with a smile. Like a mentor, if you do n’t know. Maybe I thought Guo Zhixun was a good old man.

But in fact, the other students under Guo Zhixun's hands have been miserable one after another. It is said that there was a sister who could not stand the pressure before and wanted to commit suicide.

Guo Zhixun's bizarre thing can go to the end of the world to post a gossip post. And it is likely to become a super hot post.

Guo Zhixun has an attitude towards everyone, but only Li Chenggong is an exception. Of course, Li Chenggong also has this qualification.

Regardless of Li Chenggong's achievements, as a non-staff member, after a few experiments in the laboratory, he got an excellent result that can be published in the cns journal, which is actually not important.

Because if it is not Li Chenggong, who cares who is the first author of this article. It will definitely be Guo Zhixun.

But Guo Zhixun did not dare to touch his achievements.

Guy is quite extraordinary because of his successful origin. His father was a leader of the Science and Technology Department. Responsible for reviewing various projects. Most of the cooperative projects under Guo Zhixun's hands must not only be reviewed by the school and the Ministry of Education, but also by the father of Li Chenggong.

In this case, giving Guo Zhixun ten courage, he did not dare to make Lee succeed.

Not to mention, Li Chenggong once promised that his name would be signed in the next paper as long as conditions allowed.

For Guo Zhixun. His current academic status is basically maintained by his students and cooperative projects.

And his two lifebloods. Students and lifelines are now grasping in Li Chenggong's hands. So he didn't dare to say Li Chenggong's ruthless words, but just ate Li Chenggong's meal, how could his mood be good?

In a bad mood, he just wanted to vent, so he looked down and took out his mobile phone, and then sent a text message out: "Just at the Royal Shark's Fin Hotel, you can go and wait for me."

This time, you have to eat hard!


On the 28th floor of Nanming, Nanming was lying on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, playing with his mobile phone, and not far away, Xu Yafei was using his old laptop to check the information online.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he picked it up and took a look. He immediately gave a joy and said, "A chemical ox who I contacted wrote back and said that he would go out and have a meal together."


"Just now." Xu Yafei stood up and asked, "Where is a better restaurant near here?"

"A better restaurant?" Nan Ming frowned. There are really few restaurants nearby that he can see. However, since it is Xu Yafei's business, of course, he has to help, and said, "Let ’s go. Renovating a table is definitely better than most restaurants in Qingyang, so you will definitely have face. "

Xu Yafei immediately thought of the big meal he had just eaten, and the subconscious drool came out.

"It's too much trouble ..." Xu Yafei was a little bit sad. They just ate a meal, and then let the family renovate.

"No trouble, I asked Brother Chaohua." Nanming said, asking, in fact, Jiang Chaohua basically responded to Nanming. There is nothing to worry about at all. The only trouble is that they have already have already eaten.

Nanming just finished the phone call, and Xu Yafei's cell phone rang again. He looked down and immediately frowned, and asked Nanming: "Uncle Ming, where is the Royal Shark's Fin Hotel?"

"Royal Shark's Fin Hotel?" Nan Ming heard the name, but hesitated. Nanming knows this place. Qingyang's more luxurious hotel, which is closer to Qingyang University, takes about 20 minutes by car.

Some time ago, when the public funds were very serious, the business here was very hot. It was full every day. You had to wait in line. A meal of eight thousand was just idle, and countless people lined up to send money here.

Now the wind of eating and drinking of public funds has been stopped, and business has suddenly become difficult. The price has dropped a little, but it is normal to eat thousands of meals. It would be even higher if they ordered their luxurious shark fin package.

Hearing this name, Nan Ming sneered, this is talking to students? This is for big households.

"Who is this mentor you are looking for?" Nan Ming asked, and heard Nan Zhixun's name, and Nan Ming frowned.

The name seems to have been heard from somewhere.

But I can't remember it for a while, it's okay, I'll know when I see it.

Nan Ming got up, put on his coat, and said, "I'll go with you."

"This ... Uncle Ming ..." Seeing Nan Ming's expression, Xu Yafei knew that this place was not cheap.

Seeing Nan Ming going with him, Xu Yafei knew that Nan Ming was going to help him.

Where is he embarrassed, he twitched and said, "I ... let me go ..."

"Let's go, I will also see this legendary big hotel." Nan Ming smiled, Xu Yafei, this small figure, would not be able to get out if he went in.

Called Zhao Gaofeng, the three drove directly to the Royal Shark's Fin Hotel, found a small private room, and the waiter brought the menu to see the price, Xu Yafei's face was scared. This meal is not to eat Go into his savings for half a year?

He told Nan Mingdao, "Uncle Ming, this is too expensive. Forget it, let's go somewhere else."

"Afraid, forgot what you did with Uncle Ming? I have nothing else, just rich." Nan Ming is really interested in the food here, as long as there is something delicious, money is not a problem.

The waiter next to me looked straight. Is this soil bun or upstart?

Nanming has started to order: "You called the Royal Shark Fin Hotel here. Isn't the shark fin made very good? This shark fin and bird's nest boil a pot of pot ~ ~ Golden needle shark fin also come , This shark fin stew also comes with one, and this, this ... "

Nan Ming ordered seven or eight dishes in one breath, Xu Yafei nervously wanted to say something, Zhao Feng patted him on the shoulder, did not let him talk, and helped Nan Ming pour tea.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Guo Zhixun arrived and saw Nan Ming and Zhao Gaofeng, immediately dissatisfied: "I said that we two had a meal, do you not understand or what? We brought such two people? "

"Sorry, sorry." Xu Yafei quickly apologized and explained: "This is me ..."

"Xu Yafei is my brother." Nanming said, "I just came to see, don't worry about me."

Guo Zhixun stared at Nanming suspiciously for a while. He looked at Nanming a little familiar, but he didn't think about it. He looked down at the shark fins on the table, and nodded with satisfaction. Fortunately, although not very sensible, But at least it's polite.

Then he reached out and handed a piece of paper over: "This is the ticket, and I will be reimbursed for the fare."

ps: Corrected the typo ...

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