Lazy God Possession

Chapter 294: : Re-exploding Black Technology

Let his men take away a few people, but Jiang Sanjia stayed. For the public and private, he had to stay to protect Nanming and Liu Shouzhong.

Although Jiang Sanjia's character was very carefree, he still knew how to worry about the occasion. He didn't go to the table in Nanming, but went to the door and dragged Liu Shouzhong's driver to chat.

Although he was chatting here, his ears were upright, and he listened straight to the conversation behind him.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, I'm really troublesome for you. I blame me for all this ..." Liu Shouzhong kept taking responsibility from himself, Jiang Chaohua hurriedly said, "Where do you blame you? Why? It's because of that guy named Xu Xianlong, he ... "

Brother Jiang explained the cause and effect. Liu Shouzhong understood it. He sneered: "Brother Jiang, don't worry, I'll definitely check this out."

Manipulating state workers and retaliating against a small restaurant must not be tolerated.

No matter who is involved in it, he must check it out.

After dealing with this, Liu Shouzhong had no intention to eat, and said to Nanming: "Nanming, I do n’t have any position now to ask Lazy God Technology to stay, but rest assured, I will bring all these criminals to justice To build a high-tech zone into a place where people can live and work in peace, capital is willing to be retained, and investors are rushing to come. After I return, I will hold a press conference to formally apologize to Lazy Technology and other manufacturers and ask them Forgive me. "

Nan Ming shook his head and said, "In fact, whether it is to clear the internal tumors, change the existing situation, or apologize, it is not what you do now. The first thing you need to do is to quickly straighten out your work, because soon after. The academic conference is about to begin. It is estimated that in a few days, many international experts will come. What will happen when that happens will affect the image of the high-tech zone. "

Although sometimes feel the so-called image. The so-called face is all imaginary, why care so much?

But in fact, these have to be considered.

At this academic conference, not only are various experts and professors coming, but also international biotechnology company manufacturers and pharmaceutical company manufacturers. And those experts and professors who have their own companies and teams are also likely to invest in China.

The image of a city. It is essential for its development, and the city must develop in order to allow people living in this city to enjoy the dividends of development.

In this section, Liu Shouzhong came to the high-tech zone, not only an opportunity, but also a test, if you play it, it is finished.

For the first time, Liu Shouzhong was in charge. It can also be seen as an important appearance. I don't know how many people are staring at it.

"Lan Shen Technology. Although the headquarters cannot be left in the high-tech zone, but with the development speed of Lazy God Technology, there are still many opportunities in the future. I will definitely give priority to the high-tech zone." Nanming Road.

Lazy Technology's business is growing extremely fast, not to mention that they are still preparing for a big move.

At that time, building a branch company or directly establishing a new company will not be a problem.

Anyway, Nanming plans to use Qingyang University as the center and radiate the surroundings, whether it is in Zhuqing County or a high-tech zone. It makes no difference to him.

"Thank you! Thank you Nanming!" Liu Shouzhong held Nanming's hand tightly.

Coming to Hi-tech Zone is not only a test. It was also a competition.

In any case, he has to leave other businesses that Lazy Technology follow up in the high-tech zone.

Liu Shouzhong and Duan Zhixue. The boss is the opponent, and now the two are also opponents.

The last time Duan Zhixue was transferred to Zhuqing County, in fact, there was a strong sense of derogation. However, this time Liu Shouzhong arrived in the high-tech zone, and was commissioned in danger, promoted and tested. So at the level, Liu Shouzhong is half a level higher than Duan Zhixue.

However, due to Nan Ming's relationship, Duan Zhixue's status in Chu Chunhui's mind was restored again. It is conceivable that he would receive the strong support of Chu Chunhui.

And because of the mistakes of the high-tech zone, the relocation of Lazy God Technology to Zhuqing County can be seen as a bonus to Duan Zhixue.

And Liu Shouzhong was in a mess and was alive and well. He also lost the lazy **** technology, which can be said to have suffered a lot.

The two sides are almost at the same starting line. Whether for the boss or himself, he must not lose.

Moreover, now that he is in charge of the high-tech zone, he will not allow Nanming to be wronged without the boss's instructions.

The high-tech zone is large and small, up and down, I am afraid that few people know how terrible this storm in the high-tech zone is.

When it was learned that someone wanted to embezzle Nanming's assets, Lu Zhenguo was really angry. He patted the table at the office meeting and scolded the leader of Qingyang City with a dog blood spray.

In a blink of an eye, at the government meeting, Chu Chunhui lost his temper again and scolded the leaders of Qingyang City.

Lu Zhenguo and Chu Chunhui were angry together. How many people in this world can have such influence?

Liu Shouzhong knew clearly that his personal relationship with Nan Ming had been eliminated.

In this competition, those who win the Nanming will win the world.

Since Laoshen Technology couldn't stay, Liu Shouzhong took a quick sip and didn't stay long.

He was going to the police station to deal with those who had just been arrested.

Seeing him get up and leave, Jiang Sanjia quickly got up and wanted to keep up. Liu Shouzhong stopped him and said, "Three Jia, you will take Nan Ming back to them later."

Jiang Sanjia looked at Nanming with some hesitation.

Liu Shouzhong laughed: "You still think we are here in the midst of war in the Middle East. What two dangers can I have in these two steps?"

Jiang Sanjia responded.

Before leaving, Liu Shouzhong said to Jiang Sanjia: "Sanjia, I just arrived in the high-tech zone, and I don't know anything, especially the twists and turns at the grass-roots level. You have to help me keep an eye on things like today. Just deal with it. If you ca n’t handle it, just call me directly. If there is any news, we will communicate with each other. In the future, our brothers will work together to make a profit. ”

"Relax, clerk!" Jiang Sanjia snapped his breasts.

The driver looked at Jiang Sanjia with some doubts, thinking that the director Jiang also has a strong background? How do you think the secretary values ​​him?

But he didn't know. Liu Shouzhong knew that Jiang Sanjia had a close relationship with Nanming. In just a few months, Jiang Sanjia has made many contributions and will not be a thing in the pool in the future.

Then again. Liu Shouzhong also likes Jiang Sanjia's character. He is a man who is justified and a reliable person.

He entered the high-tech zone. And in the future officialdom, there need to be some people who can trust.

Jiang Sanjia was born with this advantage.

Liu Shouzhong thundered wildly. In the afternoon, the leaders of several related departments were called, and in the evening, the Discipline Inspection Commission was involved in the investigation.

It is said that Liu Shouzhong held a meeting in the evening and said: "No matter who is involved this time, I will never tolerate it. I don't care whether you are the first or second leader and what kind of work you are in charge of. I will check if you have any questions You. Come here this time. I got a military order, the director was checked, and the deputy director presided over the work. The deputy director was checked, and your deputy secretary was on top. As long as one person is still there, the work cannot be pulled down! You did OK, I'll get you right! "

These have caused some waves, but they have nothing to do with Nanming.

He and Zhang Feilin visited Vivian's photography exhibition together. Looking at the shocking photos spanning decades, he thought of the photographer's strange life. Various flavors in my heart.

Vivian was a nanny before her death, no house, no children. She lived in the house of the person she cared for all her life and had nothing after her death except hundreds of thousands of photos.

Even these hundreds of thousands of photos were collected bit by bit from the flea market. Many of them have never been washed out. Even Vivian herself has never seen her. works.

Perhaps only such people. In order to record everything silently with his own lens, it will be an instant. Freeze into eternity.

Out of the photo exhibition, Nan Ming and Zhang Feilin sat on the steps outside the exhibition hall. Blowing the wind and chatting, the heart could not be calm for a long time.

Probably there will never be such a great photographer in this world.

"Nanming, do you want to be someone like Vivian?" Zhang Feilin suddenly said.

"No, I want to do a lot of things, but what I do must be known to the whole world. I don't want everyone to know me and remember me after I die." Nan Ming shook his head.

Zhang Feilin thought for a while, and said, "I don't want to, if my photos are expected to be discovered by chance, it would be a pity. In case no one found them? No one has ever seen them. If it does n’t move or make people like it, what's the point of being a photographer? ”

She waved her fist: "I want to be a great photographer! I also have my own photography exhibition! I want to let the whole world know."

Nan Ming looked at Zhang Feilin. He liked Zhang Feilin. He had his own pursuit and great ideals, and that was a country he didn't understand and could not touch.

It's as if no matter how he looks at it, he can't understand why a photo can convey so many emotions, so shocking.

Art and science are really two completely different fields. Nanming has almost no talent in art.

Having seen Wei Wei'an's photos, Nan Ming suddenly felt that those who would only play with the aperture, look for beautiful scenery, and shoot flowers would be blurred, it was really weak.

It turns out that this is real photography.

No need for skills, it's shocking.

Zhang Feilin felt more shock than he did.

Zhang Feilin reached out and gestured, dreaming, thinking about how Wei Wei'an took such a picture.

Nan Ming reached into his arms and began to dig out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Feilin wondered.

"Buy a new camera for you." Nanming Road.

Zhang Feilin laughed.


The shock that this visit brought to Nanming could not be dissipated for a long time.

He admires Vivian, but he definitely doesn't want to be buried like Vivian.

So after going back, he posted a Weibo: "

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Shouzhong held a press conference to apologize to more than a dozen companies involved as acting director of the high-tech zone, and promised to provide them with the most preferential policies, up to five years of tax deductions, etc. Wait.

This makes Lashen Technology return to Fengjianlangkou again. Many people are at him and want to ask if he will move the headquarters back.

Nan Ming's response was still the four words: "Speak faithfully."

Then, he posted another Weibo: "The dust is settled, and we will never let it go. After one day, the technology will be black again!"

Later, he sent a link.

This link points to a brand new webpage with a countdown in the center of the page, which displays a 24-hour countdown.

Below the countdown, there is a progress bar. There are four nodes in the progress bar, and there are still six hours from the first node.

This gimmick has already been used up.

Any company ’s new product release dares to have such an appetite for appetite, and finally release a new mobile phone, get a mobile phone case and the like, even if it is black technology.

This time, will Lazy Technology be like this? It is estimated that Lazy Technology is in order to eliminate the previous impact.

Suddenly, this news caught the attention of the entire scientific and technological circle.

Unknowingly, major technology media have begun to forward this message.

At present, the lazy **** technology no longer needs to carry out publicity on its own, any of his actions will be paid attention to with high specifications.

From this point of view, the last time Lazy Technology was suppressed was actually a good thing.

What is the black technology of lazy **** technology?

Some people sneered. What black technology is dead? It's a new drone. What's so amazing?

Some people are looking forward to it. Last time, Lazy God Technology broke out super cow black technology such as supercomputing and lazy bugs.

As an avid fan of Lazy God Technology, reporter Chi Jiafeng went to inquire about the news and started leading the report.

The last in-depth report gave Chi Jiafeng a great voice in the fan circle of Lazy God Technology, and he was also known as an expert of Lazy God Technology.

Therefore, after Nan Ming broke the news again, many people asked him: "Brother Chi, is there any inside information? Let me know a little bit."

Chi Jiafeng was crying. Where did he get any inside information?

Other companies did a good job of keeping secrets. Lazy company is not secret at all. Their technology just popped out of the crack of the stone.

Lazy God Technology is just a few people, how exactly this black technology developed? Did it fall from the sky?

Chi Jiafeng called Cai Wendi and said, "General President Cai, what kind of black technology is it? Tell me something?"

Cai Wendi said that it is inconvenient to disclose that Chi Jiafeng softly and hardly foamed for a while, Cai Wendi only said: "This matter is related to the disabled. You know our company is a caring company and has been committed to helping the disabled.

"Ah?" To tell the truth ~ ~ Chi Jiafeng was a little disappointed. "Disabled, what kind of disabled?"

"Well, disabled people with reduced mobility," Cai Wendi said.

Chi Jiafeng asked again, Cai Wendi did not say more.

"Can I disclose this news?"

"Well, it's just this news, it's okay." Cai Wendi thought for a while and said.

Chi Jiafeng is a media that has been very happy to work with him. The benefits should be given.

Hanging up the phone, Chi Jiafeng was a little tangled.

There is nothing to publicize about helping people with disabilities.

This time, I am afraid that Lazy Technology will let the outside world down.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to disclose the matter. He is a reporter, recording and disseminating facts, which is his job. (To be continued)

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