Lazy God Possession

Chapter 283: : Lazy God Technology Expands Again

Since leaving Chenshen Technology, Qi Chen Qi Dasao has suffered a strange and inexplicable illness, and for two days did not get up from the bed.

When he finally got out of bed, he learned from his confidant about the situation these days. The key thing to understand was whether Lazy God Technology had yielded.

As a result, his answer made him crooked his nose.

Lanshen Technology not only did not give in, but also announced in a high profile that it has applied for new land to the High-tech Zone Government, intending to build its own headquarters. At the same time, it also announced that the first public recruitment of Lanshen Technology was about to begin, and was interested in joining. People of Lazy Technology can now submit resumes.

Qi Chen secretly controls a holding company. This holding company has relationships with many companies in the high-tech zone. Just the dividends of these shares can make Qi Chen live a very nourishing life.

The incense car beauty or whatever, just just idle.

And these companies can also get more subsidies, more preferential policies, more tax and fee reductions through him, let alone the middle door.

But man's greed is infinite. At first, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands can satisfy him, but later, when the number became several millions, he only felt normal.

At this time, Lazy Technology entered his sight.

A student created a company for two months and rejected all the investments, but the assets have reached hundreds of millions in two months. This nearly legendary growth rate made Qi Chen's eyes bright.

Hundreds of millions! That's hundreds of millions!

What is hundreds of millions? How long can he earn hundreds of millions if he is so petty?

Maybe the old man has retired, and he may not be able to make money.

But would a company with hundreds of millions of assets be a mess? He didn't know much about this company, so he asked an acquaintance to inquire about the situation of Lazy Technology. Hearing that these founders are really just poor students with little background.

Who would have thought that he went out in person. These guys don't even give a face. Instead of yielding, he ignored all his demands.

It ’s upset!

"Lan Shen Technology people have resubmitted their land application, what should I do?"

"Stuck them! Wait, it's just that they're too cheap to get stuck, let the industrial and commercial, tax, let me check! Severely check!" Qi Chen cried madly.

The more he thought about it, the more he became angry, and he would never heal at home. Putting on my clothes, I strode out: "Let's go to lazy technology! I'll see how aggressive and tough these people are!"


On this day, Qingyang University was blown out by a message.

In the two months since its establishment, Laoshen Technology has undergone the third expansion and the first open recruitment.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Qingyang University was boiling, because Laoshen Technology not only recruited full-time employees, but also recruited part-time and half-time interns.

Become an intern at Lazy Technology? Now, this qualification is almost as popular as Microsoft or Google intern. I don't know how many people are excited.

It's big. Lazy God Technology is a company that can create miracles. Working at Lazy God Technology must be a particularly meaningful experience.

Said Xiao. This is a rising star, the company that is most likely to reproduce the myth of being rich overnight.

Therefore, no matter who is pursuing a career, hoping that they can achieve something, or hoping to get a high-paying job, people are starting to send their resumes frantically.

Moreover, in the recruitment requirements of Lazy God Technology, it was clearly written: "Graduates and students at Qingyang University are preferred."

This makes many people at Qingyang University go crazy.

Especially nearing graduation. Graduates facing employment pressure.

Even those who have found work are quietly preparing resumes.

In addition to several good units in China. Elsewhere, where is it comparable to lazy technology?

Not to mention for the people at Qingyang University. Lazy God Technology has a natural sense of belonging and closeness, which is their pride.

On the first day, a large number of resumes almost crowded out the mailbox of Feng Tianyou, the Minister of Human Resources, but what is Lazy Technology? This is a high-tech company, a company with the motto of "make the world more lazy".

Su Hongyi went into battle together and wrote a program that uses the key points to screen out some of the non-conforming resumes.

Even so, there are still thousands of resumes in Feng Tianyou's mailbox that he needs to review one by one.

Then continue to screen, use the program again to divide the resume into several different job search directions, and then the program will directly sort out the various resumes, automatically mark important results, data and awards, and then stream directly to the computer of each department head on the screen.

All of a sudden, the workload was reduced by more than 90 percent, and the efficiency increased rapidly.

At the same time, the 0.1 version of the "Lazy God Human Resource Management System" was born. With the gradual improvement in the future, it also became a mature product and was launched on the market. This is the last word.

At this time, a lot of people at Lazy Technology were gathered in the conference room on the second floor of Lazy Technology, each holding their tablet and pointing.

"This is from the class next door. This guy is a bit strong. I think it will be on the interview list."

"This is our class. It's a big flicker and kicked him."

"This guy has been buzzing all day, and he has received so many awards? It's a real shame, unfortunately, you owed me 50 yuan last time and didn't pay back the money, kick him!"

Because there are too many applicants, they have enough space to pick and choose, so they seem very casual, and all kinds of strange reasons have appeared.

Listening to these guys muttering, Su Wenjie sighed. He felt that the pressure on himself was getting greater and the burden was getting heavier. He had to pick some talents in business and let the technical staff take charge of the business. Sometimes it was really a kind of disaster……

Therefore, he more cautiously picked the candidates in front of him who applied for business and administrative positions: "This guy is not very good-looking and is temporarily listed in the elimination group. This person also looks very uncomfortable, even higher than my academic qualifications, etc. Wait ... what am I doing? "

Su Wenjie increased his hand by hand. The corporate culture of Lazy God Technology is too magical. Before he knew it, he was infected, and he became a shallow lazy man ...

This is really terrible!

Su Wenjie hurriedly introspected himself and was shocked by a sip of tea.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Hu Assistant, his assistant.

Hu Mengchi, like him, doesn't like paperless office. All resumes are printed out. At this time, this once particularly capable woman is happily grouping the resumes in front of her according to their looks and looks in front of her. There are several labels with the words: "Male God", "Handsome Guy", "Little Handsome", "General" and "Ugly Man".

Su Wenjie himself deals with administrative and management talents, while Hu Mengyu is selecting the resumes of public relations personnel.

"Xiao Hu ..." Su Wenjie faced with a frost. How mature and stable was this assistant once? How can it become so unreliable now?

"Ah, Mr. Su ..." Hu Mengzhang, like a frightened bunny, usually put up all five tags, and said to herself: "The resumes of these people are very beautiful, it is difficult to tell whether they are good or bad. For those of us who work in public relations, looks are also a weapon, are you saying that ... "

Su Wenjie sighed. In fact, Hu Mengzheng was right. The public relations industry really needs a face. And many of these people have really beautiful resumes, which are difficult to distinguish.

After all, Qingyang University is a prestigious school ~ ~ Many graduates of Qingyang University exist.

Even in college, it's a hidden dragon.

In the case that "Qingyang University graduates are given priority", those who dare to submit their resumes are also mostly excellent and confident talents.

This makes it even more distressing.

"How did you choose people before?" Lazy God Technology has developed to the present, and has expanded two or three times. There is always some experience and conventions to follow.

"Uh, we just want to find anyone, so we ran over and asked if they would like to join ..." Feng Tianyou looked blank.

Su Wenjie bowed his head with no color. He decided to recruit a manager first and change Feng Tianyou, the human resources minister, and no one should stop him!

"Well, strange ... isn't this American hacker?" Li Yuncong suddenly said.

He held up the tablet in his hand, and the picture displayed on it was td. (To be continued)

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