Lazy God Possession

Chapter 313: : Xiaobai is a girl

Time has passed, and it has been almost an hour since Qingda Lazy God was attacked.

Some doubts and doubts gradually came out on the network. Some sensitive users had already felt that they were wrong, and began to guess whether they had been attacked.

"Nanming, Luoshang began to question!" Su Hongyi ran to the door of Nanming's hiding room, reached out and patted the door, and was stopped by Yang Ji and Zhao Gaofeng, who are like doormen.

"Hey, what are you doing in there? Don't tell me you still have a nap at this time!" Su Hongyi yelled outside the door.

"Wait a minute!" Nan Ming shouted at the door.

"Can't wait any longer, I guess there will be news of a third-party platform announcing our attack soon." Su Hongyi said.

"Then we will announce it in advance. You go to the network and announce that we are now under hacking by ddos ​​as a cover up, and we are urgently dealing with it!" Nanming Road.

Since you can't hide it, don't hide it.

"Really want to do this?" Su Hongyi was a little hesitant. They always created high-end images with their lazy technology. Now they have been invaded, and they have dealt a heavy blow to the image created before.

Su Hongyi can even imagine how tomorrow's news topics will be written.

"Hackers move the world."

"The lazy **** technology that just changed the world, ⊕v⊕v, $ x. Will also surrender in front of hackers."

"Hackers, terrorism in the new era, who can stop them?"

However, both the victim and the weak are inconsistent with the image positioning of Lazy Technology.

Lazy technology should be powerful and invincible!

"Go do it." Nanming said, then he turned to look at Xiaobai who was suspended in the air.

The power of authority surged, and his fingers slowly opened again.

Intellectual authority is a huge force. Ripped along the seams of the four faces, it seems that four ultra-thin blue glass generally float in the air, exposing the inner core like mist.

The lazy **** is numb. In theory, being split like this is like a person being unloaded. Intellectual authority should have fallen apart.

But now, the four sides of the wisdom authority are suspended in the air so independently, and a hazy light inside continues to shine.

This allows the intelligent authority, which is extremely difficult to control, to be smoothly integrated into Xiaobai's shell.

At this time, Lazy God had to start to face up to Nan Ming's authority.

No matter how he deceived himself, he couldn't deny it.

Perhaps this authority possessed by Nanming is the most stable and inert authority in the world.

Even the torrent of time and space can't help it.

Traces of blue smoke and dust penetrated into the small white shell. The white shell was stained with a layer of blue fluorescence.

This process is longer than Nan Ming imagined.


At the same time, near a port in Seattle, U.S.A., a small company called "Mountain Wheel Export Trading Company" under the headquarters, in a large hall completely different from this small import and export trading company, more than ten people Sitting in front of the computer, staring nervously at the screen in front.

The data was brushed line by line, but all of them were shocking red.

"Can't get in! Can't get in! Can't get in!" A bearded fat man clutched his head fiercely. "How is this possible, even if it is a copper wall. We should go in!"

This hacker organization under the guise of Shanlun Import and Export Trading Company is affiliated with an unknown foundation. The most frequently done thing is to attack some high-tech companies to find their flaws.

Most people in this organization think they are called together. Hackers doing business activities, but only a few leaders know that they are actually affiliated with the US intelligence service, the so-called foundation, just a disguise.

"It's so difficult to break. What system did they use?" Someone wondered, all kinds of common vulnerabilities were invalid, and the results of various tests, scans, and feedback were all hopeless.

"The official information is written about the lazy **** system." Another person took out the official brochure of lazy **** technology, took a look, and said, "Is it a brand new system?"

"It's impossible. The Chinese simply don't have the ability to write a brand new system. They like to put Linx directly on their skin and think of it as a new system."

"But if it's not a completely new system, why do we have several underlying vulnerabilities that we have mastered?"

Everyone was silent. The bearded fat man looked up at the clock above his head. The ddos ​​attack had passed for an hour, and in fact, they had already tried to invade Qingda Lazy God long before the ddos ​​attack began. Divert their attention and make them powerless to withstand the invasion.

But the results are not obvious.

One hour is a very sensitive time. Many victims who are invaded by ddos, at this time, have to make a decision to break the jar or directly take the device offline.

Downlines may also reduce losses.

And they must not let Qingda Lazy God go offline, if Qingda Lazy God goes offline, they will lose the opportunity to invade.

"Asshole, don't let the Kevin Cron Institute take the lead!" The bearded fat man exasperated.

They have been paying attention when Lazy God Technology released the exoskeleton.

The position of the Mountain Wheel Trade and the Kevin Cron Institute are somewhat similar. They are peripheral members of the military's intelligence agencies. They usually do things that are very sensitive and inconvenient to use military equipment.

Their goals are all the technology of Lazy God Technology, but the people at the Kevin Cron Institute took a more direct approach, first bought it, and then reverse engineering, and finally got the technology of Lazy God Technology, it can be said that Yang Mou.

And their approach is to directly hack, hoping to get key information, if it works, it will be much faster than reverse engineering.

But now, their invasion is not going well at all. He heard that the people at the Kevin Cron Institute have submitted orders to Lazy God Technology, and it seems Lazy God Technology also agreed.

How does this work?

Whoever gets the technology of Lazy God Technology will have more financial appropriations. His sunny beach, his big hose, and his daughter ’s private school are all this time.

At this moment, a member who was always following the development of Lazy God Technology said: "Lazy God Technology announced that they were attacked!"

"Not good!" The beard was shocked, and announced his situation to the outside world, usually a turning point, and 80% of people would choose to go offline to the server.

Beard thought for a while and said, "Let your guys hold them!"

"Okay, I'll contact them," said the member.

DDos is something with little technical content. People on the Shanlun team do not have time to do it on weekdays. This time, they actually hired a hacker team on the network to do it.

And they robbed while on fire.

Beard has no liking for those "bulk" hackers, believing that they lack the spirit of cooperation. In the beginning, they also questioned the reliability of these people.

But now, he can only rely on these people to drag the lazy **** technology.

Just after Lazy Technology announced that Qingda Lazy God was attacked, on Twitter, a hacker team named “treid” claimed responsibility for the attack and made a request. If Lazy Technology will 1500 in half an hour You can stop the attack by transferring Bitcoin to the designated account.

At the current exchange rate of about 350 US dollars for 1 bitcoin, this will be a huge sum of 500,000 US dollars.

"These **** really dare to speak!" The bearded scolded him fiercely, and he meowed, sometimes as a wild hacker.

"Nanming! The hacker organization wants to blackmail us!" Su Hongyi finally couldn't help again ~ ~ ran outside the small room where Nanming was hiding and started knocking on the door again.

"Wait a minute!" Nan Ming shouted again.

In his hands, the wisdom authority has stopped penetrating into Xiaobai's shell, and the remaining traces of blue smoke and dust gradually receded into the four sides, and finally turned into a much smaller, grain-sized gem.

I didn't expect that there was a little left, but did Xiaobai's evolution succeed?

Nan Ming carefully observed that, from the appearance, Xiaobai had not changed at all except the faintly flashing blue light.

"Little white?" Nan Ming asked in a low voice.

"Well." There was a sound, then a slightly gentle female voice rang: "Hello, Nan Ming."

"Xiaobai, are you a girl?" Nan Ming stunned. (To be continued ...)



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