Lazy God Possession

: At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!


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The review of the senior year is hard for most people, but it's not a problem for Su Qing, a clever and bright girl. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 77e2e% 6c% 6e% 77% 6f% 77% 2e% 6e% 65% 74http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d But the surface chapter still has to be done, it is also necessary to not hit classmates and reassure parents.

Today is Saturday. After finally getting permission to go out alone, Su Qing decided to go around the bird market. Find a reason for the positive appearance of Xiaobai (named Baihu) and Phoenix (who became smaller like a canary but insisted that I call it Phoenix said it was a question of dignity), and whether to buy flowers or not is the second most important reason.

Flowers, birds, fish and even snakes in the market are all-inclusive. Interests vary from person to person, and there are many people who like to keep mice or snakes. As long as someone is willing to consume there is a market. Although those flowers and plants are not as beautiful as in the space, they are also good value for money and affordable. Grandpa likes to grow flowers, and grandpa also has a passion for orchids. She had a lot of orchids but couldn't take them out. It seemed that she couldn't afford the pocket money. Although they are big families, they are not in business, and their parents live in earnest because of their wages. So my brother and I have little pocket money. The cousin always teased herself with her richness, but was laughed off. Su Qing looked forward to this spoiled child crying.

Along the way, Su Qing, looking at roses with dewdrops, scented lilies, elegant strelitzia, delicate and simple gerbera, graceful and rich peony, and carnations, was in a good mood. I bought a bunch of her favorite lilies for my mother, and took away the flower buds that were thrown away as trash. She believes that there is room to turn waste into treasure, and it feels good to spend no money.

When no one was home, he trimmed the lilies and inserted them into a vase to replace the roses. Then he leaped into the space. Xiaobai and Fenghuang greeted them immediately, can't wait to catch Su Qing's arms. The queen bee was busy commanding no one to pick the honey, but was instructed to act promptly and accurately when inquiring about the news. And those honey and royal jelly are too delicious. Checked it, planted the flowering branches, and took a few orchid sprouts picked up in the flower market out of space. After learning that Xiaobai and Fenghuang were able to stay outright and bright with the host, they were very happy. The Phoenix flew around, and still tumbling in the air; Xiao Bai was standing proud of Su Qing's shoulder like a lady, and Phoenix despised it and rolled her eyes. Orchids were planted in flower pots and watered the springs. The water immediately grew from being sick and growing up a lot. Now you can see that this is two pots of gladiolus and two pots of Cymbidium, and maybe watered.

Su Qing caught a glimpse of the bunch of roses and had the urge to make pastries. Destroy the poor bunch of roses again, to make the illusion of using these petals, it is always good to be careful. Su Qing collected the aura pollution-free rose petals in the space and began to make rose cakes. The pastry came out, and when two pets guarded their own piece of pastry, Su Chen came back with a taste.

Su Chen and his classmates played basketball all afternoon, sweating all over, and entered the bathroom. When he changed into a casual suit and came to the kitchen, Su Qing was cooking dinner and turned back to say hello to his brother. Su Chen is sixteen meters tall at the age of sixteen, and the former Mrs. Xiaozheng has grown into a handsome young man with a calm and restrained temperament. If you wear a pair of eyes, you should be more like a scholar of Wen Ya.

When Su Chen was preparing to grab the pastry, she found that two small pets enjoyed the delicious taste in one face. Looking at them, they almost thought they were dazzled.

"Qingqing, did you buy these two little guys today? What kind of pets are these two little pets and they are quite cute."

"I don't know. I bought it when I looked cute." Really, they are like no one believes what they say now.

"Would you like to ask an expert to take a photo of them? I'm fine?"

"No, just in case we ask them to study what to do, I don't want to lose such a cute and well-behaved pet."

"Then listening to you, where did you buy the dim sum today?"

"This is what I learned to make, and I will make it after it's delicious." I know that the pastries are delicious, but I'm happy to hear the praise. As for Dim Su Qing's previous studies, he said that he was just looking for excuses.

"It's great to have a mouthful again. By the way, did Qingqing not buy two pots of flowers back today? Grandpa only accepts the best orchids. We can't buy them, but my grandpa likes beautiful flowers.

"I bought it for my mother with a bouquet of lilies, and on the balcony."

Su Chen came to the balcony in a hurry, what kind of flower did his sister buy. From an early age, I felt that my sister was not simple. She was lively, cute and sensible at home. Her young housework was impeccable. When she was in front of an outsider, she tried hard to let others ignore herself and show nothing. He always felt that Su Qing was playing as a pig and eating a tiger, and now it was a dormant day when she would skyrocket. In the eyes of outsiders, he is the genius of the rise of the Su family. The cousin Lisa, who is above the top, is one of the best little girls in the capital. . Su Qing deliberately concealed, and his parents also acquiesced in this approach. Now what happened to her? ~ When Su Chen saw the four pots of precious orchids in the shade of the balcony, he was still surprised. Seeing the orchids raised by the older guys in the military area compound has already done a good study of orchids. How can such a superb orchid appear in the flower market? It is estimated that when it appeared, it was bought by powerful people. How did Su Qing get it, someone who really couldn't see through.

At dinner, my parents said that dinner and pastries are delicious, and my mother also likes to take a book lily. Su Qing mentioned that there is no flower on the balcony, if it is not enough to send the military district compound to the grandfather. Mom and Dad nodded in response, knowing that Father Su only raised the best flowers, and rarely saw them. But while Su Chen was listening to me, I was almost choked by the rice. This kind of flowers was not good enough. The grandpa didn't need to raise flowers. Su Chen didn't say anything, but his parents were frightened.

Dad Su didn't take it seriously for a few days. When I saw the flowers, the orchids were almost blooming. I was really taken aback by such orchids. I was not good at raising flowers but my vision was not bad. . If such an orchid is in trouble with itself, it will be a big loss. It is said that Father Su met Huahua happily like a child, and immediately asked the guards to inform his old friends who love flowers to appreciate flowers. Those old guys almost didn't fall asleep late in excitement, thanks to Su Qing's failure to directly dig out the flower of the space, otherwise I don't know if anyone will have an excited heart attack.

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