Lazy God Possession

Chapter 6: :awesomeness

The warning of Lazy Technology has touched many people's hearts.

Below Nanming ’s statement, the retweets and comments are all about his concern for Lazy God Technology and his concern for Nanming.

These are conquered by various "black technologies" of lazy **** technology, lazy **** technology fans.

As a big fan, journalist Chi Jiafeng also followed up on this matter.

As a journalist, he has a sharper sense of smell than everyone else, and he feels sensitively that this incident is different from before.

As he set off for Qingyang University, he followed Nanming's Weibo.

At 3:40 in the afternoon, Nanming updated another Weibo.

"I know that everyone is very concerned. There are two points to explain. First, at present, Lazy Technology has hired Ernst & Young's accountants to take over Lazy Technology's financial work. Although EY is expensive, Lazy Technology is not bad. Second, Because Qingyang High-tech Development Zone refuses to provide commercial land, Laoshen Technology intends to set the address of the new headquarters to Zhuqing County. I believe that for companies like Laoshen Technology, where the resident is not a problem. "

For the passers-by, the two statements are just ordinary statements, but in the eyes of a caring person, many things can be read out.

The first one is very clear. Lazy technology is not bad at all, and it does not want to evade taxes at all; the second one is simpler and more straightforward.

Lazy God Technology in Qingyang High-tech Zone may be under the jurisdiction of the High-tech Zone, many words are not easy to say.

However, fans of Lazy God Technology are from all over the country and even all over the world. They will not worry about Qingyang's face, dare to ask anything, and dare to say anything.

It soon became clear that a few questions were raised below.

"Nan, I don't understand. I checked the investment documents of Qingyang Hi-tech Zone. An innovative company like Lazy Technology belongs to the industry supported by Qingyang City. It should enjoy one year's tax free. Three years' tax The fee is halved, regardless of the income of Lazy Technology. In the first year, there is no tax payment. You only need to submit an income statement once every fiscal year. Why is Qingyang Hi-tech Zone so eager to check the accounts? "

"In addition, there is another point that I am wondering. Companies like Laoshen Technology should be rushed everywhere. Why does the high-tech zone refuse to apply for land? Did you put forward difficult conditions?

As soon as these two issues were raised, they immediately attracted many people's attention. Yeah, why is this?

In this age of self-media, any news event will not be isolated.

The era of large media and large institutions fully guiding and controlling public opinion is long gone. Anything may be fermented into a major event on the Internet.

Nan Ming does not justify, but it does not mean that others will not help him to justify and find reasons.

After searching, I accidentally found out the truth.

"The first question, I don't know why. It seems that Lazy Technology has not received preferential treatment of tax and fee reduction; the second question, we are helpless, because we only apply for commercial land in accordance with the normal process. No additional conditions are proposed. Maybe It is because there is too little communication between Lazy Technology and the government. After all, we have too few staff. "Nan Ming's answer seemed very helpless and puzzled.

In fact, Nanming doesn't really care about the reduction of taxes and fees, and he doesn't like to use his good relationship with many people to make profits for himself.

He already has lazy spirits and has the right to use the relationship to compete with others? That would look down on me too much, and eating is too ugly.

Besides, he personally participated in a battle for Wenji's investment promotion. He had a deeper understanding of fiscal revenue. Many of his friends eat financial food. They have more money and have a better life.

The premise is to use fiscal revenue on the right path.

This is why Nanming doesn't want to make things too big. Once things get bigger, innocent people will be implicated, and people in the entire high-tech zone will be scolded. Apart from that, in the last spy incident, regardless of safety, the police who belonged to the high-tech zone were also responsible for turning the tide.

Nan Ming intends to control the scope of the attack on the pit father Qi Chen and his father, and does not intend to expand the situation.

But sometimes, things don't go in the direction people think.

Seeing Nan Ming's answer, many people already have some guesses in their hearts.

In particular, Chi Jiafeng, as a journalist, has more exposure to the three teachings and nine streams, and he also knows a lot of rumors. At this time, he has some interpretation of the matter.

Then he couldn't help but get excited, big news! Something big is coming!

Fast, must fast!

Hurry up to dig out the inside story and publish it!

It is not just to compete with peers, but because the domestic news environment is very poor. Sometimes, a major event, the reporter interviewed for a long time, and finally the propaganda department issued a ban, and the manuscript was deleted.

Therefore, it must be fast, published on the website before the ban appears, whether tomorrow's newspaper can be published, you can only listen to fate!

Chi Jiafeng thought about it, it is no use going to interview Laoshen Technology now, what I want to interview now is actually the relevant department of Hi-tech Zone, and ask them why they are doing this.

Thinking about this, Chi Jiafeng quickly turned the driver around. As a result, he hadn't rushed back yet, and the Internet public opinion changed suddenly, which broke out for the first time.

Qingyang University even issued an official statement: "Lazy God Technology is the pride of our Qingyang University. Several students such as Nan Ming are also outstanding students of our school. Qingyang University will try its best to protect the rights and interests of students. Unfair treatment, Qingyang University will never sit idly by. Qingyang University has protested to Qingyang High-tech Zone through formal channels for reasonable explanations. If the high-tech zone cannot give an explanation, we will ask Qingyang for explanation . "

President Bai ’s personal authentication Weibo also reposted the statement, saying: “If Qingyang City ca n’t give an explanation, I do n’t mind bringing this matter to the next spring conference to reflect.”

When this official statement came out, especially the speech of President Bai ’s domineering side leak, it detonated the audience. Countless students at Qingyang University shouted, "Domineering!"

A student retweeted the statement and commented, "The principal Bai Bai has done a good job! I am proud of being a member of Qingyang University!"

"There are countless reasons not to like a university, but one reason is enough to like a university. It is worth your love! I love Qingyang University!"

"Principal Lao Bai, Meng Meng Da! Principal Lao Bai, I want to have monkeys for you!"

Seeing the statement from the principal of old Bai ~ ~ Nanming was really touched.

Looking down, the Law School of Qingyang University forwarded: "Mr. Nan, are you interested in prosecuting the high-tech zone government? We will provide a lawyer team of 200 people for free. You can sue whoever you say.

Later, the School of Economics forwarded: "Professional accounting, professional auditing, free service, door-to-door delivery, international top four accountants, we also have them here, President Nan, about?"

School of Philosophy and Social Development: "A new project has been set up to study how the government can do a good job in service and security in the Internet + era."

College of Physical Education: "We have a Sanda team."

Nan Ming laughed.

Not fighting alone, it's nice to feel backed.

At this moment, Nan Ming also felt that he loved this university.

It's great to be able to come to this university. (To be continued)

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