Lazy God Possession

Chapter 317: : Mom and Dad are coming!

"The good show always ends too quickly and spreads its hands." Nanming posted another Weibo. "Okay, after watching the good show, let's wash and sleep. Tomorrow, it will be Monday to work and school!"

Chi Jiafeng took a deep breath and looked up at the time. It was already 10:30 in the evening, and it was time to sleep.

These days, Chi Jiafeng really hasn't slept well all day, and is busy reporting various news about Lazy God Technology.

The wave of new products released by Lazy Technology and the follow-up storms caused by it are really one after another, and they are too compact.

At this point, the dust settled, Chi Jiafeng even felt that he should take a public holiday and relax.

"Mr. Nan should also take a rest. It's not like your style to go to bed so late." Chi Jiafeng wrote back on Weibo.

"Yeah, there was a celebration party, but suddenly this incident happened. Fortunately, we have a very reliable security team." Nanming replied.

Zhao Gaofeng also saw Nanming ’s Weibo, and immediately stared, staring at Nanming: “General Nan, we ...”

Who thought of Nan Ming grinning and sent another one: "In fact, Lazy God Technology welcomes all hackers to come to learn, as long as you do n’t play this kind of non-technical content, do not affect the normal operation of the website, here is an IP address, tomorrow Open at 12 noon, no matter black hats and white hats, everyone is welcome to come and play, there are prizes, rest assured, it is really fun. Take a break tonight, snoring, good night! "

Then Nan Ming said to Zhao Fengfeng and Yang Ji: "Security team, it's up to you!"

Zhao Gaofeng and Yang Ji both gazed at each other. Did they really look at them?

And, if they read it right, Nan Ming put all the previous credit on them. How does this work?

Both Zhao Fengfeng and Yang Ji felt pressured.

"Relax, come back with me at night, I will give you a reference book."

Since Zhao Feng and Yang Ji really have this mentality. Why isn't he happy?

With the rapid development of lazy gods, Zhao Fengfeng, if they do not learn. It will also be dropped.

Nan Ming likes Zhao Fengfeng very much, so he doesn't want anyone to be left.

He wanted everyone to go with him.

"Let's talk about it first, a book with 20 points, not a little less!" Nan Ming grinned, and finally got a deductible point.

Zhao Feng Gao had them arranged here, Nan Ming looked at td and Wang Xing again, and laughed:

"Td, Mr. Wang. Thank you for your help."

Wang Xing shook hands with Nan Ming dumbly. This is the first time he has really come into close contact with Nanming, and it is also the first time that he has learned Nanming's behavior style.

too strong!

Powerful to burst!

Such a young boy who seems to be lazy and laugh, when he does things, his style is extremely tough, extremely destructive and impactful. This huge contrast makes people a little uncomfortable.

This is the person who convinced his boss Qing Zhongtang to take it orally?

Was that ... the boss was abused by Nan Ming like those hackers?

"South ... Mr. Nan!" Td suddenly yelled, "Can I join Lazy God Technology?"

She had a hunch if she missed the opportunity. Maybe in the future, there will be no chance.

Nan Ming smiled: "Okay, which department do you want to join?"

"I ..." td Chinese is not very smart. But also understood that Nan Ming was asking her to choose a person.

She turned her eyes and reached for the iron egg.

The creator of the lazy worm, besides Nan Ming, is another idol.

"Me?" Iron Egg stared. "I'm not programming anymore!"

"Everyone has chosen you, so you just can't accept it." Nan Ming patted Iron Egg's shoulder and yawned: "Leave, go back to your house. Go to your mother!"

"It's a bit cold outside." Yang Ji ran to the car and Zhao Fengfeng took off his jacket. Put on Nan Ming's body.

Qingyang Evening News, Chi Jiafeng put on clothes. I took the car key, went out, was blown by the night breeze, and started a cold war.

There seems to be cold currents tonight, and the temperature has dropped a lot. Coming out of a heated room, I really haven't adapted well.

Although his body was very cold, Chi Jiafeng's heart was warm. The scene I saw just now made him feel **** and hard to be himself.

Tonight, there must be many people who have trouble sleeping all night.

Hundreds of kilometers away, Wenji, Nan Da had just returned from an entertainment this evening, shivering into the house, slamming the door, and closing the door, he said to Nan: "It's cold outside."

Nanma frowned in front of the window early in the morning, listening to the wind blowing outside the window.

It is said that this is a cold current from Siberia. If it affects more than half of China, it will cool down by ten degrees, and many places will be directly below zero.

Hearing Nan ’s father, Nan ’s mother frowned and said, “Xiaoming did n’t take down jacket when he went to school. He said he would pick it up in the middle, but he did n’t come back. No clothes added ... "

Qianling mother was worried about the child, Nanming was not in good health, and Nanma was even more worried.

It is only that Nanming's personality is strong, and Nanma can only pay attention to it from afar, and she is always nervous and uneasy.

"Xiao Ming has never left home for such a long time, nor has he ever been outside in the winter. He is outside and no one takes care of him. What to do if he has no clothes to wear and has a cold ..."

Thinking about it, Nanma seemed to see Nanming wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold wind, suddenly worried.

"This child, don't say anything, I stand by myself, every time I ask him if the money is enough, I say that the money is enough, it is really worrying ..." Although Nanming knows that there is income, Nan Mom thinks, he ca n’t be away from Wenji, and Qi Bin also pays him more than 10,000 a month. Whose money is not brought by the gale?

Furthermore, Nanming's strange disease requires eating and drinking. If one is outside, how can there be so many people at home to take care of it, and the children will not manage their finances, and it is estimated that the balance is not much.

The more Nan Nan thought, the more worried she became. No matter how old their children are, they are also children to worry about.

"No, I need to make a phone call." Seeing that it was not 11 o'clock, Nanma quickly took out her cell phone.

She remembered Nan Ming said that the lights were turned off at 11 o'clock in the school. Where would these children go to sleep without turning off the lights?

When Nan Ming answered the phone, he was sitting in the back seat of his car and chatting with Xiao Bai.

When I saw the phone call from my mother, I was a little puzzled and said, "Mom, why did you call so late? What? Cooled down? I didn't feel it."

Yang Ji stopped the car close to the door. Someone was wearing Zhao Feng's jacket and got out of the car. There was air-conditioning in the car.

For people like Zhao Gaofeng and Yang Ji, this temperature change doesn't make any sense at all. The Lazy God Gym is not a white exercise, so there is no mention of temperature.

Nanma doesn't think so, she feels bad when she hears it. This child, I don't know if it's cold or hot, I'm afraid that I will get a cold, so I know I need to add clothes. Whoops, what can I do?

"You didn't bring down jackets when you left. Do you still have clothes?" Nanma asked.

"Down jacket? Have it!" Nan Ming scratched his head. He remembered that Zhao Gaofeng took two down jackets two days ago and stuffed them in his closet, saying that it was reserved for the lazy **** security and Jifeng security people in winter. By the way, I bought it in uniform, but it is too big and thick to wear.

Nanming himself bought an assault jacket and a fleece jacket, a couple model with Zhang Feilin, and now also wears a fleece jacket. If the wind blows, replace it with a heavy fleece and add a hard shell.

"What's there? Definitely no more." On the phone, Nanming heard Nanma said: "Tomorrow my father and I will send you a down jacket. Would you like a quilt? You don't seem to have a thick quilt!"

Then he heard Nanma said to Nandad: "His dad ~ ~ tomorrow you take a public holiday. Let's go buy a down jacket in the morning and go to Qingyang in the afternoon!"

"Hey, mom, are you coming tomorrow? No, I have clothes to wear!" Nanming said quickly.

No, mom is coming. What should I do at this stall?

To be exposed!

"Tomorrow we will go by train at noon, and we will arrive in the afternoon. That's it! I have no clothes left, tell me, I will buy them tomorrow morning, and you won't buy clothes by yourself!" Nanma said without a doubt.

"I ..." Nan Ming was crying, "I don't need anything!"

"Stupid boy, Mom doesn't know you yet? Okay, just wait for our phone call at school tomorrow afternoon!" Mom hung up.

Nan Ming raised his head in tears and looked forward.

Big trouble!

It's going to be exposed! It's really going to be exposed! (To be continued)

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